Wonderful Wednesday – Week 1

Welcome to the first Wonderful Wednesday!  Each week our WW will be in this format you see below — a graphic to share, a devotion, a Next Step, and a weekly giveaway. Let’s get to it!


(Click on ‘share image’ on the bottom right of the graphic above to share it online or you can pin it to Pinterest by clicking on the red ‘Pin it’ button in the upper left corner. You can do this with each graphic throughout the study!)

She begged and pleaded for months, as I tried to stand my ground against her persistent attempts to win me over.

My then 6th grade daughter wanted to participate in the local community beauty pageant, but I had some serious reservations about it, for a lot of reasons. But as kids can sometimes do, her begging eventually wore down my defenses and I gave in to her pleading. But on one condition.

The one condition: I was not going to go buy a big fancy pageant dress which would cost more than my wedding dress did.

She already had a beautiful silky blue dress, with lots of ruffles and sequins, that we had bought that same year to wear for another occasion and Kaitlyn agreed that dress would be perfect. Even though it was a tea length dress and not a formal gown, she loved the dress and was excited about being in the pageant.

The weeks flew by and with each passing day, Kaitlyn grew more and more excited. We had bought some cute, clear Cinderella-type little heels and some pretty earrings, all of which matched her dress perfectly. So when the day of the pageant finally arrived, we spent hours getting ready – curling her long blond silky hair into beautiful golden rolls that cascaded down her back, brushing on a light dusting of glittery blue eye shadow and pink blush and dabbing on some shiny lip gloss across her lips.

We arrived to the auditorium and as she hopped out of the car to run in and take her place, she turned around and waved, smiling ear to ear, full of joy and anticipation.  You could see the confidence and excitement bubbling over in her big sparkly blue eyes.

My family and I parked the car, then walked inside and took a seat and waited for the pageant to begin. But then just before the time came to get started, I saw a little familiar face partially peering out from behind the huge heavy stage curtains, and my heart began to flutter. Something was up.

As soon as Kaitlyn spotted where we were sitting, she tip toed down all the stairs on the side of the stage, crouched all the way across the front of the auditorium, and tried to nonchalantly make her way to down the aisle where we were sitting.

I wondered what was wrong, but as she drew closer, I noticed a dramatic difference in her demeanor. Her eyes were still sparkling, but only because they were now full of crocodile tears threatening to spill out. The joy had left her face, and her little glossy bottom lip was quivering.

“Kaitlyn, what in the world is wrong? What could have possibly happened in the past 10 minutes to upset you so much?”, I whispered with great concern.

“Mommy, all the girls are wearing full length dresses. And I’m wearing this ugly tea length dress. I look stupid and I’m not pretty and I’m not going to win. I wish I hadn’t entered this pageant.”

A fiery dart shot through my mama heart. What kind of terrible, heartless mother doesn’t buy her daughter the dress she needs? But then, I remembered why I had objected to the pageant in the first place — because I didn’t want my daughter to put her self worth and confidence in the hands of people judging her for appearance and perfection alone. I didn’t want her to look around and try to measure up to all the other girls in the pageant, because I knew all too well the dangers lurking in that comparison trap. Yet that is exactly what she had done, and in those few moments before the pageant, she had decided she didn’t measure up at all. And she didn’t belong.

Unfortunately, we don’t stop doing that just because we’re all grown up. We are always comparing ourselves to other women, who we think are more successful or more attractive, better educated, thinner, richer; a better mom or wife, or sister, or friend. We compare ourselves to others who we feel have probably made less mistakes than we have made in our life times, and therefore, measure up and belong. We compare our biggest weaknessess to other’s biggest strengths, and that is a sure fire recipe to having the joy zapped from our hearts and the sparkle taken out of our eyes.

Psalm 139:14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. (NLT)

Regardless of translation, this is a verse that us girls need to memorize, so that each time we find ourselves looking around – falling into that comparison trap baited with low self esteem and lack of confidence – we can utter that sweet promise from God in Psalm 139 and remind ourselves how valuable we are to Him.

