So what is Author School?
Author School consists of a variety of Group Coaching series on different topics of most importance to aspiring authors dreaming of being published. Each series consists of live online sessions with Tracie Miles, best selling author of seven books, popular Author Coach and DIrector of COMPEL Writers Training at the internationally known Proverbs 31 Ministries.
In each series, you’ll receive invaluable coaching, advice, resources and guidance on the series topic, which will help you achieve the biggest writing dreams in your heart. Whatever your dreams and aspirations are for becoming a published author or established writer, Author School can set you up for success!

Fuel Your Writing Dreams - Group Coaching Mini Series
In the Fuel Your Writing Dreams Group Coaching mini-series, Tracie Miles will help you make this the year you achieve success in your writing and publishing journey! It’s not just about the cliche’ of setting goals or making New Year’s resolutions. It’s about knowing how to create those goals in such a way that will keep you motivated and seeing progress all year long.
Frequently Asked Questions
Group coaching sessions are guided, live, online writing workshops with Tracie and other group participants. You will join writing peers under the guidance of Tracie Miles who will teach you about the most important aspects of being a writer, inside and indepth information about the publishing topic the series is focused on, as well as personal guidance and tips all serious writers need. She will also help you find time to write while balancing family and life, develop structure to your writing routine, learn how to get published and seen by agents and publishers, and stay motivated and encouraged to keep pursuing your goals.
It is completely fine if you’ve already started! In fact, kudos! The book writing journey and the publishing process can both feel long and arduous. In addition, feeling like you’re in the dark about all the ins and outs of writing and the publishing industry (and not knowing how or where to get the information you need) can often become a stumbling block in completing your book or getting it published. Group Coaching with Tracie will provide the knowledge you need and the inspiration to keep going and achieve your biggest goals and dreams.
Tracie is more than happy to answer all your questions! Please email with a bulleted list of questions and she’ll answer as quickly as possible! You can also book a 15 minute free Discovery Call with Tracie by clicking here to ask questions about this series or any of Tracie’s other coaching services.
Tracie has put together a plethora of amazing helpful resources and Ebooks which are completely free to Group Coaching participants! Check out the descriptions of each Group Coaching series to see what you’ll receive FREE when you sign up for any Author School Series. Some examples might include Crafting a Powerful Chapter Outline, Fuel Your Dreams Workbook & Journal, Fuel Your Dreams implementation Plan, Non-fiction Book Proposal template and instruction manual, and more!
Since Tracie’s twenty years of writing experience is in the field of Christian non-fiction publishing, her topics and sessions are primarily focused on that genre. Although fiction authors may still benefit from many of the topics discussed with respect to writing, some of the material may not apply to the fiction genre or will differ in what is required by publishers for fiction writers versus non-fiction. Writing does not have to be faith based, but her expertise is more on non-fiction than fiction.
All virtual Group Coaching Services take place from 7:00-8:00 PM EST on Mondays during the series period, and take place via ZOOM. If you cannot attend the live sessions, you will have access to the recordings after the event and will receive a replay link within 24 hours that does not expire. Group coaching sessions via ZOOM can be done from your phone, laptop or pad. There will also be a call in number for anyone unable or unwilling to participate via video.