SLL Week 5 – Wonderful Wednesday


God rules over all. He has the power to calm the storms in your life. He has the sovereignty to crush the inner demons you are battling against. He always has victory over the enemy, and He has already won the battle.  He always has been, is and always will be triumphant.

Page 195, Stressed-Less Living 



(please leave your comments regarding the questions in the comment section, no email replies please)

Today I want to also toss out a few quotes for us to discuss, in addition to a few questions. So read the quotes and questions below, and share your thoughts about one or more in the comments section. I’ve got them numbered, so when you share your comment, you can reference which question/quote number you’re referring to. Make sense?

I’d love to hear what comes to mind when you read these, and how God is showing you something new and refreshing through this week’s chapter readings!


  1. Have you ever considered that the stress you are facing right now is a form of spiritual warfare in your life? What weapons could you pick up right now to begin fighting that battle of stress in a new way?
  2. If you believe God can still performs miracles today, have you dared to ask Him for a miracle in your life? What’s keeping you from asking Him and what can you do to boldly approach Him with your requests?
  3. Have you felt God calling you to something out of your comfort zone, but been too afraid to take a step of faith? What is it He might be calling you to do, and what can you do this month to move forward in faith?


  1. If you choose only one weapon to fight off your stress, let God’s Word be it.
  2. You don’t have to believe in spiritual warfare for the enemy to wage war on your life.
  3. Prayer is not a religious duty, but a spiritual privilege knowing that we are not just talking to God, but with God.
  4. It may seem that our chaos, magnified by stress and busyness and worry, is ruling over our lives, but if God is ruling over our hearts, victory is possible.
  5. I was living out the consequences of the life I had chosen, instead of enjoying the plans He had intended for me.
  6. I have come to understand that God cannot use people greatly until He has broken them deeply. When we embrace our brokenness, we are ready for breakthrough.




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  1. Aracelis on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 9:49 am

    The wisdom bestowed is incredible and I love the first quote : God’s word, true and unchanging , being the ONLY battle against stress!!!! I have been consciously going right to a few verses I have tucked into my phone notes for that purpose and to help memorize. Thank you !!!

    • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 1:33 pm

      Aacelis, I loved the first quote also. I am glad you have them tucked in your phone and are memorizing God’s word. Blessings Diana

  2. Kelly on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 10:13 am

    1. Yes, I do believe that stress is spiritual warfare….but I never figured “me” was worth the battle…i know i know that sounds awful to say doesn’t it? I started my bible reading in the am daily couple of years ago and have continued it despite other issues in my life intruding…debt…health issues…medical debt…financial budget totally out of whack..hubby unwilling to sit down and go over it because we work together and fight enough as is… 3 lovely teenager girls but are sooooo trying at times that I forget God blessed me with these wonderful persons & plus hubby also struggles with the drama and walks away 90% of the time or deals with it on his own thinking its better do it without my two cents….so basically i am on my own…STRESS..I pray..but mostly if feels like whining…BUT i PRAY..journal and do a bible reading every am….I like doing things in an orderly fashion…I stick with it…I don’t understand people who flounder with this..but then again I cannot budget to save my life so…

    • Tracie on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:06 am

      Kelly – I know so many of us echo the frustrations in what you shared. But I love how you pointed out that you didnt think you were the battle – I assume you meant Satan probably thought you were a threat so you didnt think you would be under attack. Sometimes he attacks the most vulnerable just to keep them down, so let us never forget that we are all targets as believers and to continue to fight the good fight of faith every day! I hear ya about the teenage girls – feeling your pain. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

      • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 1:56 pm

        Kelly, I loved that you read God’s word first thing in the morning. When we do read God’s word we are putting on the full armor of God. Blessings Diana

  3. Nancy on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Question 1 – I really like the idea of asking God “boldly” for miracles – that is what he is there for, so what are we waiting for. He will respond, we just need to “boldy” approach Him!

    • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 1:58 pm

      Awe, Nancy, I so agree. Here is to asking. Blessings Diana

  4. Laura on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 11:45 am

    I have come to understand that God cannot use people greatly until He has broken them deeply. When we embrace our brokenness, we are ready for breakthrough.

    Quote 6
    I have truly been broken this year and have so much more of God this year that I wouldn’t trade the brokenness for anything.

    • Tracie on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:08 am

      Laura – Ive said a prayer for you this morning and for whatever it is that you’re going through. Brokenness is not fun, but what joy it brings when we realize that in some unexpected way, God has been at work, carried us through and helped us to draw closer to Him in the journey. Thanks for your comment!

      • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 2:01 pm

        Laura, I agree with Tracie, I prayed for you and God is in the restoration business. I hope that your brokenness is less, because I know God is working in your life. Blessing Diana

  5. June Biedma on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    Question 1: Yes, I do believe that my pancreatic cancer is my own personal spiritual warfare. My slingshot against my giant holds the spiritual rocks of Christian fellowship, ministry to other cancer patients and their caregivers, continuing prayers to calm my spirit and to treat my husband with a loving nature and no crankiness or ugliness. I plan to look up Bible verses to strengthen and guide my behavior. The Lord is my Shepherd.

    • Tracie on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:09 am

      June – Im praying God intervenes in your life spiritually and physically and that He allows for supernatural healing of your cancer. What a testament of faith you are to continue to be loving and lifting up the Lord in the midst of such a difficult situation. Praying for peace in your home and in your heart and for God to give you, your husband and your family an extra dose of blessing as you go through this difficult time.

      • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 2:06 pm

        June, I join Tracie in prayer for supernatural healing of your cancer. Blessings my friend Diana

  6. Debra S on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 3:06 pm

    Question one and quote one. My answer is memorizing scriptures. I have some pinned in my bathrooms, in the den, and on 3×5 index cards and some are book markers.
    Question two: I have already have had three miracles in my life. Infertility and now I have two boys, who are now young men and the other was Him moving us back home, so our young boys could get to know their extended family. My Dad died of cancer four years later.
    Quote 3: I love doing my devotionals, book studies, and prayer time in the morning, but I talk with God all the time. Some people might refer to Him as my imaginary friend.

  7. Tracie on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:10 am

    That’s the best imaginary friend we can ever have! I love that thought! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Sharon C. on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    Question 1: Your right about the stress I’m under being Spiritual Warfare. I’ve let it build up and continue to build up until it feels like a mountain. I think to fight this I would want to use a weapon more powerful than a speeding locomotive. What’s more powerful than that would be God’s Word. The reason I don’t go to it first is I’m not strong in where I would find the words I need. I wish my lack of knowledge wasn’t so sparse. The second weapon would be prayer. Again, I’m not as strong in that area as I want to be. My best defense is to rebuke the devil and command he leave in the name Of Jesus Christ. I know those words have power.
    Question 2: I know God can perform miracles today, the same as yesterday. I like Quote 3 that prayer is not just a religious duty but a Spiritual Privilege. Knowing what works and actual following through are two different things. I’m so ashamed by the things I haven’t done for God and the things I have done. I worried so much about the outer things and didn’t learn more about the inner peace. My system failed God and now I’m paying for it.
    Question 3: I’ve felt God’s been calling me to step out of my comfort zone for the last13 years. When I was in a comma on life support He could have took me then but He let me live for a purpose. I just let all these health issues get in the way. I’m going to do the study “Your Life Still Count.” I just have to be more dedicated.

    • Diana Rockwell on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 2:09 pm

      Sharon, It really is just one day at a time. Stay close to God, stay in his word. Prayer is the key. Blessings Diana

  9. Ms. Taken on Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    2. I love Jesus and he has done so much for me in my life. What keeps me from stepping out and asking God for a miracle? The feeling that I ama piece of WORK-so much more than I can begin to explain. Not knowing where to start or who to go to. Yes Jesus in prayer and repentance yet he calls us to confess our sins one to another and to pray for each other. Who is th go to person? Also, the fact that I wouldn’t want to work with me.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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