Let’s take a look at Psalm 139:13-16 from The Message Bible:

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

Don’t you just love that? If we were to actually embrace these verses as absolute truths, would we be able to see a different reflection in the mirror each day? Would we able to better avoid the temptation to compare ourselves to others, or hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations and standards, and instead focus on the fact that we are each uniquely and beautifully and wonderfully made? In fact, breathtaking and marvelous?!   I think so. Don’t you?

Now, I know it’s not easy. Especially when we see traits or attributes in other people that we genuinely wish we had. Especially when someone else has a talent or gift or blessing that we desperately want. Especially when we have circumstances that have happened in our past that make us feel unworthy or damaged, or when our mistakes are constantly swirling in our minds, reminding us how flawed we really are. Especially when we’ve spent years feeling “less than” and can’t imagine feeling anything differently.

But friend, these verses remind us that the God made us all different and unique for a purpose. That He created us, knitted us together, in a special way, in order to make us special. Special individuals. With unique fingerprints, appearances, talents and lives completely different from anyone else on the planet. Special, with different background and a myriad of experiences that He sees as training ground for purpose.

He skillfully wove together everything about us – our lives, our traits, our looks, our experiences. And nothing about His creations are anything less than beautiful and breaktaking.

As we embark on this first week of study, this is the promise I want you to let saturate deep into your heart. I’m guessing you’ve read Psalm 139:14 in the past – but let this be the day when you let it take root in your heart and help you form a new reflection in the mirror. Allow yourself to see what God sees. Starting today.

Despite the tearful, lack-of-confidence episode, Kaitlyn did go through with the pageant that year, after I had reassured her how beautiful she was inside and out and gave her so many tight hugs that I squeezed out a few smiles, but no, she didn’t win.

But you know what? It didn’t even matter, because she learned a valuable lesson about true beauty and that dangerous comparison trap, and has remembered that lesson for many years. My little girl, now a college Freshman and an amazing young adult, is beautiful to God no matter what she looks like, how she dresses, what she does or does not accomplish or how many times she messes up.  And so are you.

There are a lot of promises that our Promise Keeper makes in the Bible – and the first step toward really embracing them as truths, is to first believe that we are precious and valuable to Him. No matter what. Simply because He said so.


On a piece of plain paper, or pretty decorative paper, write out a prayer of commitment to begin believing and embracing how valuable you are to God.  Put into words what it means to you to acknowledge and embrace that you are a royal daughter of the Most High King. Express how it makes you feel to accept once and for all that you are His beloved. Include your commitment to believe how beautiful you are in His eyes, and to accept His promise of unconditional forgiveness and love.

In your own words, also acknowledge that He has a beautiful plan for your life. Then find a pretty frame around the house or purchase a new one (Dollar Store or Marshalls has some cute ones!), and place your sweet prayer of commitment inside. Place it somewhere in your home where it can serve as a constant reminder of your commitment to embrace your value in Christ and continually see yourself through His eyes instead of your own.  (If you don’t want use a frame, post it on your fridge, vanity mirror, or anywhere visible in your home.)

** Excited about your commitment?! Share a photo of yourself on Facebook and/or Twitter with your framed commitment and tag me, so I can see your beautiful smiling face and respond to your post!**



Two lucky ladies will win one of these two beautiful frames to put their prayer of commitment in and keep as a keepsake reminder of the day they acknowledged and embraced who they are in Christ.

To enter to win, leave a comment sharing one thing that might change in your life today if you allow yourself to believe you are beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ.


Monday’s winners notified via email were:
Printed Study Guides -Donna L. Forshee and Loretta Dettmer
Digital Study Guides – Eileen Houghtlin, Sharon C. and Micah


  1. Krista on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:22 am

    My attitude and reactions to those around me. When I love myself.. I can better love those around me!! Thanks for the wonderful reminder!! Happy Wednesday!

  2. Amy on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:25 am

    I’d like to think that I’ll walk taller and not try to make myself seem as inconspicuous as possible in public because I’ll remember that I am beautiful, wonderful, and valuable to Christ.

  3. Pam on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:34 am

    I will smile more.

