Out With The Lies, In With The Victory

Welcome friends! I am so thrilled you stopped by my blog today! I want to extend a special welcome if you have linked over from my devotion today, Hidden Potential, which is posted at Proverbs 31 Encouragement For Today.

If you would like to enter to win a copy of my book as offered in the devo, just post a comment, including one of the two things below:

1. State what hidden potential God has helped you to discover, so we can celebrate with you and so you can be an encouragement to others.
2. State the misconception or lie you have been believing, that may have kept you from embracing God’s love and forgiveness, and from believing that He has a special plan for your life.

(If you are posting as ‘anonymous’, just leave your first initial and last name in your comment. The winner will be announced on Friday morning.)

This spring I had the privilege of speaking at several women’s events, and have met so many sweet friends and new sisters in Christ.

At several of these events, after an evening worship session which was focused on discovering our value in Christ and allowing His voice to be louder than the enemy’s, I encouraged the women do so something out of the ordinary.

Each woman had been given a notecard, and was asked to write down the lie from the devil that she had been believing. The lie that has kept her from believing in her worth, her value in God’s eyes, and that God loved her unconditionally.

The lie that has kept her feeling useless, and worthless, and maybe even unforgivable. The women were then asked to surrender the lies that had held their hearts captive for years.

The response was overwhelming each time, and as I watched women lay those lies down at the ‘alter’, and surrender their pain to the Lord, my heart swelled with gratitude for the work of the Holy Spirit, and the blessing of seeing Him at work.

In the weeks following, as I read and prayed over all the notecards which exposed hundreds of damaging lies that the devil has been spreading, my heart just broke.

As the reality hit that the deceiver and destroyer of life is so hard at work to keep us down, the tears flowed.

And I was amazed at how many of us struggle with the same insecurities, pain, shame, regrets and guilt. We all think we are the only ones struggling, but if the truth be known, we share many of the same struggles.

Struggles that have evolved out of broken homes, childhood experiences, abandonment, betrayal, abortion, sexual sin, drugs, alcohol, divorce, parenting, marriage, and even ministry.

Struggles that cause us to walk down a path that leads straight to the dark state of feeling unworthy, inferior, unforgivable, unloved, and unusable by a soveriegn God.

So God has laid it heavily on my heart to take all of those hand written lies that I have collected over the past few months, and relace them with God’s amazing truths.

I cannot claim to be a Bible expert, but I can promise that I will be praying for God’s wisdom and guidance as I search for victorious truths to disprove the enemy’s lies.

Sisters, I know how hard it is to see the potential that God sees in us – especially when life has been hard, when we have shame and regrets, when we are filled with insecurities, and when we feel anything but special, loved and beautiful.

I want to equip and encourage you to tap into your own hidden potential, by tossing out those lies once and for all through the journey to discovery of God’s truths.

That journey can begin today, by acknowledging the lies we have been believing, and surrending them to Christ. Once we are emptied of the lies and deception of Satan, then God can fill us with the love, confidence and spiritual vision to see our own hidden potential and value. Will you join me in this journey?

On Friday, I will kick off a new blog series, called The Pursuit of Potential.

Potential is defined as the “inherent ability or capacity for development, growth or coming into being”. Each one of us has the capacity to be who God called us to be if we pursue the truth above all else.

This is a series to help build a community of sisters in Christ which will support and encourage each other, as we seek victory in Christ, and learn how to grant Him full dominion over our hearts, and our life.

I am excited about embarking on this journey of hope and restoration with you! My prayer is that you will personally relate to many of the lies that will be addressed, and that you will discover a feeling of freedom and peace like never before.

Note: Consider subscribing to my blog (on the right hand side bar) by entering your email address, so you dont miss a single day of our journey to complete regeneration and freedom! You can also subscribe to my quarterly newsletter.

If you post a comment about a lie or struggle you face, trust that I will make special note of it, pray about it, and search for God’s truth to address it.


  1. Brigette on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 10:15 am

    A little over 30 months ago God tranformed me into a patient and gentle mother with the premature birth of my third child. He taught me through my critically ill son that there are things that are important in life and then there are just things. I used to fret over every detail and expect perfection from my children and the people around me. Through this 1 pound baby God guided me to trust in him completely. He has strengthened my relationship with Him and made me a better Mommy, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. And he continues to brighten the star I have become with Bible study groups and Church.


  2. Teagan's Travels on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 10:51 am

    I am coming over from Proverbs 31 today and loved both of your blog posts! Thank you for reminding me of God’s transforming grace today through the beautiful story you told your son!

    This year God has helped me discover my hidden potential to connect with and hopefully inspire women such as myself through our family blog. I am so new to this but am really enjoying branching out into making it more of a ministry. Some posts are still about our family’s adventures but I pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as I search for the correct words, courage and topics.

