Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

If you are visiting my blog today from my Proverbs 31 Devotion, then welcome! I am excited to welcome you, and also excited to reveal my new blog look today! If you are an email subscriber, click here to check out my blog makeover!

In today’s P31 devotion, Other People Might Think I’m Crazy, I shared a story of when I felt God nudging me to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a situation where I wasn’t sure I wanted to be. Yet, when I obeyed, I was the one who was blessed.

Being the hands of feet of Jesus is a common cliché, but one we often don’t think about – especially when we are busy, stressed, worried about what others might think, running late or just plain don’t feel like it.

But this world is a big place, and even though we often justify not giving of our time or efforts to others by assuming that “somebody else will do it”, the truth is, Jesus needs more people who are willing to reach out to those in need – helping with big needs and little needs. We read in Matthew 9 that the Kingdom of God needs more “workers”, and God needs us to be His hands and feet more today than ever before.

In today’s P31 devotion, I invited readers to enter to win a pre-release “hot off the press” copy of my new book Your Life Still Counts coming out next month, by leaving a comment sharing how they once served as the hands and feet of Jesus. My prayer is that we will be so inspired by reading all the comments of how so many people reached out to someone in need, that we’ll be acutely aware of looking for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people every day!

How might the world change if we all carried out one random act of kindness per day – one act of service in Jesus name? I can only imagine it would be a much lovelier world.

Below is a brief excerpt from one chapter of my new book, which talks about this need for workers in God’s kingdom, so I wanted to share it with you. (pssst – you can pre-order your copy of Your Life Still Counts beginning today)

The heading in the NLT Bible above the passage of Matthew 9:35–38 reads “The Need for Workers.” This is where we read that the harvest is great but the workers are few. Jesus wasn’t referring to fields of grain that needed to be worked, but crowds of people who needed to be reached.

Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Matthew 9:35–38

The first thing that stands out to me in this passage is that Jesus “saw the crowds.” He didn’t overlook them because He was busy or because He already had enough followers or disciples. He didn’t walk past them, too distracted with His own issues, seeing them as hopeless, or assuming they had it all together already and didn’t need His attention. No, He saw them, and He not only saw their faces, He saw their hearts. And when He saw them, He had compassion on them because they were “confused and helpless.”

He knew they were broken, torn apart, weak, worn out, and beaten down by the world. He knew life had been hard for many of them and that many probably felt like throwaway people. He knew they needed His healing and love, and He didn’t assume somebody else would reach out to them. Jesus was gripped with a compassion so overwhelming that His heart churned and His stomach wrenched. It was out of compassion and love for the crowds that He told His disciples to pray for more workers to join them in touching those who needed to be touched, loved, and redeemed.

They needed more workers to show people that Jesus was the Messiah and that if they devoted their lives to Him, they would be healed, transformed, and given purpose, peace, joy, and happiness. These people He saw in the crowds had the same needs as the people who live in our crowded world today. They need someone to tell them they matter and their lives matter to God.

Your Life Still Counts, Chapter 20, Pages 251-252

To enter to win a free copy of the book before the release date, leave your brief “hands and feet” story in the comments! Winner to be announced later this week.

**The two winners of two copies each of The Best Yes from last week’s post were: Debbie who posted at 8/28/14 10:26am, and Linda Devereux who posted at 9/4/14 11:32pm**


  1. Amanda on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:13 am

    One thing that I am doing that I hope is being the hands and feet of Jesus is sending regular homemade to cards to a sick lady I know. She is battling cancer and it has been a long hard battle for her. Along the way she may have made some decisions that are hard to understand. Many people have abandoned her. I don’t really know the whole story but I know what she needs encouragement and reminders of God’s love for her so I send these cards. It is a little thing but one that I hope encourages her.

    • Dottie on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:31 am

      Amanda, I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. you don’t know how much that means . . . my husband died of cancer. If you just encourage her today, I know she will be blessed. If you can go and spend a little time with her, taking her for breakfast or some other “treat”, that would be so meaningful in her day of ho-hum-drum. May God continue to give you wisdom as you write your notes to her.

