Overcoming the Bathing Suit Blues & Summer Giveaway day!

swimsuitNo matter how confident we may feel as a woman, employee, wife, mother, or grandmother, the thought of putting on a bathing suit and wearing it in public can make even the most confident woman cringe in fear.

Maybe you’re familiar with the verse from Psalm 139:14 which says “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”   But when it comes to wearing a bathing suit, we tend to forget that verse, and the only thing we know ‘full well’ is that we want to run for cover (or at least a swimsuit cover-up).

Body image is a hot topic in the media these days, and there are constant disagreements about what is and isn’t healthy, or whether it’s better to have no curves or full curves.  But no matter how much talk is out there, there is one perception that seems to always come out on top – beauty means having a perfect body.

Not only is that worldly perception sad because it causes so many women and teens to have poor self image, but it is painfully untrue.

For a different perspective about the meaning of Psalm 139, let’s look at how Psalm 139:13-16 reads in The Message Bible.

“Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!

Body and soul,I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!

You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,  how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”

I loved how this translation reminds us that God not only formed us in the womb. He shaped us – body and soul. He made us marvelous and He knows us inside and out.  He sculpted us, bit by bit and has prepared a future for us… just the way we are.  Although the world wants us to care more about the outside, God cares about the inside the most.

So if we know this, and believe God’s Word to be true, why do we stress ourselves into a tizzy over wearing a swimsuit?  Why do we put off going swimsuit shopping until the last possible minute?

Why do we try on 47 suits before we find one we can live with?  Why are we afraid to take off our cover-up in public? Why do we hate our bodies so much so that we’ll avoid activities we enjoy for fear of judgement and shame over imperfections?

I believe the answer lies in the trap of comparison. As soon as we compare ourselves to swimsuit models, we immediately start beating ourselves up for not being able to wear the tiny pieces of material and strings that stores now call a swimsuit.  We compare ourselves to women younger than us, and feel inferior because our body has changed with childbearing and age. We compare ourselves to other women in our lives, always coming up inferior.  We hold ourselves up to expectations of the media that are unrealistic and fake.

I wonder how much stress we could do away with during the swimsuit season if we adopted the mentality that we are going to enjoy summer, have fun at the beach, swim in the pool, partake in outdoor activities and feel confident in our own skin, even if we have areas of our body that we’re not in love with.

Overcoming body image concerns, especially in the summer, might seem like a lost cause but it can happen  – and it starts with our spiritual soul, not our physical bodies. It takes work to change our physical body, and sometimes that is in our best interest and health. But it takes prayer to see ourselves the way God does instead of what we see in the mirror, and that is just as important.

If you have been battling a case of the bathing suit blues, below are a few suggestions to help you start being an overcomer of the blues:

1. We all have to wear a swimsuit every now and then, so even if the idea of wearing one horrifies you, buy a pretty bathing suit that fits your body well.  Don’t worry about what size the tag says, instead focus on what you feel best in and what is most comfortable.

2. There are some beautiful coverups this season at budget friendly prices. Find one that you feel confident in. Don pretty hats and cool sunglasses if they also help you feel pretty.

3. Shift your focus from your body to what you enjoy. Don’t avoid having fun because you’re worried about the opinions of others.

If you love the water, focus on how it makes you feel. If you love laying at the pool, focus on the warmth of the sun.  If you enjoy throwing the frisbee on the beach with your kids, concentrate on the fun you’re having and the sound of their laughter, and don’t worry about what other people think. Train your mind to focus on what really matters and things you enjoy. Don’t allow the enemy of our hearts rob you of enjoying time with your family doing what you love. Better to have fun than regrets.

4. Remember that nobody looks like a model. Even models don’t look perfect without camera angles, makeup, air brushing and photoshop, so let’s not hold ourselves to a standard that doesn’t really exist.

5.  Change your mind set. Even though we feel like everyone is going to be checking us out at the pool and eye balling all of our flaws, they really aren’t. In fact, they are probably too busy worrying about their own. We are usually our biggest critic.