    For twenty years the lie Satan had me believe was that I was not worthy enough for God’s love. That our churches were filled with “perfect” Christians who never had a bad thought or a bad day. After experiencing multiple miscarriages and inferfitlity I finally turned my eyes to Jesus four years ago and for the first time have a truly personal relationship with him. I have found a church home I love and feel like my life and values at reflect the same no matter where I am. I am not perfect. Far from it. Instead I try each day to live an authentic life according to His will. Thank you for your blog and I’m looking forward to the devotion series!

  3. Barb on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 11:36 am

    I have been in a situation where i felt worthless, but some kind people reaffirmed my potential & worth–just yesterday! & i helped sponsor a singles retreat & so many off our group had such burdens they released(balloons in the sky!!) ur devo is so timely for me-thank u & God bloess!!!!

  4. Abby on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Thank you so much for your posting today. I am coming over from Proverbs 31 and enjoyed reading what you wrote. You are blessing with your words of wisdom, truely strength from God!

    God has transformed me slowly (still in the process) to be an incredibly understanding, patient, and loving friend, girlfriend, sister, daughter, and someday (god willing) a wife and mother. I truely believe God is forming me into the woman he wants me to become so I can be the wife he wants me to be. I have been brought to my knees so many times learning to true meaning of being patient and understanding. I love with such a full heart that I love because HE loved me first. Loving with such passion comes with its price, but I take it bodly and with my head up and search for strength from God when times get tough and people aren’t as willing or kind as what they are recieving. I pray God continues this strength and wisdom in me. He is my savior and my strength, and I love Him.

    Abby T. (abbyk25@hotmail.com)

  5. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 11:50 am

    One of the lies that I struggle with – is that no matter how hard I work, or the amount of effort I put in, there is no fruit that my work bears. I have found that with my education, my work, my efforts in church as well as in my family and relationships. Therefore, the work that I do is useless.


  6. jacki on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 11:59 am

    I am learning so much about lies that were spoken over us at one time or another that we believe for years. I always felt like I just wasn’t smart enough along with many other lies I’ve believed, God has really been working in me in this area, He has been showing me times in my life where I believed a lie and He’s healing me, setting me free of the lie’s…when I saw this book I could hardly believe it. I am looking forward to reading it, I hope I win it!!

  7. Heidi on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    I have been going through a “valley” recently for the past 9 months or so and have had people come up to me at church and outside of church and mention how much stronger I seem to be. Some have mentioned that they look at me completely differently and see a new “maturity” in me. Glory to God! This past year has been a hard one, but I have spent the past 9 months looking at what I can learn and how I can improve myself with the Lord’s help. It’s so “exciting” to see good things come out of deep valleys!!! I’m afraid there’s still a lot more pruning for Him to do, but I look at everything so much differently now even in the midst of all the pain. Thank you for today’s devotional! How appropriate for my situation.

  8. Sherry on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    I, too, came to your site from Proverbs 31. Your devotional reminded me of a time when a friend asked, “Sherry, don’t you know how valuable you are”? All I could do was sit there with tears slowly falling and shake my head no. Ever since that time, I’ve tried to let go of my low self-image. It’s still a struggle, but I’ve come a long way. I just keep remembering that my life has to be worth something for Christ to give up His for me. If I don’t remember that, I’m belittling His sacrifice. I love my Lord and really strive to please Him daily.

  9. Katie on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    I am really struggling to hear God’s voice lately. To hear him tell me how valuable I really am to him. I invite the Holy Spirit into my heart to transform my mind and heart, because Satan is hammering away at both.
    Thank you for your devotion, it makes a difference.


  10. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    God continues to amaze me.
    In my journal this morning I wrote that I am happy; that I wanted to experience more of his joy. I asked God to help me bear more fruit for him.
    As soon as I got on the computer to do my emailed devotions, the first one (Love worth Finding) was about happiness being something you stumble over in the pursuit of righteousness. I was bowled right over because I have intentionally been seeking his kingdom and his righteousness for over a year now.
    The next devotional I read (Girlfriends in God)was about joy. About how our outward circumstances should not affect our inner joy since we have that precious hope. Then my next devotional was yours Tracie. After I read it I said to myself (while crying mind you)God you are just amazing. ‘Cause he knows how much I have struggled over the years with feelings of worthlessness and how I cannot be of any use to him because of my past and circumstances.
    But in the past year since I surrendered to God, I have been brought to this new place; of being a new creation in Christ.
    I am seeing myself become more confident knowing what God has done for me.
    These days I enjoy nothing better than getting into his word and encouraging people to taste and see that the Lord is good. Those feelings of uselessness and worthlessness are of the past. Not that they don’t come to mind from time to time, but these days i know that they are lies from our accuser.
    Blessings to you and yours.

  11. Deborah on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Tracy G. on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    I was transformed over 10 years ago when my husband passed away suddenly at a very young age. Since then I have been a help to other women who are going through the same thing. I never thought I could be a support for complete strangers the way I have, but God has given that to me and I embrace it every time I get the chance! Thank you for your words of inspiration!

