If You’re Tired of Seeing Authors Promote Their Books, Read This

Do you ever get tired of authors trying to promote their books on social media or blogs? If your answer is yes, I want to share something that might shock you.

I totally get that opinion – even though I am an author myself.

Probably like you, I’m guilty of scrolling right past social media posts from authors who are sharing something about a book they have written or encouraging the purchase of their book. Not necessarily because I’m not interested in the subject matter or don’t admire that person but simply because life is busy and I think I don’t have time to read anything new.  Or maybe the promotion seems like too much.   Or maybe I’m tired of seeing it because I’ve already seen something about that book posted time and time again. Or maybe simply due to the fact that I’m too distracted to really pay attention to what it’s about.

As an author, it probably seems a little strange that I’m posting about this.  Seriously, I have no idea why God laid it on my heart today to write about this touchy subject. Which is only touchy because as consumers, we often think people are trying to push their own agendas when it involves their own work so it’s often perceived as a turn off – which is why I try not to post about my books too much, or too little. Yet honestly it’s a hard line to draw for any author.

But maybe today I can give you a new perspective about why authors promote their books, and it’s not for the reasons you might think.

The reality is that when a publishing house invest in an author and takes a chance on publishing their message, they expect the author to take on the responsibility of making sure the book sells well. The publisher can put it into print, but it is the author’s job to promote the book in their sphere of influence and reach audiences the publisher may not be able to reach through their normal outlets.  In addition to their desire to spread the gospel, the publisher expects the author to help in promotion because they want to avoid financial loss and see a good return on their investment.

That is the nature of any business.

But for Christian non-fiction authors like myself, the reason for promoting our words is not to merely please the publisher or meet a contract obligation, although we certainly strive to do that! The driving motivation is not to sell as many books as possible, increase Amazon rankings, achieve some level of fame or make a lot of money. In fact, the large majority of authors are not going to hit the New York Times best seller lists, get famous or strike it rich – no matter how much marketing they do.

So with all that said,  why even spend all those years, tears and energy working to get publishing contracts? Why even bother writing books at all? Why do authors still promote and market their books and each other’s books so much? The answer is really very simple because it all boils down to One thing.


… because we as authors believe these aren’t just words, but God’s words which He divinely placed into our hearts.

… because we know we could have never written these words in our own ability thus they serve as evidence God truly can use an unworthy vessel to glorify Him and turn what the devil meant for evil into something good.

… because our words are often not ones we wanted to write. Words describing raw hurts, suffering, emotional wounds and scars we’d honestly have preferred to keep private. Words of which were often typed through tears of pain and heartache, and/or joy, all dripping as a sacrifice to the One who helped us overcome.

… because of a passionate inner desire to share the triumph not just the pain and to give other people hope and inspiration to keep pushing through and holding on tight to God.

… because we know we aren’t just sharing our story, but God’s story in our life.

… because we aren’t trying to hit record sales numbers, but record numbers of hearts that can possibly be changed by knowing they are not alone in their struggles and that God is there for them too.

… because we know we aren’t trying to further our agenda or promote ourselves, but instead promote an amazing, sovereign, holy God. Our passion for Him trumps our insecurities about people thinking our agenda is self-focused.

I truly believe with all my heart these are the core beliefs and desires of every Christian non-fiction (or Christian fiction) author, whether male or female, young or old, famous or yet unknown.

That is the nature of faith.

You see, when we witness God doing something amazing in our heart and life …. when we see how His Word and His love have changed us and altered who we are for the good …. when we recognize and fully believe we could have never survived a painful tragedy without His strength holding us up …. we write words.

When we realize it was only because of His Presence and power within us that we were able to get out of bed and face another day on those many mornings when all we wanted to do was stay in the dark all alone with our sorrow and fear ….

When we can smile at the hard things we’ve come through or the painful circumstances we’re currently facing, all because we see the evidence of God’s supernatural and divine intervention in ways we could have never imagined ….

When we suddenly realize our hearts are at peace and we are laughing and enjoying the life God has given us, despite the fact that our circumstances are painful and hard and our hearts are still broken …

When we realize we’ve learned to trust God with our whole heart, even when the reality of our problems and needs seem insurmountable …

When God infuses into our spirit a compelling desire to help others heal in the way He is helping us heal through His saving grace and love …

That is when we write. That is why we write. That is why we promote the messages God called us to write.

These are the real reasons Christian authors want to promote the words God has given them. Simply because God is good. All the time. And it is a privilege and a blessing to tell people.

