It’s Never Too Late to Stop Dreaming and Start Doing Find out below how to claim 3 free awesome gifts from me to you!

If there is one thing that never changes in life, it’s that changes will always happen.

Whether it’s an overnight change we didn’t expect, or something we knew would happen one day but left us in a season of feeling displaced and confused, change is hard.

In today’s Proverbs 31 Devotion, When It’s Time to Reinvent Yourself and Your Life, I shared the verse from Isaiah 43:18-19, where God speaks through the prophet Isaiah, declaring, “But forget all that — it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?”   I love this verse because there have been so many times when I needed a reminder that God was up to something new, and I just needed to have faith.

I have been through many transition seasons that left me reeling with confusion – getting married, having children, getting divorced, being single, getting new jobs, changes in friendships, becoming an empty nester, leaving my family home behind, losing a loved one – just to name a few. I’m sure you have as well.

So how do we deal with those changes emotionally, but also physically? What do we do when life feels unfamiliar and we feel like we don’t know who we are anymore? Or what to do next? Or how to reshape our life into what we want it to be, and stop just dreaming about how we wish it were?

I shared five steps in today’s devotion which you can check out here, but the last of those steps was to get out of your comfort zone and start making things happen! We can sit around every day and dream about things being different … dream about having more money, more friends, more direction. Dream about developing a different mindset, a new career path, a special hobby or a more active social life. Dream about achieving that dream that has always been in our heart but seemed out of our reach.

But a dream without any action behind it is nothing but a wish. And wishes get us nowhere. What does get us moving forward are two things:

  1. believing in ourselves and our dreams, and also that just like we’re promised in Isaiah 43, God’s ability to bring about transformation and renewal in our lives never fails.
  2. believing we are never too young or too old for God to do something new in us and through us and being willing to take steps forward.

Yet all too often, we are what is standing in the way of Him doing so. If you’re ready for change, then start taking steps to make that change happen and stop sitting around just wishing it would happen!

One of the things I talk about a lot in my new book, God’s Got You: Embracing New Beginnings with Courage and Confidence, is the importance of goal setting and successful strategies for doing so. Setting goals for ourselves gives us something to work towards, and then creating a blueprint to meet those goals is a game changer. If a goal or a dream in your heart seems too big or overwhelming, break it down into small steps. What do you need to do first, second, third, etc.? What assistance do you need to seek out? What new skill do you need acquire? How might your perspective need to become more positive? What rut do you need to get out of to start making progress? What timeline do you want to set for yourself to achieve that goal?

We can’t control the future, of course, but we can control the actions we take every day to try to make our dreams and desires a reality.

If this post has lit even the tiniest spark in your heart to maybe start pursuing your dreams, whatever they may be, and stop merely imagining them, then my new book could be the exact motivation and help you need to equip you to start taking those first steps!

If you’re ready to go for it (whatever ‘it’ is), then you’ve got this, and God’s got you! Let transition seasons inspire you to move forward rather than paralyze you in a season of life you don’t enjoy.


God’s Got You: Embracing New Beginnings with Courage and ConfidenceMy new book God’s Got You releases on July 2, 2024, but you can pre-order now and kickstart your journey of beginning again and turning your wishes into dreams you are actively pursuing!

CLICK HERE to pre-order your copy today and find out how to claim your 3 free gifts!


— The Step Into Your New Beginnings Digital Workbook, a tool to help you begin mapping out your newly shaped future

— Beautifully designed inspirational prayer cards which you can print and cut apart to have around your house for immediate encouragement when you need it.

— Motivational phone screen wallpapers for hopeful reminders all day long!

(The book can be pre-ordered from Amazon or any retailer and free gifts can be claimed here)


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  3. Lynnsey Unger on Friday, August 9, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    I’ve just discovered you, Tracie, by reading your book, Living Unbroken. I’ve long been planning to write my own books and you have clearly inspired me to make it happen now in my new journey in life. God is so faithful and I feel his presence in bringing you and your talents into my life at this point in time. Thank you for being YOU and for sharing your God given talents with the world.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author of books, a Christian Literary Agent and the Director of COMPEL Pro Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books