  13. Elly Gilbert on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    For most of my life, I’ve believed the lie that, in order to be loved, I must be perfect. In order to maintain perfection, I play it safe. I don’t try anything that I might fail at, because I would risk losing my perfection. I have kept my flaws “secret” from others. It has kept me from experiencing so many wonderful things and from truly embracing friendships. I struggle with it, but havent’ been able to let it go.

    Recently, I had an opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love in a new way. I saw that I am loved, no matter how flawed I really am. Though I still battle that negative self-talk, I’m starting to grasp the fullness of God’s love everyday.

  14. Deborah on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    boy did I need to read your devotion today! I was up from 1-3 am this morning praying. I am trying to get past the abuse at 15 months old and the lies that keep telling me that I’m not a woman of God but a lesbian…and I know that is a lie from the pit of hell. (but from school friends, ex-husbands,best friends all have pointed the finger at some point and said!!) I really need to replace the old thinking and get on with what God has NEW!

  15. Julia on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Tracie, Thank you for sharing that story you told your son at P31.

    Wow, where do I begin. Satan told me so many lies over the years. I was too fat and ugly for anyone to love. I’m not smart enough or good enough. I have no potential. But God is good and His love is greater than all of Satan’s lies.

    I began a healing process through the love of God. God has shown me that I am lovable, smart, and beautiful in His eyes and HIS eyes are the only ones’ that matter. He healed me of a 10 year drug addiction when I turned my life over to Him and that was the start of a new me, a new creation in Christ. I continue to learn each day, I’m 43 yrs old and he has placed me in a BS program for biblical studies. My love for Jesus is stronger each day and I no longer allow Satan’s lies to rule my life, I stand on the promises of God written in the Bible. Bless you Tracie for sharing.

  16. Juli on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    Tacie- Just popped over from your P31 devo – I hope you publish that story as a children’s book!!! :O)

  17. Pam on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    What a beautiful, beautiful Prov31 devotion today. Your bedtime story should be a turned into a children’s book….really 🙂

    If you had told me over a year ago that I would be sharing encouragement and life lessons on a blog, I would have laughed at you. God has opened up an amazing world to me through words. Words that HE is giving me the ability and inspiration to share to encourage others in their daily lives. I’m blown away that HE would use me in that way. I’m growing and learning as I walk this path HE is opening up before me.

    I would love to win a copy of your book and participate in your new blog series The Pursuit of Potential. I’m going to sign up for the emails right now! Thank you for sharing today. It has blessed my heart.

    Sweet Blessings,

  18. Lisa Roszler on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12:55 pm


    I loved your sock monkey story. So many of us can identify! And if you do decide to pursue turning it into a book, keep me in mind. I’m a illustrator. 🙂

    Lisa Roszler

  19. Bernadette on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    Your story was amazing – thank you I look forward to reading your book and following your blog – As a teacher I am constantly reminding teenagers that they have potential and they can change – unfortunately I don’t change, I wallow in failure and wonder if I can change – I guess I believe in God but I don’t believe his promises!
    Thank you

  20. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    Yesterday I had a really rough day. The lies are so loud and the attack is so vicious…I just want to crawl in a hole and never come out. The worst part is that I know they are lies from the enemy, I am just too tired to fight against them, so I believe them and I cry, and I get angry, and I cry some more. Part of me wants to go to bed and never wake up.

  21. PinkGranny on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    Like so many others I came over from Proverbs 31. I see myself in so many other women who have ressponded. I struggle so much with the lies Satan keeps playing over and over in my head. I have struggled with my self worth for most of my life. It has caused me to feel so unforgiving, jealous, unloved and doubtful. I have been unemployed for 3 years and Satan has been telling me that I am unworthy for so many jobs that I have applied for and the longer I go unemployed the louder he jeers. I hear myself say “Be Gone Satan” and that is when I know I have caught him manipulating me. With God’s love I will overcome this. With the support of my sister’s in Christ I will see God more in others.

    Thank you for the sock monkey story, I hope you publish it, I could see the story unfolding in my mind and I know it would become a beloved book for many children.
    Thank you for being here today. I signed up for your blog for more encouragement.

  22. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    Thanks for your devotional. Sometimes I think I am not worthy of God’s love and grace. I have to keep reminding myself that the King is enthralled by my beauty and He loves me with the mess I have been through and all the mistakes I have made. However,God is good all the time.


  23. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Tracie, Thank you for this devotion. It reminds of the chains God is breaking around my heart.

    For all my life I have believed I was not good enough, not smart enough, not talented in any way, not pretty, but God is helping me to see that these are not his words but the devils. I have started to confront other people about what I “think” they are thinking and I found I was wrong!!!!! I have told some of “my dirty” past and found that my friend understood!!!!! I have found there is only a wrong side of the tracks in our heads. We give authority to the devil in our lives, and he is happy to take it.