My story isn’t over yet and there are still many words to be written. No matter what the devil throws in my path or how many times He tries to bring me down, I will continue to write words and share of God’s faithfulness, even when it’s hard. I will continue to try to spread the words God has given me from the experiences He has woven into my life,  even if only one person reads them.

One never knows how their words might impact the hearts of others, but that’s ok. An author’s job is to write words and it is God’s job is to reach and change hearts and lives through those words.

So next time you see a Christian author promoting their book, will you keep these thoughts in mind? Rather than thinking “well, here they are promoting themselves again and pushing their book”, think instead “well, here they are promoting God again and spreading the word about His goodness. To Him be the glory.”

In fact, maybe you might even allow yourself to think, “hey, maybe these are words God wants me to read sharing a message I desperately need to hear. Maybe these are life changing words for me.”  

God inspired words – no matter how powerful or eloquent they are – can’t change hearts until they are actually read. You never know what words God might want to use to change your life.

The end. But only for now.





  1. Kim Stewart on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 8:33 am

    Tracie, this is SOOO beautifully written and words all writers (and marketers) in our niche need to read. How powerful, I love how God is moving through you to speak such truth to us! …”I will continue to try to spread the words God has given me from the experiences He has woven into my life, even if only one person reads them.” LOVE!

  2. Jill Broadwater on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 8:55 am

    Love this so much…

  3. Crystal Storms on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 8:56 am

    Thank you, Tracie, for words that went straight to my heart and remind why I write.

  4. Lisa Anne Tindal on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 9:03 am

    I needed this. I’ve not written a book; but, I am writing bravely in my blog because I absolutely want others to know the grace that saved me, keeps me.

    Thank you this!

  5. Jana Kennedy Spicer on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 9:09 am

    Wow Tracie, this is wonderful. It’s a great encouragement and a very timely reminder about how blessed I am to have the opportunity to tell others about what God had done in my life – as well as help other women share their God given messages.
    Thank you so much for sharing the words God spoke to your heart.


  6. Shannon on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 9:23 am

    Wow Tracie! I love your honesty and your passion about spreading the Gospel through your writing! I absolutely love to write, I have several journals that are full of prayers and stories of my life. I have been so hesitant to break out and allow my stories to be heard. God has done so many amazing things in my life that I know I should share them all! Please pray for me as I continue to be open to Gods calling in my life and that I find the bravery to stop holding back! ❤️????????

  7. Marissa Henley on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 9:24 am

    This was just what I needed to hear. As a Christian author who will need to promote God’s goodness when my book launches in the spring – and who struggles with the idea of promoting myself – this gives me a framework for doing the work God’s called me to do with confidence. I love how you read our minds and gave us a specific way to shift our thinking when we want to roll our eyes at someone’s book promotion. 🙂

    I especially loved this: “An author’s job is to write words and it is God’s job is to reach and change hearts and lives through those words.” I’m so thankful we can trust God to always do His part, even when our efforts are imperfect!

  8. Candice Curry on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 9:36 am

    I desperately needed this today. As an author myself, I often question everything I do when promoting or writing or speaking or anything! Thank you for these words.

  9. Amy Elaine Martinez on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10:06 am

    Thank you Tracie for sharing your words. Thank you for reminding us why we write. Our words matter. May they ever hit the mark He intends.

  10. Joella on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10:32 am

    Tracie, that was so beautifully written! Thank you for sharing that! That’s so true even in blogging… I get scared to talk about my blog for fear of being self promoting, which is not what I want at all, but want to share what God is doing… so thanks for the encouragement!!

  11. Lyli @lylidunbar.com on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 11:49 am

    There is healing in sharing our stories. I started writing online after I had a miscarriage. A friend shared Angie Smith’s blog with me, and reading her story helped me walk forward.

    Even if we encourage one person, it’s so worth it.

    Thank you for encouraging us to continue moving forward with the message God has place on our heart, Tracie.

  12. Sarah Geringer on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    Tracie, this is so true. I know that the publishers and agents expect us to do the promos, and I’m willing to do that if I ever get a book contract. But as an aspiring writer since the age of 13, I know that God put the dream of writing in my heart so I can minister more widely to others. I see my writing as a key to ministry, not a key to self-promotion. I think God chose these online days as a time for His-words-through-me to spread further and wider than I could ever do locally. We are both blessed and challenged to live in these unique publishing times.

  13. Jennifer on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    Thank you for writing this, Tracie! Something we all need to be reminded of. Self-promotion is such a beast of a topic, I know it pokes at my heart most days, especially when I’m starting out and people don’t take me seriously yet. The work is the Lord’s, He will bring the increase.