  2. Janet on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:30 am

    I like the new blog look.

    One thing I have done is to volunteer at our church’s food pantry. I have enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life.

    Have a beautiful day! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Denise Stull on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:42 am

    I was walking home from the international school where I was teaching with an arm full of books and teachers manuals. I came to the bridge over the train tracks and saw two boys struggling to get a bike up the two flights of stairs. I thought, “I have work to do, I have all these books, I’m so busy.” But we had just been discussing reaching out to the those in the community. So I placed my books on a step, put the bike on my shoulder and carried it up for the boys. They were very surprised and very thankful. They didn’t even speak English, but at that moment they understood that someone cared.

  4. Sharon on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:01 am

    If being the hands and feet of Jesus means going out of my comfort zone and doing something that does not come naturally then for me recently it’s probably been hugging a young widow of two who was obviously feeling lonely at our church camp after a weekend of observing every other woman with her husband all weekend, or maybe sending a weekly card to a young mother of two, dying of cancer. I don’t know what it meant to them but I definitely felt God’s nudge to act.

    • Dottie on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:34 am

      Sharon, as a widow, thank you so much for giving that Mom a hug at a family camp. I don’t know how long that widow has been on her journey but 6 years later I still feel like I don’t “fit” into a category. Thank you for your heart that reached out to that widow. Thank you so much.

  5. Gina on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:40 am

    I am a homeschooling mom. My daughters and I were out running errands and what started out as a nice fall day quickly turned cold by the afternoon. We were on our way home and saw a young lady walking alongside the road with a thin shirt on definitely unaware that the weather was going to change. I asked my daughters if they had peace for us to give her a ride and they both immediately said yes. We pulled over, offered her a ride, if she felt safe with us. She immediately said yes. As we began to get to know each other a little on the ride to her home, she told us she had been out of work and was walking home from the library, where she was updating her resume and looking online for a job. As she got out of our van, she said God bless you for stopping for me, we told her we would be praying for God to give her the right job. There is no way to describe the feelings we had of God allowing us to run His special errand that day. Since then we have picked up others of His children along the way, sometimes while waiting for the city bus on a a Friday and they are just ready to get home, so we get them there a little sooner to start their weekend off on a little better note. But the blessing is always truly ours:)

  6. Beth B. on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:01 am

    I am one of those who “found” you from today’s Proverbs 31 devotional. Thank you for reminding me that I need to be obedient to the Spirit’s prompting to step up and step out, even (especially?) in my busyness. Right now my husband and I are the hands and feet of Jesus as we help a Haitian man seek asylum here in the States. When we heard that his brother was assassinated and he was in hiding for fear of his life, my husband immediately said that we need to offer him refuge in our home. All of the reason why I DiDN’T WANT to immediately came to mind, but out of humble obedience, I agreed to trust The Lord and step out in faith. That was five months ago and it has been a true blessing having this man in our home! (Please send up a prayer for him that he will be granted asylum and that his wife and two sons can join him here, as well.)

  7. Dolly on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:14 am

    God has spoken to my heart on many occasions to stop to help other people in need. One particular day, I was asked to give an older lady a ride because she was walking down the road in the cold rain with no umbrella. It was to the bewilderment of my children though, as they asked me why I was turning around and going back to the lady. She actually suffered from Alzheimer’s and was lost. Thankfully, we finally got her to her home. I know God was watching over her and I fortunately listened. He has spoken to me to help others many times and I am ALWAYS so very blessed by doing so. But, I know there are times in my busy, hectic day that I have missed those who He has put in my path. I pray I will be more aware of and listening more for those He wants me to help. Blessings!

  8. Amanda on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:29 am

    I hope I am being the hands of feet of Jesus when I reach out daily – mostly via text to a friend experiencing overwhelming times right now. I say what I hope she finds are encouraging words and scriptural prayers for her daily, even if she is too overwhelmed to respond most days. Her reactions on Sunday when we see each other would suggest that these daily reach-outs are important to her.