  4. Kyndra on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:43 am

    I will be more secure in myself. A lot less worried about what other people think about me because I am fully confident in who I am in Christ and know his great love for me.

  5. Kari on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:47 am

    Wow what a timely Wonderful Wednesday message! I just got back from our church’s ladies retreat and this message is what the Lord used to open the hearts and minds of all who attended. We as women, need to stick up for each other and truly accept each other as fearfully and wonderfully made! No more comparing, no more feeling less than but let us all work towards that unity in the body of Christ that He is asking us to. We all have a beautiful plan for our lives and it is time to believe it, stand on it and through that, encourage others to see themselves the way our precious Lord sees us! Thank you for sharing this. I am committed!

  6. Nina Ruth on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:48 am

    If I allow myself to believe that I am beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ, I will finally take the steps to fulfill the call to be a missionary in the UK that I have had in my heart since I was 7 years old, and which I believe the Lord placed there when He knit me together in my mother’s womb.

  7. Mary on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:51 am

    Wow! What a year it’s been already! My life has felt like it got tossed into the blender, and put on purée. Lost in the shadows of all the commotion, I had lost myself to the deafening silence, and darkness of the place I thought I was walking….alone. Unimportant to my God. Not a priority or a daughter…. a stepchild whose answers to prayer seemed to never come. Yet, today….I awake after a restless night, to find the very words of reminder that my soul needed, in order to detoxify from the ugly, poisoness thoughts I had allowed to be my friends. I AM fearfully and wonderfully made, and loved! I am! It’s true. I don’t have to “measure up” to those around me. I am a Princess In Process, a daughter of the King of Kings, beloved and held dear to His heart. This moment was like the “Lost Boy” in Peter Pan! He held, the now older, Peter’s face, one palm of his hand on each cheek. He looked, and looked, intently at Peter and peered deeply into his eyes. Then, he smiled, a broad, ear to ear smile, and exclaimed, ” There you are, Peter!!!! I knew you were in there!!!” I, too, had a peering into my eye gate this morning. And, I am in there! Loved unconditionally, starting my day knowing this, and REMEMBERING….like your sweet daughter, behind the crocodile tears….that who I am in Him, is amazing, simply because He made me.
    Thank you! My day has new meaning, and I take my first steps out of bed, and onto the chilly, wood floor …. KNOWING… I do matter, because of His love for me!
    Long story…. Yes! But, sometimes, that’s what it takes to describe the moment you realize you have awakened from a dark place, and the sun is shining, and God is ever near, listening and answering the cry of your heart. To know you DO measure up in His eyes? Priceless!!!

    • Connie Taylor on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 5:03 am

      Mary your words so spoke to me. You are a talented writer in that you were able to deliver with clarity and honesty the very things I feel. AMAZING!

      • Mary on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 12:02 am

        Oh, Connie. Thank you so much. I appreciate that God was able to speak to you, through what I put on paper.
        I think the biggest thing for me, Connie, is to continue to fill my eyes and my ears, and my heart with reminders of His love for me. Music touches my core, and I am able to feel it saturating those crevices where the ugly feelings of defeat can attempt to hide. It washes those places, and so does His word.
        I am finally able to read it again, and hear Him speak. It’s not that He was hiding from me, but I from Him. The loudness of all of my pain and discontent simply muffled The sound of His voice. To hear Him again… In that whisper… “Child of mine…I have loved you from your very start.”, is utterly breathtaking.
        My prayer for you, Connie, is for a continuing of what He is already beginning in you. The epiphany that happens when you look in the mirror and you see His beloved Princess…YOU!
        We are both “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
        There is no greater love.
        In His Grip,

  8. Theresa Cloe on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:52 am

    Being judgmental towards others sometimes.

