A Colorful Reminder of Gods Omnipotence

If you have ever read my book (Reinventing Your Rainbow), you already know that rainbows have a special place in my heart. Years ago, God used the simple beauty and mystery of a rainbow to bring my book idea to life, and to remind me of His love for me and His covenant to His people that He is always in charge.

Not that I had forgotten the promises that God spoke to my heart years ago through the breathtaking beauty of a rainbow, but I think I simply moved on to other things, and had not thought about them recently. I knew God was in charge, and I had been praying for Him to show me His presence. I didnt want to test God, but I felt desperate, which led to my asking God for a sign.

My conversation went something like this: ” God, if you dont mind, could you send me a sign? Just a litte sign, or, how about a bright, blinking sign? One that I will recognize is You, without a shadow of a doubt? Please? A sign that I can see with my visible eyes that will display Your love for me. That would be great Lord if You would do that, but I understand if You choose not to. Amen.”

You see, I had a lot of things going on in my life, and some heavy discouragements, and I desperately wanted to “see” Him.

Last week, God answered my prayer and gave me that sign. It was amazing. It was breathtaking. It was beautiful. It was colorful – 7 specific colors in fact. Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. White.

I was driving to Lynchburg, Virginia last week for a speaking engagement for a couple days, and my mind was full of if’s, and’s, and but’s; why’s and why not’s. I found my mind wandering to all the gray areas of life; all the areas that I wanted to control but couldnt; all the relationships that I wanted to flourish; all the hurts that I wanted to go away. I worried and fretted, and even prayed a lot. But then, out of nowhere, God got my attention.

As I stared at the open interstate ahead of me, I saw it. A magnificent rainbow, standing alone in all its glory in the deep blue sky. No raindrops. No storms. Just the rainbow. I was so amazed, I almost had a wreck trying to get a good picture of it. I thanked God for that rainbow, and continued driving. The pictures do not do justice to what I saw, but I did capture them.

An hour later, I was again dismayed. A rainbow shot across the sky, this time a little fainter, but a rainbow nonetheless. I thought to myself, “How odd. Two rainbows in one day? And without any raindrops? Hmmmm.”

My thoughts continued to wander, my prayers continued to flow, and then I saw it. Yes, another rainbow. This one was even more beautiful than the other two, as the colors spread wide and vast across the sky. And again, the skies were dry, the roads were dry. I could not make heads nor tails of where in the world these rainbows were coming from – and how bizarre it was to see three rainbows in one year, much less one day. Just then, God gently nudged my heart, and reminded me that His love for me is more beautiful than the rainbow, and the rainbow is a reminder of that love.

As I continued to drive, I continued thanking God for those rainbows, but I could not help wondering – why? Why today? Why now? Why the rainbow?

Three and half hours after I had left my home, I finally arrived at my destination, and checked into the hotel. Later that evening, as I was sitting in a an amazing worship service, my daughter called my cell phone. I did not answer her call at the time, but instead sent her a text message to ask what she needed.

Believe it or not – here is what her message said: “Mom! There is a humongous rainbow going right over our house! It is huge! Dad will text you a picture.”

I am serious when I say, I felt a shiver from head to toe. I felt Gods presence all over me. Three rainbows on the drive here, and now one over my own house? I wondered what in the world God was trying to tell me through this pattern of phenomenal rainbows.

Over the next couple days, as I thought back about all the rainbows I had seen in the past week, and pondering what God was trying to tell me, it finally hit me. My heart was gaping open, waiting to hear from him, and I finally heard Gods voice loud and clear.

Dreams. Wishes. Desires. Goals. Ambitions. Prayers. Hopes.

These rainbows were His way of confirming that He had heard my prayers. I was not alone. He had not forgotten me after all.

I believe it was His way of telling me not to give up on my dreams. Not to lose sight of my God sized visions. Not to lose hope over things that seemed hopeless. Not to give up on desires that seem to be taking longer to be fulfilled than I would like.

That He truly heard the deepest longings of my soul. And that He loved me, and He would never leave me or forsake me. He loved me. He loved my family. He desires to bless me, in His time. And He was alive.

Thank you Jesus, for working in my life, and in all of our lives. For reminding us through unique ways that we will understand, that you truly are there, even when our human eyes cannot see you, our human minds cannot fathom you, and our human hearts cannot feel you. Thank you.

Has God spoken to you lately in a way that took your breath away?