    Freedom in GOD is such an AWESOME thing, my blinders are coming off and it brings tears to my eyes when I think of what he has done for even me. I will focus on GOD and what he has done, not on how much of my life I have wasted, because I am right where GOD wants me to be at this time in my life. I will be a bright light in this world.

    So again thank you for this devotion, so I don’t forget.
    God Bless You,

  24. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    I’m a little confused. I know I believe the lies but even though I keep praying I find out that if I start believing what God says in the bible it doesn’t work. He says He will give us the desires of our heart – well, if this is true why don’t know what I am supposed to do with my life. No doors open. If I push the up button on the elevator I can guarantee the elevator will go down. So what I am doing wrong? What sin is still in my life? My 14 year old said last night that God hates us. Well, I know that isn’t true but if this is God showing us love, we sure don’t need any enemies. I keep praying but it doesn’t seem to work, I mean really work. I know I am rambling but I would love to see Jesus at work in our family. Great devotion. Nanci at kelbla@aol.com

  25. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    I just read your Encouragement for Today with tears in my eyes. That spoke to me so much as I have been feeling very much like that grey fabric. At work I am surrounded by young, vibrant women with so much excitement in their lives. I have been believing the lies that I am washed up with no more value to anyone. Thank you for your scripture and words of encouragement.

  26. Marne on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    Something I have been struggling with is self worth and the right to be happy. I’ve never felt good enough, smart enough, talented enough to even have a hidden talent, pretty enough, etc. It is a mental warfare with myself, and it has turned me in to an ugly, bitter person. I am 36 years old and recently had my 5th child. My self worth has plummeted to an all-time low and I’m a jealous, suspicious, envious, non-trusting, bitter person and I hate everything about it! I am ruining the relationship I have with my baby’s father, who is a wonderful man, because of it (first 4 kids are from a previous marriage). I can not stand living like this anymore, but am so used to it that it is almost uncomfortable to feel positive or happy about myself, or life. I am trying to give everything over to God because I want to know what it’s like to really be happy before my time is up in this world, but I am having a very hard time with it. I guess I could really use a lot of prayers.

  27. Jill Beran on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Great devo and post!! God’s really been working on me to stop listening to the lies and tune into His voice of Truth!! One area He is giving me victory is seeing He can use my past there is potential there. Just this morning I posted on my blog about being a girl who wanted to die. For so long I struggled with the fact that was a reality in my life at a time and felt a lot of shame and guilt for ever considering suicide, but God is showing me that was part of His plan for me and dying (to self) is part of following after Him. So very grateful for the potential He sees in all of us!! Thanks for sharing Tracie!! Blessings, Jill

  28. Jana O'Connor Jewelry on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    I remember being a child who was full of life and love! I was attractive, smart and had an imagination that wouldn’t quit. At age 11 my parents got divorced and my world came crashing down! We lived on a cul-de-sac in California where all the neighbors knew are comings and goings. I began to feel exposed and had overwhelming feelings of shame. As the school years went by self-doubt and depression began to take over my dreams and in my late teens an eating disorder and sexual sin began to destroy me. I was no longer Jana…I blew in the wind just praying I could hold onto something. During this time I did try to search for God but looked for him in the self-help and new age movement. This only made me feel more like a failure because I couldn’t change and I still felt empty. I moved to NYC in 1984 where I met my future husband who was an alcoholic. I stayed with him through all the tears and pain. Four months after our wedding he entered rehab. We were two messes but we loved each other and had the same dreams of having a family. God blessed us with three beautiful children who are now 21, 19 and 12. For most of their young lives I suffered from depression. In the fall of 2003 I finally found Christ and through tears of relief and joy I gave my life to HIM. I was listening to beautiful contemporary Christian music and I purchased the NIV study bible! Within a week it all fell apart after being ridiculed by family members who told me Born again Christians were crazy and the Fundamentalist will use anything (including music to get you). I returned the Bible. I was crushed and cried so much that my husband took me to the hospital. I then was in the care of a psychiatrist and slowly began to feel better. I kept on listening to Christian radio and then I began to read books like C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity and Lee Strobel’s A Case for Faith. By Easter time of 2004 I knew the God was real! This time no one could mess with me and I had the love and support of my husband and children. God does amazing things!!! I ended up winning a Mother’s Day package from the Christian radio station that included the NIV study Bible exactly like the one I had returned!!! I also searched for a beautiful cross to wear and I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted so I made a necklace. It seemed to me that not a day went by that I didn’t get a compliment on that necklace! God made a way for me!!! I became a jewelry designer. I began to take classes in metalsmithing and have been making inspiring and encouraging jewelry ever since!!! I love what I do! Every piece of jewelry comes with a prayer card and God has allowed me to share my heart and my faith in a very gratifying way. Now when life has its pain and disappointment I have the strength and the faith to hold onto to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Blessings and love, Jana

  29. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    I have struggled with numerous lies. I’m not good enough. I’m too needy, fat, etc. God is speaking to me as I help with a 5th and 6th grade class of girls on Wednesday nights. I have come to see Satan starts on you early because they are already believing some of the same lies. Lisa W.