6. Eat healthy and exercise. Although we can’t attain perfection, we can feel confident and vibrant in the bodies we have if we take care of them. Avoid eating junk foods which cause fullness and bloating, and stick to fruits, vegetables and healthy foods. Allow yourself the pleasure of sweets occasionally, but don’t over do it.  Exercise is proven to be a mood booster and it makes you feel great – so avoid procrastinating and commit to a regular regimen of activity.

7. Tuck Psalm 139:14 into your heart and carry it with you everywhere you go. Remember you have been shaped by a Holy God.

cooler giveawayToday’s summer giveaway is a PackiT Cooler Lunch bag valued at $20.  Put it in the freezer overnight, then pack your lunch or drinks for the pool or beach and they will stay cool all day!  

To enter to win, leave a comment with your answer to the question below.

What way can you approach swimsuit season differently this year and overcome the bathing suit blues?  

Winner will be announced on Friday, July 12th.




  1. Cat on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:22 am

    I agree however there is a balance so many are severely obese and don’t take care of the temple its not about outward beauty in this case. It is about being a good steward of what God has given you. So either extreme or expectancy is wrong yes love the body God gave you cellulite, wrinkles, white skin, splotches uneven color pigmentation yes a little fluffy but if your to skinny or severely obese you are not being a good steward of what the Lord has given you, wearing a bathing suite has nothing to do with it.

  2. Stephanie on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:30 am

    Giveway response:

    To approach swimsuit season differently this year, I am believing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Ps 139:q4). My husband of 14+ years is totally in love with me which also gives me confidence. With God all things are possible!

  3. Kristen on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:33 am

    I don my bathing suit and sunscreen and then I don’t look in the mirror again. I just enjoy my time with my boys. We LOVE to go to the pool and we go about every day. I need to lose the 30 pounds I’ve gained since my son was diagnosed with cancer, but I choose not to dwell on it. I just make a choice to eat more healthy and exercise and know that I will enjoy looking in the mirror again soon enough…but maybe not while I’m in my bathing suit 🙂

    • Lisa Moose on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 3:49 pm

      God bless you and your family – I love what you said about “I CHOOSE not to dwell on it” – you are clearly dwelling on what is most important, not what is temporary, but what is eternal.

  4. Melissa on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:36 am

    We just got back from the beach. I admit I was not looking forward to putting on that suit but once it was on and I was out playing with my children, it didn’t matter anymore. I put my focus on making memories. Thank you for these tips and the reminder that we are wonderfully made no matter what our body shape.

  5. Tracey on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:44 am

    I definitely think that a positive outlook is important as well as balance in everyday life. There are some areas of our life/health that we may have no control of. Some people, myself included, have diagnosed thyroid conditions, or other health situations that may cause us to not look the way we’d like to look . Body image can be a struggle if we let it, That’s the key though….if we let it!! Positive thinking and constantly trying to make better, more informed choices for our health can improve not only our body image, but our lives. Each day is a new day! So, that’s what I will do differently this season…approach each new day with a positive attitude and strive to make better, more informed decisions.

  6. LK on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:06 am

    Change my mindset, eat healthy and exercise. These little differences will add up!

  7. Michele on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:11 am

    I agree with the comment about don’t worry about the size… just find something you like. I went this weekend and bought swim shorts to wear over my bathing suit bottoms. In regular clothes I wear an 8-10 in pants. But grabbed several sizes of the swim shorts to try on. It amazes me why clothing manufacturers don’t skew their sizes the other way but I ended up in a size 14 swim short to be comfortable and not squish up a muffin top over the elastic. No worries… they fit good and I really like them. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have bought them JUST because they were larger than what I thought I should wear. These days… I don’t mind… if it is comfortable…. wear it. 🙂 Loved the topic today!!!!

  8. Christina Burrell on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:14 am

    By reminding myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and focusing on thebfun I will have with my children in the pool.

  9. LRF on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:19 am

    I need to get back to regular exercise b/c I know from experience it really does make me feel better-not just physically but more importantly emotionally- i have happier thoughts and my whole outlook is brighter. The most important thing I need to do is spend time in prayer: First, I need need to confess my sinful thought process about my body and my discontent with the body gave me. Secondly, I need to praise Him for allowing me to have the strength & health to be outside with my children,family and friends this summer and ask HIM go give me a joyful spirit that focuses on the people and activities rather than selfishly focusing on myself.
    Oh I also agree a suit that fits and flatters works wonders! I bought a suit (it was very badly needed:) and have a fun cover-up. Having these things really does help when it’s time to go out.
    Thank you so much for this post-I needed it it b/c just yesterday I started to feel badly about my body shape/image so thank you and when the kids are settled I am going to follow my own advice and go pray!