  1. Mary on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 12:36 pm


    Thank you so much for your post today. It was an incredible reminder of God’s love! Almost 18 years ago I God revealed His love to me through a rainbow. I was 17 years old. My mother had just broken the news to me that my parents were getting divorced. My world was falling apart around me. There were so many unknowns. I was driving home one day in tears absolutely crushed. As I rounded a curve I looked up and there in front of me was a beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky. I knew at that moment God was with me and everything was going to be ok. He loved me and would take care of me.

    Thank you for bringing that memory back to me. I can once again rest in knowing God loves me and will carry me through anything.

  2. Eagles Wings on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    God is so good…I am reminded of the scripture: Psalm 37:4-5 (Amplified Bible)
    4Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.

    5Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

    but I wrote the rest of my story from yesterday in my post God is faithful in the little things. If you have time to read…
    Blessings and thanks for sharing!

  3. Rachel B on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    My blog header is a picture taken from my front porch of a rainbow over our barn. 🙂 I love the picture because it is a constant reminder of His promises…and they we can always count on them!!! He is so vast, yet cares about every little detail our lives. So glad God continues to speak to our hearts.

  4. O'Nealya Gronstal on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    That is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read on any blog! WOW!
    We serve an awesome, faithful God who loves to surprise us. I can just picture Jesus’ reaction to you each and every time you saw a rainbow that day – I’m sure he called all the saints and angels over and said, “Watch this…See Tracie, she is going to be so surprised. She is going to just love this!”
    Just like Christmas morning when our husband or children open that one gift that we saved for, hid for months and knew would be the last thing they expected to actually get. This gift was hand delivered, carefully wrapped JUST FOR YOU!!!!
    WOW! That is just one of the coolest God stories I have heard in a long time – Praise Him!

  5. Anonymous on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    See…you leave us with something to ponder (something to think about). Will be thinking about this throughout my day.

    I had these thoughts….with our world telling us to go go go… How many do stop to look for the signs God shows to us, or… do we miss them because of our own will we are trying so desparately to fill.

    Through my second biggest trial…
    You see I like to go for walks to clear my thoughts,and to talk with God on them. One time after coming back with this trial I was starting to see an ending. There on the top of our house set an ALL WHITE DOVE. (didn’t get a photo..wish I had). The peace that went through me that morning was OUR precious Maker…telling me… “Well done my good and faithful servant!!
    …”My PEASE I give to you!!

    Tracie your a blessing.

    P.S….”Can’t wait to read your book!!(SMILES) Left a comment there for you too.

  6. Angie on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    I had my own rainbow experience not too many weeks ago.

    Through many months of prayers and at times feeling like they were bouncing off the ceiling, God answered my prayer in a powerful way.

    After speaking so strongly to my heart for two days that I couldn’t run away, I realized I needed to stop fighting what He was trying to do in my life.

    So after having my emotional breakdown while driving, and at one time wondering if I was still on the right road, I saw that rainbow in the sky.

    I knew then that no matter what still lies ahead of me, He will be there, He will walk through it with me and He is waiting to pour more blessings on my life. Trust Him and stop fighting.

    Thank you Tracie for sharing such a personal but heart felt moment!

  7. The Seeking Mom on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    Beautifully written post today, Tracie. I started reading your blog just before the 5-day challenge and have been blessed so much by it. Sounds like many of us have been encouraged by the sight of a rainbow at just the right time. I associate rainbows with my great-grandmother, who had little prisms hanging from her picture window. When the light hit the prisms, tiny rainbows fluttered all around the room–as a child I was mesmerized by the beauty, and the memory connects me to her as one of my spiritual mentors.
    Sigh…I have something to say that has bothered me for a long time and I wonder if any of you feel the same–I say this with humility. It pains me that the homosexual movement has adopted the rainbow as a representative symbol. The first rainbow was designated as a reminder of God’s promise never to destroy the earth by flood again–it’s still a symbol of how God keeps his promises, not anything to do with homosexuality. I hope you understand that I’m not trying to criticize, it’s just another example to me of how the world distorts something good.
    When I see a rainbow sticker on a car in front of me, I am reminded of God’s love for the person, and that I should show the same love to them, not judge them. Please understand I have worked with homosexuals and suspect there may be some in my current social circles…and I have learned to love the person yet hate the sin. I just wonder if any other Christians feel the same as I do.

  8. B His Girl on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    How beautiful He is to keep coloring your world with reminders of His love and care for you. I am in South Florida after dropping off my firstborn at college…9 1/2 hours away!!! On the drive down I saw two rainbows. When Megan and I drove down orientation in July, we also saw two. I know God is in control of all things. I never thought about the 7 colors, the number of perfection. God is so good.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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