  9. Lauren on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:52 am

    To accept this as my truth, as His truth, would change my inside. More confidence, because I can see myself as beautiful in His eyes, and to be beautiful in His eyes is something I find I long for daily. I’m always striving to be better for Him. Remembering that He loves me the way He made me? It changes everything…

  10. Barbara on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:08 am

    I have struggled with comparing myself with others since I was a child.My daddy kept telling me over and over and more overs to be yourself. It’s not about what others have in material things, It is their slim bodies and the beautiful clothes they wear. I haven’t been slim a day in my life. And therefore I don’t feel beautiful in my clothes. Thank you Tracie so much for your wonderful words of wisdom. I am going to write out a prayer to stop now comparing myself to others and pray for God to help me to do this. Blessings,Barbara

  11. Casey on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:09 am

    I believe joy will shine through me more. When I find myself in the pit of comparing myself, I seem to run ragged and not see the beauty around me.

  12. Erin on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:21 am

    My confidence level and the way I follow through on things. I also feel I would love people more and have a more positive attitude.

  13. Sandi on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:25 am

    I will remember that my disability does not define who I am. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I will hold my head up high and not be afraid to be who God intended me to be.

    Thank you, my precious Lord!

  14. Rachelle on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:35 am

    What a wonderful post today! Thank you Tracie!!!! 🙂 I know one thing that might change in my life today if I choose to believe that I am beautiful, valuable and wonderful in Christ, would be my ability to help others believe that about themselves! If I don’t approach people with the confidence that I believe that about myself, then how can I truly convince them that they are beautiful, valuable and wonderful in Christ? I do admit that I have trouble admitting this at times, but today, I choose to believe the truth, and the truth is…… I AM beautiful, valuable and wonderful in Christ!!!! <3

  15. Teresa Watts on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:47 am

    Awesome word, Tracie. Thank you for sharing God’s truth in regard to how God sees us.

    I was born into and raised in a dysfunctional family and home. I was never shown love, I was never shown affection, and never received words of affirmation or encouragement. To say that I personally struggled would definitely be an understatement. I was constantly striving to please just to receive some kind of affirmation, which almost always left me exhausted and usually not receiving the affirmation that my heart so desperately needed. I saw myself through the eyes of rejection and always personally felt less. It was just here recently that God revealed to me how He sees me.

    I was driving into town and talking to God when He let me see myself as He sees me. It was a beautiful picture of me in this beautiful long white dress with this beautiful flower woven tiara. He spoke to my heart and said, “My daughter, I see you as a beautiful young virgin unscathed by the corruption of sin. I don’t see your sin, your failures, your moments of unfaithfulness, but I see you through your Lord and Saviour and My Son, Jesus. I see you beautiful and flawless inside and out. To say the least, “The attitude of my heart changed in the manner that I viewed myself.

    Thank you again, Tracie, for the beautiful reminder. God bless!

  16. Lisa on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:47 am

    Tracie, Thank you for this perfect timing post. I am struggling with comparing myself to my husband’s deceased wife and it is destroying me and my marriage. I am going to do this commitment. Replace my destructing thoughts with this truth over and over and over.

  17. Ginny on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:52 am

    God made me just the way I am. He doesn’t make mistakes. I am perfect in His eyes. What a joy to actually believe this and live it out each day!

  18. Sharon C. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:53 am

    I can already see a affirmation of how I’ve judged myself harshly. I didn’t believe that anyone could love me except my family and not all of them. I know I always have the love of my sweetheart. I’m changing my ideas of always thinking I’m fat, ugly, unworthy of anyone’s love. If your parents can’t love you, you wonder why God put you in their lives plus added 2 other siblings. I can see that I’ve been believing wrong thoughts. I wish I had do overs but there isn’t. I want to start Praising God for who He made me to be and not who I’ve been thinking I am. My dad died a couple of months ago and between him and my mom there was so much hate and anger and it overflowed into me. I’ve sat out the last 5 years a broken person. I no longer want to be that broken person. I can’t change my perception of myself without giving myself over to God. Thank you Tracie, Linda, Bonnie and Kristi for putting this study together.

  19. Sharon C. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:10 am

    Tracie I saw that I had won a digital study guide. Thank you so much but I wanted to get the most out of this study that I purchased one myself. It would be good if you could give it to someone else so they to can get the full benefit of this study. Appreciate it. Love you, Sharon C.