  10. TAMMY on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:21 am

    I am going to remind myself that my kids are only young once and that I need to take advantage of the opportunity before me. I especially liked the statement that I will not let the enemy of my heart rob me of my joy. I had never thought of it that way, even though it is so true.

  11. Courtney on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:22 am

    When it comes to bathing suit season, I really don’t cringe. As stated in Psalm 139:14 I am fearfully and wonderfully made! This doesn’t mean I just let myself go! I still eat healthy and exercise regularly. This is for my health and for me to be comfortable with myself, not society’s standards. Each season I select a bathing suit that is flattering to my body shape, but more importantly tasteful!

  12. Paige on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:24 am

    Wear what’s comfortable & modest! Don’t let the enemy convince me to focus so much on myself that I believe everyone is looking at me. Like you said, they are probably more concerned with how they look.

  13. Sherri Wicker on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:26 am

    Learn to love yourself…and be comfortable in your own skin!
    Remember if we dislike ourselves we dislike God’s Wonderful Creation.
    Just be YOU and ENJOY!

  14. Emily on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:32 am

    Oh, how I used to worry about the way I looked in a bathing suit, especially in my teenage years. I was laughing just yesterday about the fact that I would love to have back the what I then thought was a “fat” body! Today, maybe it’s my age (40) but I just don’t care what others think. I know that I am a child of God and only His opinion matters. The closer I have drawn to Him, the more I don’t let what the world thinks impact me like I used to. It has taken me a long road to get here, but boy, what a freeing feeling it is!

  15. ETHEL May Miller on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:32 am

    AH-H_H the swimsuit issue !!! It’s been years since I’ve worn a swimsuit that I felt beautiful in — if ever.
    But I have decided to go to the pool or the beach to enjoy the water. I LOVE THE WATER , THE SANDY BEACHES anything to do with water. A cover-up like you suggest is great — so is a huge towel. I really don’t want to get sunburned — my skin is so fair and I’ve suffered horrible sunburns. So, I don’t worry about my body altho’ there is more of me than I want. I put on a swimsuit because I want to ENJOY the water.

  16. Amy Crisp on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:33 am

    I love the idea of focusing on fun rather than our bodies!

  17. Ellen on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:33 am

    Wow Tracie…you never disappoint! This post is so timely and so true. I have suffered from body image issues since about the time of puberty. I am a Lifetime Weight Watchers member, having lost 50 pounds about 10 years ago. Even at “goal weight”, I thought I still needed to lose or reshape or SOMETHING. Clearly, this body wasn’t the way it is supposed to be! I am not at goal weight anymore, but am working on it. I went this past weekend and purchased a bathing suit because the one I had was a little too tight and I was uncomfortable. The size tag on the new suit doesn’t say what I want it to say…but the suit feels so comfortable on and I look slimmer in it because I’m not stuffed into it like a sausage! My husband suggested a trip to a water park nearby this weekend to some friends. It is supposed to be a beautiful day, but I’ve been stressing about it…do I have the confidence to wander around in public in my bathing suit? Your post has confirmed that the time to enjoy my life is NOW. Not 10 pound from now, not 20 pounds from now…but NOW, because I AM “fearfully and wonderfully made” and I am exactly what God made me to be.

  18. Barb on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:36 am

    God’s timing is perfect again to have me read this today. I plan to put my focus on making memories with my grandchildren while at the pool!

  19. Tammy on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:36 am

    I just plan on wearing shorts over my bathing suit and then NO STRESS! Everyone else is feeling self-conscious about their body too; so no one is really focusing on you anyhow.

  20. Nicole on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:44 am

    Wow! What a beautiful reminder this morning… That nearly ALL woman feel as self-conscious as I do, & that I am my worst critic. I plan to find a swim-suit fit for my body type, & then focus on the enjoyment of being out with family & friends – regardless of whether I am in a swim-suit or not! Love, LOVE today’s blog… Thank you Tracie!

