5 Day Optimist Challenge

Let's face it, regardless of how much we love Jesus, staying positive and thinking positive when our circumstances are difficult can be one of the hardest things we are ever faced with doing.  Sometimes it seems we have more than our fair share of hard stuff to deal with, and at times, that may even actually be true.  But even when everything in life seems out of control, the way we choose to think is always within our power. Just because life is hard doesn't mean our hearts have to harden.

In Romans 12:2a, we're reminded of the power our thoughts have over our lives when we read "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."  

You see, how we think becomes who we are, and also determines how happy our future will be. In fact Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (KJV)  The way we choose to think is what drives our emotions, and our emotions drive our actions and how we live. Thoughts are powerful, but there is good news - you have full control over them! No person or circumstance can make you feel negative unless you give permission for them to do so. Being an optimist is not only within our power but a life changing choice we can all make. Being an optimist is not about have a Pollyanna attitude and ignoring life's problems, it's about choosing to embrace God's gifts of peace and joy and look for the best int things despite those problems.

It is our thoughts about our circumstances that determine our peace and joy, not the circumstances themselves. Although mastering the art of not letting our problems and negative thoughts steal our joy or weaken our faith takes practice and persistence, it is not an impossible task. God could change our circumstances at any time, but He is always more interested in changing us through our circumstances.

It thrills my heart you are signing up for my free 5 Day Optimist Challenge because it means you are taking the first step in intentionally choosing to take control of your thoughts so you can begin to think differently, feel differently and live differently. No matter how long you’ve felt like a pessimist, or how deeply you struggle with negative thoughts because you're going through a hard time, hope is on the way. Not only can you experience change, but God can and will change you if you ask.

By signing up for this challenge, you are taking the first step to experiencing a true mind over matter transformation. I'm praying God begins to help you discover a more positive life from this day forward, one positive thought at a time.



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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author of books, a Christian Literary Agent and the Director of COMPEL Pro Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books