    • Sharon C. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 11:23 am

      If I jumped to a conclusion about me winning the Monday giveaway I’m sorry. It said Sharon C so I thought it was me. It said the winners would receive an e-mail. I’ve looked and didn’t see an e-mail so maybe I wasn’t the winner. If I didn’t win just omit the previous comment about the study guide. Thank you.

  20. Michelle V on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:18 am

    If I truly believe that I am beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ, then I can stop worrying about what others think of me, and what others have said or will say about me. I could get out of my house more and have the courage to go places and do things, rather than hiding all the time.

  21. scarlett allen on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:52 am

    If I truly believe that I am valuable and worthy to Christ, I think I would probably have more self-confidence to get out and love on more people for Christ so that I could probably figure out my calling and purpose in life. I think that feeling not good enough keeps me fearful of doing many things.

  22. mattie on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 11:35 am

    I am fearfully and wonderfully made .took me MANY years to believe that .I also know he has a plan and purpose (Jeremiah 29:11) .not my plans ,but his .I am thankful on this most wonderful of wednesday’s that he is in control and I am not ( and that I don’t have a magic wand ,because it would be on like donkey kong .lol) I cant change a thing ,and for the first time in my life .I am glad 🙂

  23. Ashton Firkus on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 11:42 am

    I will smile knowing that I am beautiful how I am and it doesn’t matter how others see me. (I continue to struggle with acne. With being short, I tend to get looked at as if I am a teenager.)

  24. Karen W. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    If I truly believe I am special in God’s eyes and He isn’t punishing me for mistakes in the past, then I would have confidence in my relationships that I am worthy and not have to feel insecure and less than –

  25. Mary on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    I would have to say that this is something I have come to believe in my head, but it has not sunk into my heart for it to be the place I constantly live from. So today I commit to partner with the Holy Spirit as He writes it on my heart and enables me to live out of this truth. Thank you so much for this timely message and study. I truly know this is God’s timing. I praise Him for His faithfulness to complete the work He has begun in me.

  26. Shannan Williams on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    What a wonerful post. I need to see myself as God sees me…His beautiful daughter who was created by Him, in His own image. This will help me see myself as more valuable and have better self-worth.

  27. Wanda C. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    Wow what a week so far! To think that I am truely loved by a forgiving God! I am excited as to what is to come in the following weeks. TY for this study it is exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  28. Kimberly on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    I really believe that I would have less anxiety and worry about my heart. I also think that I would get out there and do the things that I have been feeling on my heart lately.

  29. T. A. Essex on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 1:14 pm

    My security within myself. especially my hair ~ I have been diagnosis with alopecia ~ I had my biopsy on last Thursday, March 12, 2015 and will receive my results on Thursday, March 26, 2015 ~ to identify the exact type of alopecia I have . Knowing that God workmanship is me ~ that’s awesome ~ which means I am marvelous made ~ I can say with a joyful heart “Thank you so much for making me so wonderfully complex! I love you guys!

  30. Christy on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    Thank you for this encouragement through the truth of God’s word. I will try to day these verses over & over until they can become my own belief. Unfortunately, they currently are not.

  31. Miranda miller on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    Knowing that am valuable to the Lord, I will learn that my life has a purpose. With everything going on my life, I need to understand that this is happening for a reason although I may not understand it right now, I know God will use me and my trial for His greater good.

  32. Lisa on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    I will smile more on the inside and the outside. It will give me a better outlook for each day!

  33. Jenny on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:14 pm

    I will be less concerned about what others think of me and focus on my identity in Christ and what my Creator God thinks of me.

  34. Dea G on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    I know that the Lord loves me and cherishes me and yet I still struggle with my self worth. If I take away one thing, maybe it is to know that I don’t need a relationship to build my self esteem, I just need God. He is all I need and I can trust that He is with me and has a plan for my life. Lord, place this is my heart to hand on to .

  35. Tamara on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    Much of the time I listen to the” wrong voice” and continually compare myself to others or ask myself why I can’t keep up with things. God has blessed me richly with a loving husband and four adorable kids that I thought I would never have. This will help me focus on how special I am because I am made in his image. It will help me start listening to the RIGHT voice! Thank you for helping me see that I am special!