  21. Kim on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:45 am

    I ended up buying a tankini with a little skirt to hide my thighs 🙂 I plan on making memories with my children instead of focusing on how I look. My kids won’t remember how I looked in a bathing suit, but they will remember the fun that we had together.

  22. Bonnie Thomas on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:47 am

    I struggle with my body image year round, but yes even more so in the summer. Not only wearing a swim suit, but shorts, too, because of my bony, knobby knees, my skinny legs, no bottom, extra belly fat, and pasty white skin. I have to remind myself often that I was made in God’s image and that He made me to be just how I am. It makes me think of a project we once did when I was in my church youth group – we made t-shirts. One of the choices was a cute little kid and the caption was “God don’t make no junk”! Thanks for the reminder!

  23. Carissa D. Huffman on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:47 am


    I have pretty much been overweight since I was a pretty young child. I work on it, and I slip up–it is something I will always have to deal with.

    I remind myself that this imperfect, too big body gave birth to my lovely son at 40 years old, all 9 lbs 4 oz of him, with no C-section–THAT is pretty cool!! I remind myself that I make a consistent effort to eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, drink plenty of water, and, that I am in the water to MOVE–this is beneficial to me, so it is worth putting this suit on!

    Thanks for reminding me that it isn’t just us big girls who struggle with this!

    Carissa in eastern Iowa

  24. cheri on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:48 am

    I recommend that if you put a genuine smile on your face and enjoy the summer others will smile back at you!
    God loves you right where you are. Pray for God’s grace each day, eat healthy foods, exercise and then smile.
    That is what God wants from all his girls.

  25. Amber M on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:55 am

    After losing 60 lbs last year I told myself to get a two piece swimsuit for the first time since my very young college years. I know my body isnt perfect but i worked hard to get where I am now after having my two kids and I am proud and comfortable. I want to be a good role model for my kids and let them know that they can be happy and confident and not worry about what the world thinks of them. They are perfect in my eyes the same way I am in God’s

  26. Lori A. on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:03 am

    Love myself no matter what the scale says.

  27. Briana on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:08 am

    This year, I am buying a swimsuit that fits and is pretty.

  28. Cici on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:10 am

    With Psalm 139:14 as my focus, live in the moment and enjoy the blessings I’m surrounded with.

  29. Rose on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:16 am

    I’m going to focus on having fun with my kids. My 4 year old has never known me to have a swimsuit, and I want her to remember fun times with me.

  30. Elosia on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:17 am

    I believe your #1 is a great way in beating the swimsuit blues. If you buy something you look great in instead of buying something you wish you looked great in then you may be more confident in your swimsuit. I love this idea and never really thought about it that way.

  31. BEVERLY SHOOK on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:19 am

    This has been an especially difficult issue for me this year.
    I love my swimsuit. But I dont like the opinion I have of myself
    In my swimsuit. I am going to keep working on eating well and
    Exercising and when I have an opportunity to be at the lake or
    The pool, the most important action for me is to stop looking around
    At others and wish I looked like them, as well as stop filling my mind with negative
    Thoughts about myself and my body. CHANGING MY THOUGHT PATTERN.
    Thanks Tracie!

  32. Charlotte on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:04 am

    I am going to put on my suit this summer and not look in the mirror searching for the flaws that I already know are there. It is all about my focus. I’m going to only focus on gratitude that I’m on vacation, that I have free time with my family at the pool, that my body is highly “functioning”, and that I can “do” so many things with it because I am healthy and active. Thank you for the perspective change!!

  33. Gena C on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:05 am

    I have only gone to the public pool once this summer. I was mortified by the corner of bikini moms … and then me in the other corner. I am going to go again and enjoy playing with my son- not just watching him in the water. I love the water and the sun! God loves me, my husband loves me and despite how I look in a swimsuit it is the joy in my eyes and soul that need to matter most!

