Woman Overboard! Finding a Ribbon of Calm in a Sea of Stress
Frazzled, frustrated, fatigue; overcommitted, overloaded and overwhelmed. This describes how the majority of us feel every day as a result of being bombarded with relentless stress from marriage, relationships, parenting, finances, commitment overload and just life in general. Sadly, most of us are looking for stress relief in all the wrong places, and the help we may find, is not the help that will get us through. You will experience a stress-makeover in heart, mind and soul as you:
– Understand the physical and spiritual benefits of looking to God for stress relief
– Tap into the power and presence of God to regain a life of peace
– Discover how to live a life of joy despite your circumstances
From Panic To Prayer
– Relate to Jesus in new ways as you realize that He dealt with storms in life just like us
– Enrich your prayer life by learning to trust God in the middle of storms
– Sense a renewed closeness with Christ and a fresh desire to depend on Him in hard times
Turning Your Past Into Your Purpose
“What’s my purpose?”….is probably the most important and empowering question a woman can ask herself. We all long to live a life of purpose, but many women feel that mistakes or experiences from their past prevent them from not only being loved and adored by God, but from being usable for God. Through Tracie’s sharing of her personal story of repentance, redemption and restoration, you will gain a fresh understanding of how God really can, and does, use all things to His glory, if we are willing to say yes to His call. This message will empower you to live confidently in Christ by helping you:
– Discover emotional freedom through the forgiveness of Christ’s
– Increase self confidence by recognizing the importance of self-forgiveness
– Understand how you can turn life’s disappointments into God’s appointments
– Experience a fresh desire to be obedient to God’s call on your life
Removing The Mask: Discovering The Joy In Being Real
It begins in adolescence, and continues throughout our lifetime – the art of putting on a plastic smile, hiding our past, covering our flaws, and masking our inner most hurts and insecurities, all the while hoping that we can keep up the charade. You heart will be transformed and your spirit lifted as you recognize the joy that is available by being with real with ourselves, real with others, and real with God. You will walk away with a sense of excitement and empowerment to use Gods victories in your life as you:
– Embrace inner peace by finding freedom from the debilitating feelings of shame
– Reduce self-condemning thoughts by understanding God’s forgiveness and mercy
– Discover the joy in realizing that God can bring good things out of every experience in our past.
– Increase your capacity for building deeper, more fulfilling relationships
Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life
It’s easy to be positive when times are good, but when it seems that everything in life is not going well and we run into difficult times and situations, keeping a positive attitude can be tough. We all know that the best way to keep a positive attitude during difficult times is to understand that our joy comes from Christ, not from circumstances, but that is easier said done. In this session you will be inspired to stay positive in good times and bad as you:
– Stop the unhealthy cycle of comparing ourselves and our lives to other people
– Develop positive perspectives on the things that happen in everyday life
– Embrace the ability to look at the future with a renewed hope
– Identify four ways to experience a joy-filled life
Empowered By A Whisper
Hearing God’s voice is by far the most important part of our prayer and fellowship time with God, and most of us desire to hear God’s voice thundering through the air with the answers to their problems. However, God’s voice is still and small, like a gentle whisper, requiring an intimate relationship in order to hear Him. You will be reenergized to listen for God in your heart and obey Him in your life as you:
– Recognize how to hear God’s voice in the unique ways He chooses to speak in today’s society
– Embrace the importance of prayer and fellowship with God
– Increase your awareness of God’s supernatural intervention in your life
Embracing The Call
“But God, I don’t want to do that!” If God has ever called you to do something that seems beyond your comfort zone or capabilities, then you can relate to that statement. This session focuses on helping you realize how God has been equipping you throughout your lifetime for the purpose He destined just for you, even if His plan does not make sense to you yet. By focusing on exemplary biblical characters, and their trust and commitment to God, you will be inspired to take a leap of faith in whatever God is calling you to do as you:
– Understand how having a true servants heart opens the door for Christ to work in your life
– Replace the fear of failure with God-inspired confidence
– Recognize how procrastination results in missing Gods best
Absolute Devotion: A Journey To Intimacy with Christ
A close friendship with Jesus develops as a result of spending time with Him and making Him a priority. When we commit to building an intimate friendship with Jesus, and living a life grounded in trusting and praising Him, we can experience a life transformation. This session will empower you to embark on a wonderful adventure of building an intimate friendship with Christ as you learn to:
– Deepen your relationship with Jesus by developing simple friendship habits
– Understand how to hear Gods voice through prayer and conversation with Him
– Embrace the joy that is found through a passionately pursuit of a friendship with Jesus
Loving The Woman In The Mirror: Learning To See Yourself As God’s Treasure
The longing of every woman’s heart is to feel loved, accepted and beautiful, but many of us spend our entire lives seeking these validations from the world, instead of through our identity in Christ. This session is a great reminder that you are a special child of God, beautiful in every way, and wonderfully and fearfully made for His glory. You will walk away with a new perspective on how you can shine for God by:
– Understanding how true self confidence comes from your relationship with Christ
– Stopping the cycle of comparison by focusing on your inward beauty and value
– Positioning yourself to live a confident life by believing that you are a treasure in Gods eyes
– Learning how you can be a reflection of Christ in your everyday life
The Gifts Under God’s Christmas Tree
The best gifts do not come from a store! This message will tug at your heart and help you pull them back from the chaos of the season to a heart focused on worship. Through laughter and holiday spirit, this message will help you carefully unpack the precious gifts that are promised in God’s Word, and spiritually prepare your heart for the Christmas season by:
– Encouraging you to embrace the real source of joy during the holidays
– Understanding how to bask in His presence, instead of the presents
– Recognizing how Christmas is an outward celebration of an inward love
– Rekindling our thankfulness for Jesus, and remembering the real reason for the season
The holidays can often be a time of discouragement, sadness, stress and overload, resulting in anxiety and regrets, rather than peace and hope. With a special emphasis on the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”, this session brings to life the lessons that George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart, 1946) learned when he encountered an angel who granted his wish of having never been born. By focusing on the real meaning of John 10:10, this session will help you embrace the holiday season with a passionate heart for Christ by :
– Increasing your ability to enjoy the season by letting go of the myths and expectations that women put on themselves
– Becoming more aware of your significance in Gods Kingdom by changing your perspective about circumstances in your life
– Positioning yourself to reflect God’s love at Christmas and make a difference for Him all year round
A Cup of Christmas C.O.C.O.A.
During the busiest season of the year, it is easy to get swept up in the seasonal busyness of the holidays, and inadvertently forget why we are celebrating. Using the acrostic COCOA, you will be encouraged to make Christ the center of your holiday celebrations and learn how He can play a part in your family traditions, as you:
– Rediscover the joy in the season by decorating our hearts for Christ
– Overcome the temptation to be overwhelmed with Christmas, instead of overjoyed with Christ
– Honor God in our lives by celebrating His love at Christmas
Interested in inviting Tracie to speak at your event? Please contact Barb Spencer at barb@proverbs31.org to request a CD and speaker packet.