  30. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 4:24 pm

    Lately I have felt undeserving in my role in my chosen profession. God is challenging that, helping me to see that I am His workmanship, His poem, His amazing masterpiece: that HE has created me for good works in Him, to bless others.

  31. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    After reading your blog, God brought to mind the song that the Gaither Vocal Band sings: “Picture of Grace.” Part of the lyrics are: “The hands of the Savior erased all my sorrow, and painted this picture of Grace….how skillful the hands of Artist, who painted this picture of me…Where once was a portrait of gloom and despair, this masterpiece hangs in its place; it’s signed with His blood and its framed with His glory, this beautiful picture of Grace!” AMEN.

  32. Jessica T. on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    I am new to reading Proverbs 31’s daily devotional, but over the last few weeks, I feel God has clearly spoken to me through this devotion several times. Maybe I just have a connection with the issues you are sharing, but the timing is just amazing!

    Anyway, your message today struck a nerve with exactly how I felt all day yesterday and what I have generally been feeling for the last several years. Now is the time to stop believing the lie that I am not capable — capable of creating a balance that can proactively benefit my family and my wellbeing as a woman. I don’t have to sit on the shelf waiting for someone to pick me — my Lord and Savior already has! Have a blessed day, ladies!

  33. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    I still at times, feel like a plain old grey fabric, boring and useless, but God is slowly transforming my thoughts to line up with His Word and His truths. Thanks for your giveaway. Please enter me.
    Michele S.

  34. Tiffeny on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    January was 1 year since I realized that the Lord was the only way. I was blessed with a son on Feb. 5, 03 and went into post partem depression, but eventually I came out of it, then on Feb. 5, 07 I was blessed with a daughter and once again the depression struck. This time was much worese, I actually tried harming myself a couple of times, and I relaized I needed help. I talked with my Father-in-law which happens to be a preacher and he told me about the grace of god, it was then that I felt like I actually had someone who cared what happened to me in life. I started going to church at that time and to this day it was the best descision that I ever made. I no longer feel unwanted or unloved and I have been depression free for over a year. I thank the lord everyday and continue to grow stronger in the lord. I am now a Youth teacher and and Sunday School Teacher, i also sing in the choir and attend and assist in all church activities. I praise the lord for my good fortune. I may not have money but I have all the wealth I could ever ask for!

  35. Abbey Knowles on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    God has done so much in my life in the last few months. It’s been a whirlwind of Joy and peace as God has lovingly picked apart my life and fears! I’ve always felt like I didn’t contribute much in life and that I didn’t have any special talents. But God has Really been showing me that I am worth so much to Him and that He has amazing plans for me. One thing that God has given me is the chance to start a blog of my own to just share what He’s been doing in my life. He’s shown me my true potential of being His light for others. It’s been such a blessing and I’m loving every moment of it. To Him be the Glory! 🙂

  36. Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I also linked over as a new Proverbs 31 subscriber. The lie I believe is that I’m not good enough and don’t measure up — the “wallflower waiting to join the dance”.

    P. Thompson

  37. Diana on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    I have struggled with many lies over the years. However I have gone through the loss of our home to the bank, the loss of a management position, the loss of a beloved pet, the gain of weight after having lost 50 pounds. I don’t even really know the lie but the enemy robs my joy. I struggle with sadness. I recently stopped isolating but that is my tendency. I am like the clown laughing but really crying. I see God working, I encourage others of God’s love but I do not feel loved so perhaps that is the lie that God does not love me. That must be the lie because the tears are rolling out of my eyes. Thanks for praying and if I win the book I will treasure the reading.

  38. teresa c on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    Earlier this year GOD had me embark on a new journey in my life, without realizing it until now! First I discovered a new christian radio station ( K-LOVE ) I have it on round the clock since Jan 1, they made a challange that it would change your life in 30 days… for me I have never felt such peace in spite of whats going on around me. Then due to health concerns, my doctor advised me to really STOP smoking cigaretts.I have been making quit dates since the 1st of the year to no avail until now ….I had sent many prayer requests including my own. Nevertheless, like JESUS said, not my will , but yours will be done. I quit March 30 and have no plans of going back. You cant tell me that GOD is not working!!!! I also have a newfound desire to help people, so I am signing up to volunteer in various plces where there is a need….To GOD, be the GLORY!!!! And of course,Tracie, I love your insight!! Keep on keeping on!!!

  39. Judy C. on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 2:54 am

    I LOVED your story. For most of my life I have felt like that gray fabric. I’m beginning to feel like I have been purchased but not yet created into the sock monkey but I know the plan is there…as long as I am patient.

  40. Christie on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 3:06 am

    I still believe that I have to be strong and do things on my own, instead of relying on His strength! I’m definitely improving in this area, but it’s something I have to truly give up on a daily–hourly–basis.

