faith over feelings

No Matter What

We all have memories of where we were and what we doing on the morning of September 11, 2001. As for me, I was sitting on the 23rd floor of a high rise building in Charlotte, NC, going about my daily routine of stress, work loads, and deadlines.  Since watching television during the work day…

Getting Honest With God

Nobody likes disappointment. It makes us feel, well, disappointed. In my Proverbs 31 devotion, Faith Over Feelings, that is running today, I talked about a recent experience I had with being disappointed. I had worked long and hard on a project, expecting a certain outcome, only to have those expectations crumble before my very eyes. I honestly believed…

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books