12 days of christmas

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

Hi friends! Can you believe that tomorrow is December 1st? My how time flies when you are having fun. 🙂 As far as I am concerned, I am thrilled that the holiday season is officially underway!  To get the season rolling, my sweet P31 sister, Karen Ehman, is hosting her 4th annual 12 Days of…

A Gift of Deliciousness

(I am taking a mini break from our holiday movie series today, to tell you about a special giveaway that my friend Karen is doing. ) For the first several years that my children were in elementary school, I would always struggle with what gift to buy their teachers or other special adults in their…

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

The holidays have officially begun! Only 24 shopping days left! It is time to get in the Christmas mood and start focusing on the season, and the reason for the season! My friend Karen Ehman is doing an awesome 12 Days of Christmas giveaway to help get us in the mood! She will be featuring…

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books