  36. Lee on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    If I can truly begin to see myself as God sees me, starting today, I can love myself and my family and those He places in my life in a way that everyone needs and deserves, from the hearth of my Heavenly Father.

  37. nancys1128 on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    My willingness to speak up not only in regard to my thoughts and feelings about things, but also just for myself in general would greatly improve if I truly saw myself through the eyes of my creator, instead of through they eyes of how I thing others see me.

  38. Tracye Sheffield on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 3:46 pm

    To believe I am beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ, would mean that I would be able to actually look at myself in the mirror without hating myself. I would be able to show love for others more easily and would be able to be happier overall.

    Thank you so much for this study. It’s already stirring things inside me!

  39. Nikkie on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    What might change in my life today if I allow myself to believe I am beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ that everything I have gone through is to help others. I am to share my strength, Hope & experience with others. God is giving me a platform to do so.

  40. Leticia A. Mora on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    I just might have an impact on someone else’s life and really make a difference. If I just allow myself to open my heart to see how valuable, wonderful and beautiful I AM to the Lord.

  41. Christy b on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:28 pm

    I so much needed this. I will add this to my morning. To have a routine is awesome. I want to make these my

  42. Sheryl Gray on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    It has changed me. I answered the question at the end of chapter one and the adjectives I came up with were all positive. It surprised me because I usually come up with negative ones. I actually tried to come up with the usual negative ones and they just did not fit.

    This proved to me that I have a close relationship with God because my outlook on myself has changed.

  43. kathy w on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:38 pm

    I am going to stop looking around and seeing how others react to me when I enter a room. All I need to know is God loves me and made me for his purpose.

  44. Joy Chiasson on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    I am revaluating everything makes me me right now. With the passing of my mom last Tuesday my mind is still having trouble grasping where I stand as a woman. So, this was helpful in making me look past the circumstances of life and the loss of a dear mom and friend to who I am in Christ no matter what happens. Thank you for the encouragement. I believe this study came just at the right time for me.

  45. Janice on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:09 pm

    Thank you for your post today . I really need to stop comparing myself to others & stop worrying about what people think of me. I want to be confident in my Lord & how he designed me.

  46. SHIRLEY SCHUY on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    I have found that Psalm 139 is mine, it was what helped me to totally believe that God loved me despite my past and even some of the things in my present life. I know that God is there, if I only reach out to him in prayer. and I am praying big time for my parents, aged and needing help and maybe finally reaching a point of accepting the help I want to give them. but it is so hard with a life time of challenging relationships.

  47. Ashley on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Thank you Tracie – your devotional was just what I needed to hear and spoke to my heart today. If I allow God’s words in Psalm 139 to take root in my heart, I would see that I am enough. I am wanted and loved.

  48. Aracelis on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:53 pm

    Have strugggled w this since age 12. Now at 53 I still feel ugly. Only God can change my outlook and inlook. I don’t take pictures bc I feel so ugly. Please pray for me but I will commit to challenging bad thoughts w this verse.

    • christy bidon on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 3:34 am

      Aracelis, You are beautiful on the outside and inside. God created us all in our own beauty. None of us are alike in any way shape or form. Coming from this Sister, I too have thought the same.
      I wrote this and posted it in my bathroom to see every morning 1st thing and I read it aloud before my shower, after my shower and each time I go into the bathroom. I have been doing this for 3 years and I know and truly believe it all. I want to pass it onto you:

      God made everything beautiful even ME!
      I am ORIGINAL, God created my beauty for a purpose!
      I am UNIQUE!
      Aracelis you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

      Its not real big, just simple. I feel if you start making it to long than it becomes over whelming.

      Just remember Aracelis, you are very beautiful!
      Your Loving Sister of God
      Christy B

  49. heather on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    IF I allowed myself to believe that I am beautiful, wonderful and valuable to Christ, I would have more confidence. I would have more confidence to be the person GOD designed me to be. I would have more confidence that GOD’S promises were for me too. I would be able to look in the mirror and like the person I see. I could answer question #4 in chapter 2.

