Hi, aspiring author friend!
I am an established, traditionally published author of 8 books, and have been working with top publishing houses such as Leafwood Publishers, Bethany House Publishers, and most recently David C Cook Publishers, in the publications of my books between the years of 2012 and 2024.
Since January 2017, I have been the Director of COMPEL Pro Writers Training, a biblically based membership subscription training site for writers through the internationally known Proverbs 31 Ministries.
In 2022, I formed my own business of Tracie Miles Author Coaching Services because I had a passion to work with aspiring authors one on one and equip them to start writing that book they’ve always had in their heart. As a seasoned publishing professional, I know first hand how it is hard to get off the blank page, understand the mysterious world of publishing, know what it takes to overcome your fears and doubts and find the motivation to follow your writing dreams.
As a result of the fulfillment and blessings I receive from helping other aspiring authors witness their publishing dreams coming true, I acquired a passion for not only equipping and teaching writers how to write the messages God laid on their hearts, but also help them go to the next level and pursue the path of publishing.
There is no greater joy than making that phone call to a hopeful author with the great news that a publisher is offering them a book contract!
Having been in the publishing industry for twenty years through my own publishing journey and with Proverbs 31 Ministries, I have strong connections with many top Christian publishing houses and Acquisitions Editors and look forward to signing and representing authors to help make their publishing dreams come true. If your dream is to see your book sitting on the shelves of a bookstore and changing lives, I would love to hear about your book idea.
Book Topics of Interest:
To have your project considered for agency representation by Tracie Miles Literary, it’s important to make sure you know if your project fits into the types of books Tracie will and can represent. Before submitting your query or book proposal, please read the below information to see if your book idea is currently a project Tracie could consider.
- Non-fiction Christian books for women on any topic
- Non-fiction Christian books for anyone on any topic
- Self-help / motivational books
- Social or cultural issues addressed from a biblical perspective
- Encouragement that inspires or equips people to heal and overcome adversities
- Bible studies
- Faith related
- Women's issues
- Divorce
- Marriage, parenting, family
- Christian based children's books and picture books
- Pre-illustrated Picture Books, Early Readers, Chapter Books (for ages 5-11)
- Deeper spirituality and prayer
- Theme based devotional books
- Books based on spiritual gifts or the Holy Spirit
- Theology and Culture
- Apologetics & Worldview; Pastoral
- Men's Interests
- Books focused on mental health from a Christian perspective
- Young adult content
- Biographies / Autobiographies
- Current events in today's society (from a Christian perspective)
- Journals / guided journals
- Coffee table devotionals
- Planners
- Other gift-type books for occasions such as graduation, Christmas, etc.
- Christian based novels
- Christian based Children's books
- Middle-grade Fiction
- Cookbooks
- Poetry
- Memoirs
- Short stories
- Screenplays
- Romance
How important is having a platform?
For non-fiction authors, a strong platform is essential. That includes having a strong email subscriber list as well as growing social media platforms. Publishers count on authors to help promote their work and book sales and can't assume the whole responsibility for promotions and sales. It serves the Publisher and the Author well for both parties to work together in launching and continually promoting the book.
However, with that said, all publishers have different criteria and many are willing to work with authors with smaller platforms if their topic is unique or has a unique angle and their writing is stellar. So if that’s you, don’t be discouraged! There are also ways to get creative about showing a publisher potential audiences you can reach and influencers or organizations you are connected with, even if your social media or email subscription lists are not well established. An agent can help you think through for the writing of your proposal.

What is the Agent/Author relationship?
The agent/author relationship is a professional partnership in the publishing industry where a literary agent represents an author in various capacities.
In essence, the agent/author relationship is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared goal of achieving success in the publishing world. The agent brings industry knowledge, negotiation skills, and connections, while the author provides the creative content. Together, they work to bring the author’s books to market and to build a sustainable writing career.
My personal goal is that an author/agent relationship goes beyond just business; it's built on mutual trust, understanding, a shared passion for your work and the message God has given you to share. As a literary agent, I am a personal advocate and cheerleader for my clients. I believe in their work and strive to see it grow from simply an idea to a beautiful book getting into the hands of those who need it.
Submission Guidelines
Tracie primarily represents books in the Christian literary market, and is currently accepting queries.
Please submit your queries by using the Query Submission button below. Queries are only accepted via the Query Submission form. Queries sent through email or snail mail will not be accepted, acknowledged or returned.
Before clicking into Query Submission Form, please be prepared with:
- A brief overview/description of your book or "back cover copy"
- A one-sentence pitch for your book (aka, elevator pitch)
- Your social media handles
- A PDF or Word copy of your Query Letter to upload
- A PDF or Word copy of your non-fiction Book Proposal, including 3 sample chapters (please do not send entire manuscripts as they will not be reviewed. Only three chapters should be included in your proposal which are the best examples of your book concept, writing talent, style and voice)
Please remember, we all only get one chance to make a first impression! Your proposal is your first writing sample and introduction of your book idea. Therefore, it’s important to submit the most solid, clean and impressive example of your writing style and a thorough explanation of your book concept, your unique spin on your topic and why the book is needed in today’s literary market.
Please follow the submission guidelines and send the query through the Query Submission Form only, Tracie responds to all queries within six weeks. (Thank you, in advance, for your patience!) If you haven't heard back from Tracie within 45 days, your query may have fallen through the cracks or been snagged in spam, so please feel free to reach out again.