  9. Elaine Segstro on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:50 am

    I was so blessed when I volunteered to prepare and serve lunches, and clean up at a Special Needs Serve project at our church. The participants were so grateful, and though my feet were sore and I was tired, my heart was so full of joy.

  10. Kathy on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:54 am

    i, hope as well that i have been there to help people out in times of
    need..i volunteer once a month @ our church’s pantry & it is a great
    feeling for me to help someone else out & that temporarily down on
    their luck & i feel blessed doing it..since by the Grace of God i get to go home & make a good meal for myself w/o that worry; we can & have possibly all been in their shoes..i also give away whomever i come in contact with colored plastic crystal crosses on ropes that
    people can hang wherever they choose to, to give them hope..!!; i find
    that so rewarding..i look to see if they are wearing religious shirts, some type of cross necklaces & offer them one of mine..since mine are transparent..the light can shine thru them & make an awesome
    glow…i love it..& it normally blows peoples’ mind that i just give them
    to them…terrific feeling to see their faces…thank you for listening…!!

  11. Amy Young on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 8:59 am

    First I want to thank God for saving me and my children, and allowing us to do the works of Him in such a judgmental world. I wasn’t raised in church or taught about God growing up so in my early to middle twenties I didn’t live a life that was pleasing to God. About 3 and a half years ago God found me and opened my eyes to Him and what He had planned for me. I am a single mother of four children ages 14, 11, 10 and 8. Our lives are very busy and hectic but we always find ways to do God’s work daily. But one thing that I would like to share is about a year ago a gentleman from my church wanted to open up somewhere for the “LOST” in our area. I stepped up and took on the challenge that we wasn’t sure how others would look at us but that was the least of our worries. In July 2013 we started off by feeding people off the back of a truck then finally got the building painted to take it inside. We FEED the “lost” of our area, the homeless, less fortunate, drug addicts, prostitutes, and those who feel they have nothing or no one. Before we feed them we plant the SEED of God and His Word. We also have clothes and shoes that we hand out to them, and fresh fruits and veggies as they head back out into the streets that we pray they take a piece of what they heard with them. God has touched a lot of souls through this ministry, we have had several saved, saved & baptized, and some obtain jobs that didn’t think it was even possible. It is such a joy to see my children get ready and are always excited to go to Seed & Feed so they can serve others. I am very blessed and full of joy to know that God is using myself and my children to shows others that they can come from nothing and be an impact on others lives. I share my story to impact others lives because I came from being “lost” to now I am found in God and He has done a mighty work in me and my children.

  12. Olivia on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:05 am

    What a great reminder that we all need to listen to God’s nudges. I try to reach out to people in many ways by sending encouraging txts, paying for others groceries or just giving of my time or money when I feel God’s nudging. In the end I am the one who is truly blessed by being willing to help someone else out. God is so good!

  13. Melissa on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:15 am

    The new blog looks great. 🙂 One way to reach out to others is to remember that everyone has a story to tell, no matter the age of that person. Visiting nursing homes can be emotionally draining, but, very rewarding. A simple hello and a smile that acknowledges a person can be the blessing that person needs at that moment. Eye contact is vital. We are all God’s children and we can all show God’s love through our actions. 🙂

  14. Deb H. on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:21 am

    I feel that i do NOT reach out nearly enough… But, after reading this I certainly am going to try harder!! Thanks for your inspiration.

  15. Maria on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 10:08 am

    I love that He invites us to partner with him and I’m always excited to see how he leads. My prayer for this year has been for him to open my eyes to opportunities where I can serve. Whether that is something small (holding open a door for a mom with small children, smiling at someone or sending a thinking of you text message) or something larger (providing a meal, loaning the use of a car, money). I find anytime I set out to be obedient to his leading that not only am I blessing to them but I too am blessed.