  50. Vicki on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 6:47 pm

    I need to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about me and remember that I do have value and am loved.

  51. Myra on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 7:22 pm

    My self confidence and self esteem would change if I could truly accept that I am beautiful in God’s sight. Fearfully and wonderfully made, oh yes i am!

  52. Deena on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    I have felt “less than” , because my husband doesn’t love , adore or respect me. It is not just me, I now see it is his way with all things. I need to develop my worth more in Christ. There is a popular song on Air1, “You say I’m beautiful” . I sing it to the top of my lungs in my car. I’m going to write the words to that song for my frame.

  53. Christianne McCall on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:11 pm

    I hope this would help my self esteem…this seems like such a hard thing to do. I don’t even know where to begin. How do I do this without seeming selfish or conceited?

  54. Terra on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 8:54 pm

    I could see my confidence change if I truly look with the Lord’s perfect eyes and not my flawed human ones. It’s changed little by little with me starting a relation with The Lord. I have a wonderful husband that encourages me. But as with, I suppose, a lot of women, sometimes we dismiss out husband’s compliments and others as well. If I truly truly look into the mirror and look with Jesus’ eyes, and see me how He does, oh what joy! Not seeing a reflection that would cause vanity, but beloved, precious treasured. My past has left me far from feeling those things. So today dear Lord, I am asking you to give me Your eyes when I think upon myself or look at my reflection. Other’s comments of flaws, inadequacies, judgements, will not hinder how I view myself, because I’m Yours and you “don’t make junk.” My past failures nor how others failed me will hinder my view of myself, because You will NEVER fail me. You think I’m beautiful and as hard as that is for me to contemplate with my head, my heart feels and knows You do and it almost brings tears to my eyes. A scale or pair of too small jeans will not tell me my worth or beauty. The tv commercials and Hollywood will not tell me my value. I am a beautiful child of God. And my hope is when people see me, they say, “She looks just like her Father.” Thank you Lord for Your precious, precious love, acceptance and whispers to my heart. I love you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  55. Tammy on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    I would stop comparing myself to younger, prettier (thinner) women!

  56. Cheryl on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    I would be out from under this cloud of anxiety and depression that has lurked around me since forever…my Dad called it ‘melancholy’…I know now that it is the enemy, who means no good for me….This study’s timing for me is perfect…need to commit to speaking and listening to my Lord and Savior and seek His view and purpose for my life 🙂

  57. Joy Marsh on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    As I really grasp the reality that I am important to God, I will not always want to be liked someone else or have their talents and gifts. God will make clear to me what my gifts and talents are that He gave specifically to me and where and how He wants me to use them.

  58. Christina Steiner on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:34 pm

    I would begin to rebuild my confidence, and live out His purpose for my life. I would be able to pour out more love to others, and not compare myself.

  59. Felicia on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 11:57 pm

    As I believe this I will begin to embrace a healthier life style with confidence without looking at the scale or the size of my clothes for superficial validation ..amen

  60. Pamela Hubbbart on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 12:28 am

    I believe I would have more confidence. I need that more every day.

  61. Lori on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 12:05 pm

    Thank you! I really need to read this today. There would be no more self-imposed limits if I were to allow myself to believe that I am beautiful, wonderful, and valuable to Christ.

  62. Magriet on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 3:35 am

    Thank you I really needed this today. Just this morning I was laying in bed thinking that the only thing I did right in my 63 years was to marry the most wonderful man in the world

  63. Mary beth on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 5:13 am

    I constantly am comparing myself to women I work with because they are thinner than me, their jobs seem better than mine, I could go on and on but my biggest comparison is weight. I have a weight problem and have had an eating disorder forever….but today’s reading has she’d some light that God made me for Him and made me this way he doesn’t want me like anyone else he wants me as me. Thank you for helping take that first baby steps.

  64. Beth Almeida on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 11:50 pm

    My confidence would be much better. I would stop being a doormat and set limits for those around me

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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