  34. Karolina on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:17 am

    I try to concentrate on the actual activity- be thankful and happy that I have time to lay by the pool or go to the beach, for the warm sun and my ability to lay and take it in (along with some healthy vitamin D)…basically I try to live the moment and not think of anything else.
    Although at times my happy focused bubble gets bursted by other people (i.e. if I go with a friend) and she starts comparing our body parts…I tend to be at a loss of words as to how to respond in a loving manner and make her (or them) change the subject to something more pleasing for all.

  35. Sandy on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:26 am

    For years I have struggled with my body image. Unfortunately, I passed this fear of what others think along to my three daughters. Now that I see the impact this has had on their lives and the way they struggle with their own body image, it makes me realize that I need to set a better example. I have learned to be confident in the body God gave me and not worry about what anyone else thinks. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” and that is what I need to teach my daughters by my example. So I don’t worry about how I look in a bathing suit or a pair of shorts. I instead focus on the memories and remember my daughters are watching and listening.

  36. Aleksandra on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:27 am

    I am currently pregnant for the first time and seeing my body stretch and expand in ways that I have never seen before terrified and shocked me. There is no escaping the beach when living in Southern California, so as much as I put off shopping for a new (bigger) bathing suit, I looked deeper at my belly and realized that the reason why I am getting bigger is because there is a LIFE, a true gift from God, inside me that needs all the cushion and nutrients it needs to be healthy. Realizing what is truly important–the health of my child and that I was blessed with being able to get pregnant in the first place–made me want to show off my belly and my expanded hips.

  37. Teresa Simmons on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:30 am

    After going through a terrible divorce this past year and having self-esteem issues for many years, I decided to start loving myself again. I bought a bathing suit that was more flattering for my full-figure. I also bought a cover-up that made me feel more secure. I decided not to let my full-figure keep me from living life with my boys and my family and friends!! I am made in the image of God, and God don’t make no junk!!!

  38. Cristi on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:31 am

    Thank you for these encouraging words and the reminder from God’s word.

  39. michelle h on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:37 am

    remember that I don’t want to miss out on the fun of my kids at these stages and they don’t care what I look like in my suit, only that I’m there with them!

  40. Janet Axelson on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:20 pm

    I will remember that I am not my own…I belong to God, and will dress accordingly…not worrying what others think of me! I am set apart and Holy, and I will act like it! So, I will wear a suit that is modest and fits….

  41. Heather on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:35 pm

    This year I decided to enjoy the pool and beach time with my family and not care about how I look. Instead of buying a bathing suit that covers up, I got a simple pretty one piece. Move on and enjoy :-).

  42. Shannon on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:37 pm

    I abhor swimsuits – or at least I did. After having my babies, my old ones didn’t fit like they used to and I dreaded the mere thought of donning one and heading to the pool – often opting for a pair of shorts and one of my husband’s tank tops to cover me up. However, since both of my little girls love the water, NOT swimming this is season was NOT an option. 🙂 At our homeschool wrap-up swim party in April I noticed a mom playing with her kids, enjoying the water, and sporting a fabulous suit – modest, nursing friendly, and cute! So, I complimented her and asked about the suit. Then over Memorial Day, the company she referred me to had an amazing sale and in preparation for summer and water fun, I bought a new suit. I am pleased to report it fits, looks nice, is modest and trendy. I’m thrilled and spent 2 days at a water park without a second thought. 🙂

  43. Janet Jackson on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:48 pm

    My late husband took every opportunity he had to say how much he loved my curves and how much he appreciated me for being big, beautiful and not afraid to embrace myself for who God created me to be. God sees what is in my heart and loves me regardless of what I look like on the outside just as my husband did so the right mindset will work wonders for how I see myself in a swimsuit 🙂

  44. Michelle M on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    I have gained some weight the past year and was mortified at the thought of a swimsuit. I am trying to remember that the important part isn’t the way I look in that suit but the MEMORIES that are being made while I’m in it. Times with my children that won’t come again. I have come to look at worrying so much about how I look in that suit as vanity. Most definitely NOT what God wants of me.

  45. Kristina on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    This year I reminded myself that my kids (and husband) would rather have a mom/wife that got in on the fun rather than watch from the sidelines. We went to Maui in June and rather than sitting on the beach covered up, I tried surfing with my kids!!! It was a day I’ll remember forever!!!!