  16. Amanda Evans on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 10:13 am

    My young kids and I like to deliver fresh coffee and lattes to others. Over the past several months we surprise people at work or school with their favorite drink, and a note of encouragement. We also like to send cute notes of encouragement in the mail. We recently picked vegetables from our church’s garden and delivered them to the local food bank and to folks in our neighborhood.

  17. Peggy Clement on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 10:22 am

    Just last week I helped my nephew to get to a rehabilitation home, so he can get his life straight. Praying God works through him to get rid of some junk deep in him.

  18. Amy Hood on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 10:28 am

    It was Christmas and many unfortunate families had come to eat a warm meal at our church as we joined them around the tables. Hundreds of families from all walks of life & communities, together, sharing one special night of fellowshipping, eating, singing sweet Christmas carols and listening to the Christmas story as our Pastor shared Jesus and his heart. My husband was unable to attend, but my two children were with me and our “guest” family with their kids, but no daddy with them either. The children had no idea that they would receive Christmas presents on Christmas morning, but it was all part of Operation Christmas/Angel Tree at our church that we have every year. As the night wrapped up, it was time for the children to go “play” as the members of the church helped load the trunks of our guests cars with presents for their children…presents they were unable to purchase for their children to have a Christmas. We found out the Mom had no room in the trunk of her car to load up the bicycle & toys we had bought(which they wished for & written on an angel card by our staff). I decided to load up the bike in my car with my kids and follow our sweet guest family home, having no clue exactly where they lived. I did have a hunch that it might be in a dangerous part of town, but there was a peace God had given me to proceed and I couldn’t explain it to my children, as it was a few years ago. They did get it, but they were scared. I wanted the family to know that it didn’t matter where they lived, how far or who they were, we were going to show them God’s love that night. We were headed to their part of town and I became a little nervous since my children were with me. I called my husband to let him know and he called a minister to hurry and follow me. Crazy decision…probably; unsafe…yes, for sure as my children were with me(they were afraid, but I remained calm by the grace of God & that helped them some). The minister called me and was in route close behind if I needed him. Yes, he couldn’t believe what I had done without telling anyone or getting help back at church, but God had this and I was just His instrument.. His hands and feet. We arrived at their apartment complex and others came to meet us at my children so afraid. The Mom’s brother unloaded the bike and we hugged and wished them a very Merry Christmas. It was a beautiful night, and I don’t regret that “crazy” sacrifice at all at the expense of knowing they felt loved on and hopefully saw Jesus through us. I received a good lecture afterwards from my children and husband and do question the fact that I might have put my children in danger…but it was ALL worth it in the end. It might have been a greater blessing for our family that night than all the presents under our tree Christmas morning. Hopefully my teenage kids will grow to see it for what it was…a sacrifice. God knew:)

  19. Amber M. on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    I was “called” to do something very out of character for me… after a visiting praise singer was at our church she was selling CD’s on the way out. I don’t really ever buy things like that but she was great and decided to take a look… then I told her I wanted “20”…. WHAT???!!!! I could hardly believe what I was saying and didn’t have a clue why… then before she could count them out I said “no, make it 25″…. I paid for them and walked out with my “stack”…. I could tell she had no clue why I asked for so many either… I just knew I was supposed to buy them… I ended up giving them away to a lot of women I knew from a prayer group, from my bible study class, and a few to family and friends. To this day I have no idea how many people may have been blessed by that but I still just KNOW that was what I was called to do and for once I didn’t even fight it, I just went with it and let my faith do what it said it wanted to do. I even have a few left, I am not sure what blessings those are meant for but I am sure I will know what to do with them when the time is right.

  20. Kristina D on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    There are times it was really hard for me to be His hands and feet. I’ve encountered several people that I’ve felt Him nudging me to help but didn’t know how. It has blessed me more than I feel it blessed the person I’ve helped. Lending a helping hand through bringing a meal or gifting a small cash donation or gift card can be some of the easiest ways. I’m also happy that God has steered me into the paths of others where all I had to do was sit with them and listen to them. I have been so blessed!