  41. Beatrice on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 3:55 am

    Thank you for the story and the reminder of GODS love for me and how HE has a great plan for my life. How HE is changing my way of thinking. That with JESUS help i can take my thoughts captive.I no longer have to believe the lies of satan.

  42. hermother on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 4:00 am

    I believe that I am seeing a need to witness to children. Many things have gone on and the devotional is a help.

  43. Gillian Sharp on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 4:13 am

    I am truly starting to see soem of the plans He has for me and that the enemy is fighting like crazy to stop. Currently I am involved in children’s ministry but I am seeing a possibility and/or opportunity to move into mentoring and outreach – two areas I feel such a passion for. I’m excited to see all that He has planned for me as I never would have believed He could use me like that.

  44. Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 6:29 am

    I am struggling with the misconception that God doesn’t love me because of my shortcomings. So many times I have wished that I had never been born, but now that my Dad has been diagnosed with cancer I know my parents need my prayers and words of encouragement. I am so grateful for all the positive prayers people are offering up for Dad. Anonymous
    B. Maack

  45. Colleen G. on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 10:58 am

    This is a wonderful devotional and I THANK YOU for it.
    Never in a million years would I ever think I would have anything to write about, much less someone wanting to read but God has shown me His hidden potential in writing.
    Writing about what He has done for me, what He has brought me through, how He revealed His love through the trial and now where He is bringing me – in Him. The oppurtunity to write about it has been an amazing gift and my prayer is the words I place on paper would touch the hearts of many.

  46. Leigh F. on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 11:31 am

    I am struggling with patience – waiting on God. To make a long story short, God made a promise to me 8 years ago that I would be a stay at home mom after much prayer. However, I have been waiting, sometimes impatiently, for 8 years for that to happen. Sometimes it does make me doubt God’s promises.

  47. Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 11:52 am

    Hi Tracie, I’m from Aruba. Your comment really helped me today. I needed this word of encouragement baldy. I’m doing my internship at a company, but my experience has been really bad. My boss only makes discourging comments and makes me feel that I can’t do anything right. I will be graduating in two months, but I recognize that with God’s help alone i’m going to make it. He’s the only one who sees my hidden potential. I’m declaring His word: I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me!

  48. Heather Bleier on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    I absolutely loved your devo on P31! I’m not sure what lie is keeping me from moving forward in ministry, but that probably because satan’s so clever, that I actually believe it’s the truth. It is something I’ve been talking to God about for a while, so I’ll keep praying and hopefully listen long enough to hear His answer.

  49. Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    My life was full of one lie after another. Lies that were told to my spirit as a young child having been abused in many ways by those who were charged with the responsibility to protect me. When I became a Christian as an adult I had to learn that those lies were just that lies. I no longer needed to live up to every negative word spoken over my life. It was a challenge to remember the truths that God had spoken over me and it was certainly a journey. I have become everything everyone said I would not. I am a college graduate and a graduate school graduate (in 12 mos). I am a wife and a mother and I am raising the next generation in Christ and teaching to listen to scripture and not man. It is still a struggle daily to shut the negative voices out and continue to follow the plan that God has for my life but it is one amazing journey as I see God do things I could only dream of.


  50. Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    I posted and forgot my email

    Natasha nramsey2012@yahoo.com.

  51. Michelle Weber on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    God helped me to see that all the bad “stuff” in my life can be used for good. He gave me a passion to turn it all into wisdom and lessons that can continue to help me grow as well as others as I have turned my pain into my passion for helping others. I would love to read your new book.

  52. Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    I have struggled w/ feelings of worthlessness for a long, long time. However, since becoming a mother I’ve noticed God’s hand really working in and transforming my life. My husband has patiently been helping me as well-to see my potential. God uses people like him and others to help me see that He does, in fact, have a purpose for me. I’ve struggled w/ comparing myself to others for much of my life-feelings that I’m not “enough”-not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, religious enough….etc, etc. I’m so thankful for God and his life-changing ways! 🙂
    Amy V. in WI

  53. The Calm of His Presence on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    Thank you so much for your devotion today. It really was a blessing.

    Over the past year God has shown me my hidden potential in ministering to women through writing. I often struggle with the lies Satan tells me that I was not “born a writer”, I can’t minister to women through writing. But, I know those are lies and trust God to lead me in the direction he wants me to pursue.

    Have a blessed day,


  54. 服從到只一 A.K.A: Sugar Cat on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    I have always had a heart full of compassion and unconditional love for those around me, I have always turned the other cheek on more times that I can count, but within this last year, He has taught me that there is a higher level of foregiveness, compassion and unconditional love. My children are my whole world, and through one of my sons future bride, my future daughter-in-law, God haws brought me through what I have learned to be more forgiving, loving woman of God. My son and I use to be extremely close and she has been able to put up a thick and large wall between us and keep me from seeing my only grandson. I refuse to believe that I am a bad mother, a bad grandmother… God has created me to be nothing but loving and to love unconditionally. I refuse to believe the lies that I am not worthy of my son’s love, nor my grandsons… I will continue to pray for them and believe that I was made by Him to touch all those around me with His unconditional love and compassion. I have just started my first bible study, It’s No Secret, and through it, He is polishing me to be even brighter and more loving, no matter what storms come my way.