  46. Tammy P on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:52 pm

    This year I have decides to just enjoy my family and surroundings instead of focusing on how I look in my bathing suit. We leave Friday for the beach so this came just in time to remind me of that! Thankyou.

  47. Wendy on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    I try to put a smile on my face and it is tough when I attempt to squeeze into my swimsuit. Sometimes, it is more just a giggle but oh well. I have had to think and be grateful that I am healthy enough to go to the pool and swim and attempt to burn some calories…so there are a few extra pounds…I am mightily made..that’s my mantra!

  48. Teresa Bowers on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 1:03 pm

    I will wear my swimsuit proudly knowing that I am wearing it to help me take care of my body and spend time with my 3 precious boys who need to learn that beauty is not on the outside, but from within.

  49. Emily on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    Realize that no one really truly cares what you look like – we are all WAY too hard on ourselves and are missing out on a lot of fun by judging ourselves and comparing ourselves.

  50. Lora on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 1:54 pm

    Okay, so last year I was still nursing my baby & got a swimdress to accommodate my nursing body. I have since weaned my baby & thus shed some of the extra pounds my body was holding onto for him (for whatever reason, that happened with both my boys, but not the girls).

    So this year, I was faced with either staying in the same suit which I liked because it covered everything I wanted it to cover & did so nicely, but was definitely too big or spend the money to get a new suit that fit me better (& thus would be harder for kids to pull down) & risk showing some of my not-so-favorite curves. It was really hard to shop for a new suit because most of them really weren’t very modest nor did they help me in my insecurities about my physique. BUT I kept looking & found a modest tankini top & skort bottom that flattered where it needed to flatter & didn’t make me feel older than I am.

    I’m still self-conscious, but I’ve resolved to know that my suit does good enough & to just focus on my kids once I’m in it so that we can all have fun together. I’m not a skinny minny anymore & I’ve got curves from my pregnancies & that’s okay. Because of those curves, I have four sweet little loves to enjoy & that’s exactly what I want to do in my swimsuit this summer! So bring on the water!!

  51. Jennifer L on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 2:11 pm

    The first thing I do to feel comfortable is to find a one-piece bathing suit. And I remember why I am at the pool or the lake – to have fun with my children. They don’t care what I look like in my suit, they are just so happy to have me in the water playing with them. And hopefully when people see me at the pool or the lake, they aren’t noticing what I look like in my suit but the fun time a mom is having with her children.

  52. Donna J on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    I’ve made a major accomplishment in this area this year! I have lost over 60 pounds in the last year and 22 1/2 inches. I was motivated to do this because my weight was causing a problem with intimacy in our marriage, but I am so glad that I did! For the first time in years, I can look in a mirror and almost like what I see.

    I went and bought my first swim suit in about six years and I bought a two piece! It has a bikini bottom and a long top that covers my tummy, but it is a major accomplishment to show my legs. I’ve not had an opportunity to wear it yet and am still a little nervous but I don’t care what others think. God made me the way I am and God doesn’t make junk…plus my husband likes it, so nothing else matters.

  53. Kristy on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 2:51 pm

    Remember that God made everyone unique in his own way and there is so much more to me on the inside than on the outside.

  54. Heidi W. on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    I love the advice that we should concentrate on an activity that we love and not on the way we look doing it. I have missed much fun with my kids because I didn’t want anyone to see me in a bathing suit. Now I will jump in and enjoy the warm water knowing that God made me as I am and to him I am beautiful.

  55. Kris Konick on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 3:24 pm

    Drink more water, watch what I eat, and stand behind my kids in the few family pics we do decide to take in order to preserve the memories!!!! Really it is a tough thing even in modest swimsuits. I just try to push it out of my mind and focus on the joy of making memories with my babies!!

  56. Jackie H on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 3:32 pm

    I believe that by focusing on the elements of summer – warm weather, clear skies, sunshine, pools, beaches, cookouts, fireworks, popsicles, fresh fruit, etc. – we can overcome the bathing suit blues. We’ve been stuck inside during too-long winters, wearing warm (yet bulky) clothing, and getting really limited sunshine. Let’s just get out and enjoy the warm weather while we can. It will be gone before we know it!