  21. Suzanne on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this scripture in Matthew. I was reading it just recently at home during my time with the Lord. I asked Him how I could do more to help those in need. The story you shared of helping the pregnant woman was very encouraging and it reminded me of a time I was able to help someone in difficulty.
    I was driving to work last winter on a very busy street with four lanes of traffic. it was a cold, blustery day and I noticed a blind many trying to cross at a very busy intersection. There were very high snow banks all around and there wasn’t a clear way for him to get by. I pulled my truck into the nearby parking lot and went to help him. I could have driven on but I felt that I just had to help him out. He could have been Jesus, and I suppose he was since the scripture you highlighted today speaks of just that. Wouldn’t it be great if helping others was just something we did without any thought to our inconvenience? Wouldn’t it describe the transformation we have when we walk with Jesus.?

  22. Marilyn on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    My hands for Jesus
    This past Saturday we celebrated my niece’s birthday, among the presents she received was a nice pair of slippers which she wanted to try on right away. But everyone screamed ” NO” not with those dirty feet, she just looked at me and said ” Aunt Marilyn would you was my feet?”
    To everyone’s surprise I said absolutely, so with wipes in hand I cleaned her feet and gave them a massage. Some looked on and said wow I could never do that, another filmed it. As we were sitting with some non believers I just said” I am not The Lord Jesus but He did it even when they didn’t ask, so who am I “.

    Thanks got giving me the opportunity to share this Tracie!!

  23. Pam on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    Thank you for your post today! I’m visiting from the Proverbs 31 devotional. This has been a wake up call to me. I tend to do/be the hands and feet of Jesus to those I already know whether neighbors or other believers. One of the most recent was my daughter and I going to sit with a young lady as her mom was going in to surgery. Leaving the quarter in the shopping cart for the next person. My husband and I attending a fund raiser for a local ranch that uses horse back riding to reach disabled young people where they also have the opportunity to show God’s love. Helping at a Christian camp when we are able. I feel “pricked” to do things for others who need God’s love. I have knitted baby hats that were going to go to the children’s hospital but haven’t made it there yet. Thank you for your words and the encouragement to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

  24. Gail on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    Jesus tells us “The harvest is great”, ask Jesus to show us who is ready to be harvested….come along side of them…share with them how Gods word will prepare them to be His hands and feet in this world.

  25. Sue on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    Several years ago, I asked the Lord to give me divine appointments in my neighborhood to share the Lord or do things for others.

    So far I have befriended a Jewish man, who doesn’t attend his synagogue.

    Invited a woman from Belarus to come to a Christian ladies book discussion group. She didn’t attend, but read the book and we talked about it.

    Share friendship and faith, with a single man and his sister.

    Met four Christians on our street.

    Brought food and goodies to a family that has 5 children , close in age.

    Did the yard of a widow lady. Translated the gospel online to Spanish and gave it to her.

    Help in a vacation Bible school several summers ago.

    Introduce a little girl to a family who bought her a bike, because her mom was single , and she became part of their extended family for 3 years.

    All this is my block and across the street.

    It has been a delight.

  26. Jeannine Williams on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    Just this week my husband & I had the opportunity to help out a family who just moved the community from out of state with whatever they could fit into their Suburban, which broke down on the way. We were able to give them some furniture we were no longer using, but more importantly, we’re helping get their whole family (4 kids) involved in our church family programming starting up this Wednesday! This family needs a sense of belonging, and we are so grateful that we are able to give rides and make sure everyone gets where they need to go to start building their new lives here.

  27. Alicia on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:10 pm

    Oh, Tracie, I LOVE the story you told at P31 today. And in your tale were so many echoes from my own story lately. Just last week, I told the story on my own blog of God prompting me to stop for “Daisy,” a woman who was holding a cardboard sign on the corner of our small town. And though I had only two dollars in my pocket, I was able to pray with her and let her know that she was NOT INVISIBLE. People definitely stared at me like I was crazy that day. Then, the story continued and a young girl who had been driving by when I was praying for Daisy ran up to my van and knocked on the window and told me her own desperate story of longing to have faith that would actually LIVE the gospel. I got to pray with her, too, on the edge of that parking lot. Crazy how God can take a really small act of obedience to do more than we expect. SO EXCITED for you as you launch your new book. Blessings!