    I love your blog


  55. Sarah on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    At a moment when the enemy was really pulling my thoughts in a poor direction I decided to open my email and read the P31 devo for today. Boy! It was just what I needed to read…my heart desperately needed to hear those words today. In my heart I know I have potential but my head often says differently. I often think on the hurtful words and actions of others and begin to think that that is the way God feels about me. Daily God provides for me- often it is not the way that I want Him to. So, I over look what He has done and focus on what He hasn’t done. This is the wrong way to view Him and my life. I am so grateful when He put things in my day to interrupt my wrong thinking and direct it to His way of thinking. He used your devotional to remind me that I am loved and am not forgotten.

  56. Kimberly on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    I too have ventured to your blog from Proverbs 31. I struggle with the disease to please. Mother to 7 wonderful children ages 16 down to 17 months…and a wonderful loving husband…but I Give and I give…til I have nothing more that I can give and then feel like noone truly cares to Give to me. So as I did growing up…I feel like I am not worth it, that I am not truly needed and that my giving is just an expectation. So with exhausted and a weary heart I try each day to instill positive thoughts and an internal dialogue that is filled with faith…reading the Proverbs daily devotion helps me…little by little I hope to become the best that I can be and perhaps feel worthy of love.

  57. Our Stories God's Glory on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    I love your story Tracie…brought me back to our evening stories as we put our four little girls to bed, now 16-33 years old. A reminder too of how precious that time is.
    I grew up in a family of five, with three sisters and one brother. My sisters were all natural born leaders. Each of them has been very successful in sales careers, while I have been a writer and editor. I always felt like a background person to this group of big (and wonderful) personality gals. (They are my best friends, by the way.)
    About 15 years ago, I became involved with a wonderful prayer ministry. I was ignited by my passion for the Lord and prayer. I had ideas for how we could spread and develop this ministry…but who was I to lead, even in this way. Then the Lord gave me the idea to have a regional gathering for fellowship. I mentioned this to someone in this ministry’s leadership. She told me to go for it. She wasn’t feeling called to this. I felt I was overstepping my bounds, but she encouraged me. So I went forward in the Lord’s strength, fighting the sense of unworthiness that threatened to derail me. I came across the words, “You did not choose me, but I chose and appointed you to go and bear fruit…” (John 15:16) From that point on, I was considered a “leader” in this ministry, serving in all kinds of capacities, including State Coordinator. If you had ever told me years ago that I was a leader, I would’ve argued. But God had plans to develop me into a leader who could fulfill His purposes. The recollection humbles me…I am so thankful!
    Satan would have loved me to believe the lie that I was not worthy to lead anyone, but God had chosen and appointed me. Amazing!

  58. LyonsLady on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    for the last 6 months i have fallen away from God…i fear the future for my family and all those i know..i have been believing the lie that God does not care nor has a plan for my life…I NEED PRAYER…PLEASE…Thank you and if it is Gods will for me to win this book..then i will…Gods Peace

  59. Carolynn on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 4:33 pm

    I have believed the lie that because of weight/self issues I’ve had all my life that I am unloveable. I feel like I need to be perfect in order to be loved.
    This even comes into my relationship with God, when I don’t perform perfectly I feel like He might stop loving/accepting/forgiving me. I need to realize it’s not about my feelings…it’s about His Truth.

  60. Sandi on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    God has been showning that I am very important to Him. In fact, the reality or my importance and of being His Daughter and all that entails. is becoming more and more real to me. My own dad was not able to walk me down the aisle when I got married. Even before I received the phone call from my mom telling me that they would not be able to come to my wedding God shared with me very gently that they were not coming and that He would be walking me down the aisle. That was 22 years ago and God is still building on it. Ladies, be willing to go deep into who you are in Jesus and do not let anyone or anything stand in your way. Not even yourself.

  61. Chris on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    Your devotional today couldn’t have been more timely! Last night our church had a special service. It was a Passover Seder. A gentleman who is Jewish Christian, part of the group called Jews for Jesus and a ordained minister. He explained how many parallels and differences there in two faiths, main one being that the Jews who didn’t accept Christ.
    To the point of your devotional! During the service we sang several hymns and there was an elderly lady standing next to me. When the service was over, she turned to me and said ” you have a beautiful voice, why don’t you sing in the choir”! I nearly fall on the floor! I laughed and said “all my life I heard my mother say you can’t carry a tune in a bucket”. Then said I know my mother didn’t mean to hurt my feelings but that is a hard thing to get past; I still hear her saying that to me.
    Am I being led to sing in the choir? What that lady said and your devotional today, it just can’t be coincidence! This sure has gotten my attention.

