Unsinkable Faith
For many people, remaining optimistic and feeling positive about themselves and their lives is a constant battle — especially when circumstances are difficult and life is hard. For others, negativity is something that only sneaks up from time to time, yet still wreaks havoc in their hearts. Regardless of the root causes, once pessimistic thoughts permeate our minds, our feelings and emotions begin to control us instead of us controlling them. Eventually it doesn’t seem possible to stay positive, happy, and full of joy, and negative thought patterns shake our faith, causing us to sink emotionally, mentally, and spiritually over time. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Despite what storms roll in, hearts anchored in God don’t sink. When we change the way we think, we can change the way we feel and live, even if our circumstances remain the same. Intentionally embracing the opportunity to experience a transformed heart and a renewed mind opens the door for a changed life, because a positive mind will always lead to a more positive life.
In Unsinkable Faith, author and Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker Tracie Miles offers hope for women who struggle with negativity. Each chapter explores Tracie’s and other women’s personal stories, showing how they rose above their circumstances by transforming and renewing their minds. Unsinkable Faith is a breath of fresh air for anyone longing for a heart full of joy, an unbreakable smile, and a new, more optimistic perspective on life. This book will equip you to:
- Replace pessimism with positive thinking by becoming the captain of your thoughts;
- Learn how true joy and happiness are based on choice, not circumstances;
- Overcome unhealthy habits of negative thinking by intentionally implementing three easy mind-renewing steps;
- Stop feeling hopeless and pitiful, and start feeling hope-filled and powerful instead; and
- Discover that when you change the way you think, you change the way feel, and in turn you can change your life completely.

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When we embrace God’s perspective, we let go of our own. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
Toxic thinking will always stand in the way of God’s sweetest blessings. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
Prayer and scripture equip us to learn to be the captain of our thoughts. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
True joy and a positive attitude come from an intentional choice, not a problem-free life. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
What we think, becomes who we are. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
We can give up, or we can God-up. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
A positive mind will always lead to a more positive life. #thinkpositive @traciewmiles https://amzn.to/2kZxIYJ Share on X
Suggested Facebook Posts
“As you begin noticing and rejecting your negative thoughts, you are on your way to being able to replace them. The more you do this, the more natural it will become. What began with concerted effort and intentionality will become something you do without even thinking about it. God is offering you a beautiful gift. It is yours for the taking. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. So will you. Freedom from negative thinking will fling open the door for your new life to begin as you grow spiritually and strive for unsinkable faith.” #thinkpositive
“God is faithful to show us the misconceptions that have anchored us in negativity, doubt, and despair. Releasing the misconceptions we’ve held doesn’t mean that the rest of our lives will be smooth sailing. Storms will still come. Skies will thunder. Lightning will strike. Waves will inevitably rock our boats. We’ll still have to deal with the words and actions of others that once dragged us under. But unsinkable faith can be ours as we purpose to expose and release the misconceptions that have kept us stuck. With God’s help and an intentional commitment, you can retrain your mind to think positive thoughts. Guided by the Spirit, you and I have all the tools we need to live well.” #thinkpositive
“My life took a tragic unexpected turn the day my husband walked away from our marriage and family. Life had ended as I knew it, and I thought my heart and mind could never be positive again. So, I know what it’s like to feel justified in living with a negative mind-set. I know what it’s like to be upset with the situations God has either caused or allowed in our lives, and maybe even feel a little angry at Him. I know what it’s like to desperately want situations to be different but to feel powerless to change them. And I know what it’s like to long to be happy again and break free from the shackles of pain, heartache, and disappointment. But I also know what it’s like to experience freedom from toxic negativity, and I want you to experience that too. Your situation and what pains your heart might be entirely different from what I’ve experienced. Or, maybe what I’ve described seems all too familiar. Maybe you want to be more positive but don’t know how to change and are struggling to break free from the bondage of pessimism. Friend, when our thoughts and attitudes get better, our lives can too, even if our circumstances remain the same. We can’t always control how we feel, but we can always take authority over our own minds and change the way we think, which then changes the way we view and experience life overall.” #thinkpositive
“When it feels like an overwhelming riptide of circumstances is causing us to sink, sometimes our faith and our attitudes are at risk of going down too. We feel like we just don’t have the energy to keep fighting, and it becomes easier and easier to lose any hope that we’ll ever make it safely to shore. But there is always hope—hope for a positive attitude, a stronger faith, a heart full of joy, and a happier future—when we put our hope in Jesus and choose not to let life cause us, our attitudes, or our faith to sink. If there is one thing for sure, it’s that a negative mind will never lead you into a more positive life.” #thinkpositive
About the Author
TRACIE MILES is the author of five best-selling books and the Director of COMPEL Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Tracie is also releasing a Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Program in March 2022, which is a seven-week study including a Leaders Guide, Participants Guide, and video. She is a monthly contributor for Proverbs 31’s Encouragement for Today daily devotions which reach over one million people per day around the globe, as well as a contributing author to the popular Zondervan NIV Women’s Devotional Bible. Tracie has three grown children and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can connect with Tracie on all social media platforms.