  28. Donna on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:22 pm

    The Lord laid on my heart that I need to get to know my neighbors
    better. So to start- I’ve made a loaf of bread , or some cookies, or cupcakes, and have taken them over to their homes. Hopefully, it will open doors to
    be able to talk to them about Him.

  29. Linda N on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    One evening as my son & I were entering a restaurant for dinner, we saw a homeless man holding a sign requesting food. We asked him if we could bring some dinner out to him. He told us he had already eaten that evening but was hoping to get some money for breakfast the next day at a fast food place. We had no cash on us, but my son suggested we drive over to the fast food place, get some $5.00 gift cards & give him. The man was so grateful, but I was blessed seeing my son’s compassion. Since then, we’ve continued to buy $5.00 cards and pass them out when we see a homeless person and have never failed to be blessed by their thanks.

  30. Kel on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 11:20 pm

    I love your blog. I recently stopped in a sunny park area to eat lunch and noticed an older gentleman with some luggage. There are sometimes homeless in the area, but there are also some people who I am told have plenty of money and who don’t look the part. With it being near a bus stop I didn’t want to make an incorrect assumption and offend someone but I took the chance and asked if he would like something to eat. He said yes so I offered him half of my sandwich and a large gatorade drink. I told him it was the diet kind and made sure he could have the artificial sweetener in it. He asked me to open it as it was the a large bottle and he said he had arthritis. He thanked me and said he was traveling back to Arkansas. He hurried off to sit down at the opposite side of the park and began eating and drinking while I ate my half. There were others in the area but this gentleman was the oldest and it was a hot day. I felt a little bit crazy but in a good way. I prayed for his safe travels as I left.

  31. Kel on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 11:26 pm

    Another recent incident was taking some toys to the Gospel Mission and the lady in charge said..oh a man was here who just got custody of three small children who could use those. We ran down the street with toys to catch him before he left. I had those toys in my cars for days before I finally remembered to drop them off. Thankful for God’s perfect timing!

  32. ANNE ALEXANDER on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 4:05 am

    Listening many times a day to a lonely older lady. Also, giving food to ahungry and thristy homless man named Gordie
    Thanks so much for trhe chance to win.

  33. Trisha Kemp on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 7:46 am

    A woman at my church is knew was struggling with the pain and disappointment of a wrong choice made by her 16 yr old son. My heart bled as I remember going through a similar circumstance with my daughter. God woke me up early one morning with her on my heart so I spent some time praying for and her son and wrote out a personalized prayer card with 10 prayers for your son and included photos of him and emailed it to her to encourage her and let her know God is with her in this season and to remember what the enemy intends for evil, God uses for good and He will use this season of her sons life……you just simply have to believe and God will do the rest. When she saw me at church, tears of a thankful heart flowed down her cheeks as I felt like the person who was blessed.

  34. Tracie on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 10:02 am

    I wanted to comment on every single post so far because all of your stories are just so uplifting and inspiring! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus and reminding us all that the smallest acts of obedience to God’s nudges to help someone can make a world of difference. Thank you all for sharing your sweet “hands and feet” experiences!

  35. Jane on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 10:43 am

    As a recent widow I am learning to deal with the loneliness that has invaded my days. A friend who is also a widow expressed her profound sense of aloneness in Sunday School. I have encouraged her to participate in Bible/Book studies that are offered by our church. I hugged her neck and said, ‘Let’s do this together.’

  36. Leslie M on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 11:18 am

    I am called right now to be the hands and feet of Jesus to my family – to be here to support, give rides, provide meals, do errands for my husband and 2 sons so that our lives run smoothly and we all have time to do the other things that Jesus would call us to do.

