I’m so glad you’re here! And since you are, I assume you have a dream to share your story and experiences, a powerful message you want to launch into the world, and a desire to write words which will impact the lives of others. We all want to know that the pain or hardships we have endured not only helped us grow personally and spiritually, but can be used to foster hope, healing and happiness for other people. There is no better feeling than seeing God use our pain for a purpose.

Take Charge Of Your Destiny

Tracie Miles
Author Coaching Services

I am a seasoned, best-selling published author and have been passionate about writing for over 17 years. I am also passionate about helping seasoned or aspiring writers reach their goals, big and small, and feel truly blessed to celebrate all successes with them. If you’ve always dreamed of writing a book, want to improve on your writing skills, or discover how to break into the publishing industry, let’s work together to strive towards making your dreams come true.


I remember what it was like to have a dream to write and a calling on my heart to share my experiences to inspire others, yet have no idea how to get started, much less allow myself to imagine that being a published author could happen for me. I remember struggling with questions like:

Is there really a place for me in the world of writing? 

Is there a place for my message in the literary market today?

Does my story really matter to anyone? 

How can I find the courage to be open, vulnerable and transparent with my life story? 

How do I turn my life’s story into a book people will want to read?

Is my writing even any good? How can I find out how to improve?

Hasn’t my book idea already been written about by hundreds of other authors? 

Do I measure up to all the other writers and social media gurus in the world?

I don’t have a big platform, why would a publisher give me a chance?

How do I get an agent or publisher interested in working with me or consider looking at my proposal?

How do I know if I even have what it takes to be a published author?

I feel so confused about how to move forward, what should my next steps be?

If some or all of these questions sound all too familiar to you, I want to help ease your mind right now. It’s not as overwhelming as it all seems, and you can do this. And the best news?! You do not have to do it alone.

If you have a dream to write or get published … you’re longing to further your writing career … you need someone to brainstorm ideas with … you crave feedback and critiques on your writing so you’ll know how to improve … you’re struggling to write a solid book proposal … you need a mentor and a coach to help you grow in your craft and keep you inspired … you need someone to encourage you and help you have the confidence to believe in yourself and your talent … I'm your girl. Smiles. I would be honored to be a part of your journey and help you pursue and achieve your writing dreams.

Tracie Miles

Why Should You Work With Me?

Not only do I have twenty years of experience as a writer, but I am a best selling author of seven books, have been a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries for seventeen years and have reached millions of women around the world through daily devotions. I have also coached countless writers about crafting book proposals and writing manuscripts, many of whom received book contracts and are now successful, published authors! 

Having been awarded my first book contract in 2011 by a mainstream Christian publisher, as well as working with publishing houses and agents at Proverbs 31 since 2017, I’ve worked in the publishing industry for years and fully understand all the ins and outs. I have lots of professional industry contacts and friends to connect you with, and also possess invaluable insider knowledge to help you break your way into an industry that can seem impossible to breach.

I’ve been blessed with opportunities in the writing field in a variety of ways:

  • Author of eight traditionally published books. (Check them out on my Amazon page here!) 
  • Author of the Living Unbroken tradebook, and the Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Workbook, Leaders Guide and the accompanying seven week video series being used in small group studies for women around the country. 
  • Founder of the national Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Program.
  • Popular national event speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries 2006-2021. 
  • Trained writing coach by NY Times best selling author Lysa TerKeurst’ and have coached dozens of women in the Book Proposal Boot Camp sponsored by Proverbs 31 Ministries 
  • Director of COMPEL Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries since January 2017, a writing training site which teaches thousands of writers per month about the craft of writing and offers many annual publishing opportunities.
  • Corporate career background in corporate training, marketing, content development, communications, editing, leadership, management, goal setting and stress management. 
  • Workshop leader and keynote speaker since 2007 on the subjects of writing and speaking at the annual She Speaks Conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries which has trained tens of thousands of women nationally about writing and speaking.
  • Monthly contributor to the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today daily devotions which reach over 4 million people per day around the world. 
  • Published devotional author in Zondervan NIV Women’s Study Bible.
  • Published devotional author Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart: 50 Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of worry, with Lysa Terkeurst Adams and other devotional writers
  • Popular blogger since 2006.
Tracie Miles

Most importantly and above all else...

I love working with aspiring writers and helping them achieve their writing dreams and learning to take charge of their own destinies and the legacy they want to leave. I consider it a privilege and a blessing to help writers see their words with new perspectives, craft their skills and learn to truly believe their story and their words matter. And I get so excited about celebrating with writers when they achieve one of their writing goals, whether it’s writing an incredible book proposal, polishing a chapter, completing a manuscript, getting a publishing contract or launching a book.

how can I help?