  57. Whitney on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    I always remind myself that I’m not looking around and judging other women on their bodies… why should I always feel like everyone is judging me? Also I mentally record everytime my 3 year old daughter tells me I look pretty and then play back those memories when I get down on myself!

  58. Tammy on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 4:00 pm

    To enjoy the time with my kids while I can : ). ***Who really takes the time to look at someone that closely. kids grow up to fast to worry.

  59. Ellen on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    Tracie, I love your Stressed-Less Living book and your writings. And it is really true we need to be more content with our bodies. I would love to see the issue of modesty addressed in an article about swimsuits. In this day and age anything goes – even in the church. If we wouldn’t wear it to answer the door for the mailman it isn’t appropriate on the beach either! I wonder if some cringe because deep inside they know they should not be showing so much skin. We have an entire culture focused on beauty and looks for sure.. and that effects every one of us women. But we should not give in to that culture’s acceptance of not being modest. Men are expected to keep their minds out of the gutter while women are free to dress as they like. I believe there is responsibility on both parts of the issue. We as followers of Christ should be an example of this verse – 1 Timothy 2:9-10 ESV – Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. Also, I Peter 1:3-6 talks about the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. God does love us as we are with our imperfections and he also loves to see us living out our lives as sweet, gentle, modest women!

  60. Diana R on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    I have lost 102 pounds, I have some flab but I think of all I have gained by losing. I often encourage others with the verses in Psalm 139. Our bodies are a temple of the holy spirit. I try to not scrutnize this shell that I am in because I am alive and serving God the best I can with my aches, pains and a little flab. Bring on the bathing suit….have fun. We only have one life to live.

  61. 4JMom on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    I’m approaching swimsuit season differently this year, for a couple of reasons: (1) I have started a mild exercise regimen and changed my eating habits so I feel more confident; and (2) I have a dear friend who is dying of cancer and one who is losing her battle to MS – both of which make me ashamed to worry about what I look like in a swim suit! Instead, I’m enjoying my time in the sand and surf and keeping my eyes focused on the really important things in life.

  62. Rebecca on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    My hubby absolutely adores me…curves and all…and they remind him of the fact that I have bore him our three beautiful children. As long as I remember to take care of myself (oreos for dinner don’t count!!) and that I am my own worst critic, I need to cut myself some (a lot!) of slack and simply ENJOY myself and my family instead of worrying about what others think of my appearance. They’re most likely too busy worrying about their own to think about mine (which is also quite a shame!).

  63. Dori Sheese on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 5:32 pm

    Just put on your suit, shorts & top, or whatever you wear to the beach/pool and go! Tracy is correct when she said “we are our own worst critic!”
    Thanks, Tracy for a great devotion!

  64. Carol on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    I believe everything that you have written here, but currently am unable, (or unwilling) to stop comparing. Now that I’m 53 and “losing my looks” the comparison seems to be getting worse not better. Thank you for this post. I needed to hear this message again. Thank you.

  65. Elaine Segstro on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    When I “don” my swimsuit, I am with family and friends who love me for who I am. I am so grateful for that, and can enjoy myself in the short summers that we have. Thank you Lord for loving me with the body that I have. It doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care for it, and I do continue to work on exercising and proper diet.

  66. Mary T on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    Tracie, funny your post should appear right after my first trip to the beach this past Sunday. I am 55 years old and have been blessed not to struggle with my weight…metabolism is in my favor…anyway, I have 2 favorite two piece bathing suits that I have worn for at least the past 5 years (amazing how hand washing can add years to the life of a bathing suit). During the past few years I have developed some :age spots. I thought about buying a new suit to cover them up for all of 5 minutes, but decided very quickly that I am blessed to age gracefully and I love my bathing suits! Sunscreen on, favorite suit on and off to the beach I went! Thank you for reminding us that God created us in His image from the inside out! Happy summer!

  67. Phyllis Nichols Gutierrez on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:09 pm

    Know what looks best on you and buy that style. Accepting that I can no longer wear certain styles has made my life much easier. So, I wear swimdresses or tankinis. They provide enough coverage that I can swim and play with the kiddos, are comfortable, and I can still get some sun. Plus, there are so many beautiful coverups out there that you can always look marvelous Daaarling at any age!:) Be thankful for who you are and do remember that you are beautiful in God’s eyes and that he made you just the way you are!:) Love you ladies!
    Have a happy and blessed Summer!