  62. Misti on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    Girl, you’ve got my number! I’m looking forward to this “pursuit”. Nearly six years of infertility which came on the heels of losing my Daddy to pancreatic cancer on top of a career change, then career abandonment altogether has just about wiped me out. “What do you mean he only has 6 months?” “A southern woman with no children…GASP!!!” “Walking away from a 13 year career..WHAT, WHY?” I’m tired. So tired.

  63. Judy on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    I am just beginning to listen to the voice in my head that has been there for some time. The one that gets a little louder from time to time and keeps coming back ever since grade school. The voice that tells me I should start writing. How appropriate your title of “Hidden Potential”! At a time where I am feeling vulnerable – what if I can’t really write and all those negative thoughts – comes your inspiration. Thank you for posting today what God knew I needed to hear as I make my first steps on my journey!

  64. sandracmac on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 10:00 pm

    This past summer, God began to challenge me to start a new women’s ministry in our community, one that would connect women in need of encouragement with churches, ministries and individuals that help meet those needs or simply come alongside them with encouragement. As I began to step out in faith, I was scared, A LOT. I used to pray for more faith. One day, when I felt particulary scared to step outside my comfort zone AGAIN, I said to God “why won’t you give me more faith?” thinking that more faith meant being less scared. But God said “what do you think I’m doing?” Faith is sometimes like courage, it’s not the absence of fear or doubt, but obedience anyway. So God is showing me that by His grace, I can be faithful!!

  65. Trav on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 1:50 am

    God has shown me that I have worth and value. He has placed people in my life lately that have drawn me out oft shell. I now speak up and have slowly begun using the word NO! Sounds silly but when your goal in life is pleasing others over yourself and God those changes are major! Now I look to God first!

  66. Tracy m on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 1:52 am

    God has shown me that I have worth and value. He has placed people in my life lately that have drawn me out oft shell. I now speak up and have slowly begun using the word NO! Sounds silly but when your goal in life is pleasing others over yourself and God those changes are major! Now I look to God first!

  67. Sara on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 2:16 am

    The one lie that I have been living with my whole life and have recentely been introduced to is that I really dont matter to other people. I have lived most of my life believing that, why would any one care what I have to say, or why would anyone want to spend their free time with me. Six months ago I started going to a Celebrate Recovery program at my church for alcoholism and other things and have begun a new relationship with Chirst. It has been a very hard and amazing journey and I continue to struggle with that lie but I know Gods love is so much stronger. Blessings!!

  68. ShannyShan on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 2:36 am

    God showed me that I can be happy and content in my life, that I don’t need a man (husband), lots of money, an important job, etc. He showed me that I am enough by myself, I am rich without lots of money, and I am important regardless of what I do. When I let God into my life, I became victorious in so many ways and I still gain a little bit more of “victory” every day that I walk with him.

  69. Anonymous on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 3:59 am

    I am 52 years old and always have been aware of Gods Grace.

    Their is just one problem I feel like I do not deserve his grace. I rasied my children to follow him and my oldest son is living such a tereible life I pray for him I hope that god heres it.I fill like I have failed God not only because of my children but because I have a chemecal inbalance and I just cant seem to get it fully undre control not only that I have been devoriced and remaired and was told that I can not go to heaven and it dose say that in the bible I feel like if anyone could have failed in the eyes of God it is me I am trying so hard but I need somr ansures about my failures.I allowed my youngest son at 6 go to a church friends house and they done horrible things to him .he is now 18 and he has to go back to the doctor because the memories are getting to bad he dose not want to talk about it. I hope God hears my prayers and helps him to just release this horrible thing that has hurt him so badly that it has come back to huant Him. I don’t know if these are lies but they surly do hurt my heart because I feek responsible. Do you have any answers for me. Because I need to hear them and how can I make it all right with God. I tried so hard and it still all went in the wrong direction tank you for listening. I felt like I could talk to you about this because of your title what is lies and what is not lies thanks MWhite

  70. Dawn on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 5:07 am

    Over four years ago I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy and by all accounts it truly should have been the happiest time of my life. Instead, I sank into what was to become my darkest hour – a devastating postpartum depression/pscyhosis that forever changed my life – ultimately for the better.

    How? Because up until that point, I honestly believed the lie that I had to be perfect (the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect daughter, the perfect friend) for anyone, let alone God, to love me. In the depths of despair, I was completely convinced that my seemingly insurmountable postpartum issues were God’s way of punishing me for being a defective human being.

    By the grace of God, I was freed not only from the living Hell that was my postpartum depression/psychosis but also from my debilitating need to be “perfect”. The fact that I can even acknowledge here in this post that I suffered such a thing as posptpartum depression/psychosis is a blessing. It turns out that as I gave life to my precious son, God gave me my Life.

    I tear up each and every time I read this verse that I have posted above a picture of my son and me together on my refrigerator: God says, “I know what I am planning for you. I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Amen.

Headshot Flipped 2

Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.


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