Ready to work together? Check out my services below to see what level and type of coaching is best suited for your needs. Then simply add your package selection to your cart, make your purchase, and you will have taken the first step to becoming a more confident, talented writer! Upon receipt of your purchase, I will contact you within 24 hours to set up our first meeting together and can't wait to meet you!

Putting Your Dreams
into Action

Editing, Proofreading and Manuscript Review

One on One Customized Coaching and Mentoring

Book Writing Coaching / Manuscript Development

Book Proposal
Coaching Package


Still have questions about whether or not I can help you further your writing career?

Not sure which level of service is best for you or hesitant in making a decision about making this investment in yourself? Let’s set up a FREE 15 MINUTE CALL to discuss your needs, dreams and goals. 


Taylor Murray
My experience working with Tracie has been incredible. Her seasoned editorial perspective and solid marketing instinct helped to shape my book idea into a fresh, compelling message that stood out to publishers. During our coaching sessions, Tracie offered a wealth of experience and insight that proved to be invaluable in securing a book contract with Leafwood Publishers. She was both professional and personable, providing a calming, steady presence alongside her expertise as I navigated the publishing world. Taylor Murray Author of Stop Saying I’m Fine

I can’t say enough wonderful things about Tracie as my writing coach! I had the privilege of receiving excellent advice and coaching when I was part of The Book Proposal Bootcamp. She was so attentive and accessible to us all as a group, but I personally felt like she was my private coach and mentor. Tracie was so detailed and helpful in all of her critiques of my writing. Mostly, I felt encouraged and as if she was cheering me on. I am so grateful to have had a coach who seemed to really care for me and my writing goals. I couldn’t have completed my book proposal without her. She was the best!

– Melissa Labieniec, Publisher Writer, COMPEL Training Member and Leader

Laura Irvine

Investing in Tracie means you’ll receive quality guidance from an experienced professional who wants to contribute to your success as much as you do. I had the pleasure of receiving Tracie’s support as a writing coach during a Book Proposal Bootcamp course where she provided firm feedback, but delivered it with kindness and grace. Tracie is gentle and effective and her soft words helped me receive her advice and internalize the message, allowing me to dig deeper to another level of my writing. She asked probing questions full of substance, which always gave me food for thought. If you’re considering working with Tracie I say go for it!

Laura Irvine
Change Manager and aspiring Author

I had the privilege of having Tracie as a coach for 3 months and it was such a great experience. Besides her kindness and her genuine way of caring, she was so incredibly helpful. It was so encouraging when she would point out things that worked really well as well as suggest changes in order to make a better impact, of which I appreciated because they made me look at my work from a different perspective. She was nice and kind in her delivery of constructive criticism but didn’t hold back when you needed a little praise too ???? I felt I was in good hands knowing she herself has written several of her own successful book proposals and authored so many awesome books for women. I highly recommend Tracie and I look forward to working with her again in the future!

– Nancy Neufeld

Rachel Sweatt

Working with Tracie was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my work and my calling. Not only did she equip me for the project I was working on at the time, she was intentional to offer wise counsel for my writing career as a whole. Her expertise is  evident in the way she knows where to dig deep and make every word meaningful. Her familiarity with the writing and publishing industry is an incredible asset to any author looking to craft their message, sharpen their skill, and use their God-given gift of communication for the glory of God and the good of others. She has helped me shorten my journey to publication by creating quality content that is clear and concise, without losing any of the original premise. Having Tracie on your team is a game changer for your writing goals and career!

Meredith Boggs

Working with Tracie as a coach propelled my writing career to the place I’ve always dreamed! With her expertise & experience, she helped sharpen my writing skills and overcome mindset obstacles that landed me a book deal with my dream publisher!

Meredith Boggs
author of The Journey Home

Alison Brehme

Tracie is a caring, experienced, and supportive coach. She encourages you throughout your journey and asks thought-provoking questions that stretch you to bring out your best work. I would recommend Tracie as a coach, especially if you are in the beginning stages of your writing journey.

Alison Brehme
Author, Grief Coach, and Marketing Strategist

Ashley Opliger

I had the blessing to be coached by Tracie in the Book Proposal Bootcamp through COMPEL, and the experience was life-changing for me! I was so grateful for Tracie’s encouragement, feedback, and seasoned advice in creating a proposal, writing a book, and navigating the Christian publishing world. Her experience and expertise helped shape my book proposal into what it is today, and I believe will be instrumental in realizing my writing dreams. I thank God for Tracie and the impact she has made on my life and journey of becoming a published author!”

Ashley Opliger
Executive Director / Founder of Bridget’s Cradles, Host of the Cradled in Hope Podcast