  68. Diamond Jernigan on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    As you have stated, we need to look at ourselves differently in that we see what God made on the inside and treat others with respect as well. We need to be kind to others no matter what and then others will see that our beauty is from within if we do not feel beautiful in our swimsuits or whatever we may wear. Self-image has been so publicized these days to the point that people are centering on that and we have to feel confident in our own skin by looking up to God and realizing that our actions shine through when they are doing God’s work. So, in this summer season, I aim to look at the beauty of my soul and not the beauty of an outward image which I sometimes do not feel that I have but I do know I am God’s child and I hope to keep remembering that He loves me no matter what.

  69. Kristin on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 12:10 am

    Fearfully and wonderfully made in the context of swimsuit season…I never thought about it that way before! Love it and will repeat that to myself while enjoying summer fun with my boys.

  70. Nicole on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 2:33 am

    I am accepting my not so pretty stretch marks and proudly wearing my swimsuit because I’m proud to have my sons in my life. There was a time when we prayed, and prayed that our second son and I would be healthy with all my pregnancy complications and our sons premie (NICU stay) status, praise God our second son is now 9 months old and healthy!

  71. Kailynne on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 2:34 am

    I will be confident with my body because God created me!

  72. Monika on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 4:49 am

    This year is easy for me…I´m pregnant and very satisfied with my body 🙂 After my last pregnancy I wore tankini top and I will do it in the future too – it´s nice and trendy and my body is coverd a little bit 🙂

    • Monika on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 4:51 am

      sorry for my english….. I wanted to write “covered” at the end of sentence

  73. Krissy M. on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:45 am

    TI Love Your Reminder TO Focus On Being GoD’s Beautiful Creation As Well As Focusing On ThE Fun And Positive Activities I Enjoy Rather Than Fussing Over Or Worrying What Others Are Looking At As Far As Appearance. I’m God’s Beautiful DaughEr-Body & Soul! (No Idea Why My Phone Is Capitalizing So Crazy)

  74. BethA on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:45 am

    I’m just getting out there. And you know what? It makes me feel better! When I don’t get out in my bathing suit, I start feeling worse, which makes me eat more and exercise less because I’m down in the dumps. When I get on out there in my suit and enjoy the water and the sun, I feel better mentally and physically, which helps me not overeat, and helps my mood so that I exercise!

  75. Mimi on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 8:28 am

    “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!” That would be my Heavenly Father. He’s crazy bout me 🙂
    I like to get myself together( dressed, made up the woks), look in the mirror and picture God looking pleased at what He has created not putting His hands over His eyes saying no,no,no not like that don’t represent Me like that. Modesty is a word we don’t see much lately. Too much skin and cleavage exposed. As a believer my goal is to please Him. Everyone has a different opinion wether we ask for it, hear it or see a “look” do your best to please God not man and a swimsuit will not be an issue. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and that comes from a very good source. Enjoy your summer, and your new attitude about your body, swimsuit or not! God so loves His!!!

  76. MissyB on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 9:00 am

    Same things like what you said – find something that makes you comfortable, your attitude and focus – don’t focus on yourself so much, think of the positive, fun, good memories you will make regardless of what might happen- just remember your family is together – enjoy it. Then I try to be prepared as much as I can

  77. Amanda on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 1:54 pm

    I think this year I will focus on the sandcastles! My little Ella is so excited about our trip to Cherry Grove this year, and I am not going to worry about how I look in a bathing suit. I’m going to put all my energy into building this biggest and “awesomest” sandcastles on the beach. I know that sometimes I get too caught up in what society thinks I should look like, but in her eyes I’m “the best mommy every” and I need to remind myself daily that her view of me is the most important.

  78. Tracy on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    I am working on realizing that not everything is about me. That includes me in a suit. My heavenly Father created me and He loves me. And my husband loves me. What more could I want?

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  81. Kristy on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 10:43 am

    Just put it on and get out there! To do that I’ll focus on enjoying just being with the family and being together verses oh how do I look and what must others be thinking.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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