  37. Geri on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    Thank you for sharing and encouraging us to listen when God nudges us to act. I work in the city and often see homeless people at off ramp exits and such. Everyone always tells me they scam people. A few days ago while I was waiting for my son to finish some shopping I saw an older man park his old pickup truck in the parking lot, get out and then sit next to the tailgate on a box. The sign attached to his tailgate said “Veteran fallen on hard times could use some help”. It appeared that possibly his belongings were in the back of his truck. I went over shook his hand and thanked him for serving our country and gave him what cash I had. Before I left I asked him for his first name so that I could keep him in my prayers and he responded that his name was Robert and he’d much appreciate that. Walking back to my car I was in tears as I felt like I’d done so little for someone who has given so much to our country but I was glad I listened to the Lord’s nudge and I’m keeping Robert in my prayers. Thanks for allowing me to share.

  38. Debbie W. on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 9:34 pm

    My hands and feet story started when I retired. Actually, it’s been a constant story of using hidden talents and me saying no and God saying yes I’ll equip you. One instance was when I signed up to substitute teach and the first day they called from our local jr. high I was worried it was math. I got there and they said it’s CBI and I wanted to run and hide, but I walked down that aisle and Jesus did the rest. Today is history – CBI – the special needs section of our school loves me and I end up there all the time. Humbled that God would use me to teach little tidbits to children, some of who can’t do anything and I watch and pray and work with them and see little miracles every time I go.

  39. Kathleen on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    My son and I have been ministering to a homeless man that stands on a street corner near our home. Two things that we did that he said changed his life was 1. We asked him if he had any clothes he needed washed. He brought them to his corner and we collected them and washed them. He was thrilled with this act of kindness.
    2. The other was we asked him his name and shook his hand. His name is David. He told us that we mad him feel like a real person not a homeless reject.

    David has changed our lives in so many ways. We look at him through the eyes that God would want us to see him through. It’s now been awhile but David has moved on and we have missed him. There are others now who have taken his place on the street corner and we will continue to be His hands and feet.

    We could all be in their shoes if it wasn’t for the grace of God.

  40. Debbie on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 8:06 am

    One thing I did recently to be the hands and feet of Jesus … A few family members of friends of ours was recently murdered. The family is, of course, torn up beyond words. I felt I needed to do something to help the family. Besides praying for them, I made a large dinner and dropped it off to them, so that was one thing they didn’t need to worry about during this very difficult time. When I delivered it, she broke down in tears at the act of kindness she didn’t expect. It let her know the family is loved and thought about more than they realize. This gave them a glimmer of hope and to remember at this difficult time there is good in their life.

  41. read review on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 11:05 pm

    Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details.

  42. Terri on Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 10:44 pm

    Thanks for encouraging us to be focused on others. I try to look for opportunities to smile and share a kind word with my family and my coworkers. It’s simple to do but can make a huge difference in someone’s day

  43. Ann Souza on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    I learned how to be God’s hands and feet at a very difficult time In my life, I had 2 car accidents that left me unemployed due to time off work to heal and while visiting my sick uncle I offered to drive him to the hospital and dr’s appointments, to buy groceries or dinner for him and my cousin, in a month and a half I was blessed with time before he passed and blessed with new relationships with 2 cousins that feel like family now! I still help my cousin with rides and enjoy visiting him to keep him company so he’s not alone all the time! God turned it around and gave me what I needed while I was helping someone else!
    Thank you for your daily encouragement!!
    Ann Souza

    • Sofia on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 6:02 pm

      har dafe ke inja ro mikhonam, che ghmigan neveshte bashin o che shad, az khoondane neveshtehatoon lezzat mibaram ! yade on dafe oftadam ke injaro baste bodin khoobe ke bargashtin,dige neveshteye khoob inja kam peyda mishe:-)

  44. Heather on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 7:02 am

    I have been moved out of my comfort zone by going into our county jail. I have been given the opportunity to bring Christ to the ladies through a bible study and a Mom’s in Prayer group.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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