  14. Sheila Qualls on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 8:01 pm

    Great perspective. Helpful words for those of us who have not published yet. Why would you not want to share what God has put on your heart?

  15. June on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 11:07 pm

    Thank you for posting this. You wrote you didn’t know why God put it on your heart to write this. I can tell you God used your words today to lay conviction on my heart. I don’t have a blog and I’ve never written a book but I’m pretty sure God wants me to write my story. I really do not want to tell the world the horrible things I’ve done or show them the dark pit that God rescued me from. But he did rescue me and others need to know He will rescue them as well. Every time I run away from this God uses something to convict me again. This time it was your words. Please pray that God will give me the courage to move beyond the shame and fear to share my story.

  16. Michelle Nietert on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 2:50 am

    I love this so much! Every time I think why am I even doing this other than being obedient to God, these ideas keep me going. Thanks for expressing them so prolifically ????

  17. Leslie on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 8:42 am

    Wow, Tracie!!! I have a book laid on my heart and one of my huge questions is this touchy subject. You have expressed many of the deep things I have been unable to express myself. I’m printing this out and keeping it in front of me as I begin my writing! Thank you!

  18. Diane Bailey on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 9:55 am

    You have brought a clear message that we all needed to read. Authors need to be encouraged about their main objective and readers need to have a peek behind the heart-curtain of a writer.

    Well done. Thank you Tracie.

  19. Cathe Swanson on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 10:56 am

    So true. Thank you for your message.
    Perhaps people only get tired of seeing authors post about their books if the authors never share anything else. Facebook is supposed to be “social” media, and if an author never does anything but promotion, there is no “social” – only advertisement. Do we, just sometimes, freely share the message God gives us, or are we only asking people to buy it?
    I struggle with this. I would love to give away the message to all, but – speaking frankly – I still need to sell books. I don’t want to push, so I swing in the other direction and don’t promote at all. I want to find a way to balance my social media participation.

  20. Sophia on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 11:50 am

    Thank you. Your words have have thrown this writer prostrate before her God, knowing I am weak, but He is strong, trusting that His strength will be made perfect, and that I will reap what He has given growth to, if I don’t give up.

  21. Marilyn Nutter on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    Beautifully written and accurately conveyed- it is not self promotion but promoting a message God gave us. Thank you!

  22. Jolene Engle on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    Beautiful and encouraging, Tracie. I’m smack dab in the middle of the traditional publishing process and the whole thing is so overwhelming. Your words ministered to my soul. Thanks!

  23. Rachel Larkin on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 10:26 pm

    Thank you Tracie for writing this post – I so needed it today like you would not believe. I have just written and published my first Christian non fiction book and I feel like it is such a small drop in the ocean. There is the tension of how to market and promote as a Christian author – especially an Indie Author. Thanks for your encouragement – yes if the reason that I write is for one person to be encouraged then that’s ok. It write, publish and promote and God does the rest.

  24. Susan Shipe on Sunday, August 6, 2017 at 7:33 am

    I self-publish (ten books thus far) and I could not agree with you more. Great post and thank you!

  25. Terri Conlin on Monday, August 7, 2017 at 10:23 am


    Thanks for the reminder and encouragement for all the reasons we write. Your reason that resonated with me was “because the words we write are not the ones we wanted to write”. Oh, so true for me too!

    I needed to read this. Thank you!

    fellow h*wer,

  26. Lisa on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 10:45 am

    Thanks for articulating so beautifully a message that needs to be heard. I just had my first book published last fall. I often feel like others might be tired of seeing my posts on social media. I love how you said we are promoting God’s message and not ourselves.

  27. Kathy Guzzo on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 8:38 am

    I’m not a published book author (just a few devotionals in books compiled by others), but I want to thank you for these words.

    As a seeker of God’s best for my life and to be all He desires for me to be, and an avid reader, it was a great reminder of why authors do what you do. Your hope is to not only glorify Him with the words he gives you,but also to build up His kingdom through sharing your story.

    In the past I’ve been honored to be on a couple launch teams for both Christian fiction and nonfiction books which I truly enjoyed. Now, I will tuck your post in my mind as a reminder not to get frustrated with the media promotions on new books (fiction or nonfiction), but to be grateful for authors that have the gift to write and the desire to share their story to proclaim His glory.

  28. Sarah Beth on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 5:20 pm

    I don’t even know how I found this, but I can’t explain how much I needed this as a first-time author. Truly, thank you, Tracie!!! I am printing this out and keeping it right by my desk! So grateful for your divinely-inspired, timely words today. My heart sure needed them.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books