If It’s Time to Renovate Your Life, It’s Time to Get Started

If you’re visiting my blog today from my Proverbs 31 devotion, Are You Ready to Embrace Your New Beginning, then welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! (If you’d like a sneak peek at the cute little home I renovated and talked about in the devotion, click here!)

Since you’re reading this, I can only assume that my devotion topic of embracing a new season of life piqued your interest, because like me, you may be standing at a crossroads trying to believe God can get you through a hard season of change, but wondering how and when good things will occur.

It’s only natural to doubt God’s ways when life turns a corner and we’re left wondering who we are, where we fit in this period of transition, and how we can let go of what was and embrace what is yet to come. But believing God can and will transform you and your life, and shape it into something new and beautiful where you find yourself happier than ever before, is critical to take positive steps forward and not stay stuck where you don’t want to be.

If you’re ready for a life makeover, a renovation of sorts in your own life, below are a few tips you can start doing today to begin making things happen, instead of just sitting around wishing they would. A dream is just a wish until we take action to make them happen. So let this post be your motivator today to take those first steps and believe God will be with you every step of the way! A few months or years down the road, you’ll be able to look back and say “look what I accomplished”, or at a minimum, “I may not be where I want to be just yet, but I’m no longer where I was!”

Here are a few renovation tips to implement into your own life so you can start seeing your visions of how you want life start becoming a reality:

1. Surrender control. Recognize that you can’t control everything in your life and that ultimately God can. Trusting God with your future means surrendering your desires and plans to Him. However, keep in mind that surrendering control doesn’t mean we sit by and just wait for the things we want to happen to happen. We still have to put in the work for God to bless it.

2. Develop a relationship with God. Spend time reading the Bible, praying, and attending church to deepen your relationship with God. This will equip you to understand His character better and trust His plans for you. The benefit is that, at some point, God will whisper to your spirit, and you’ll know it’s Him because you’ve come to recognize His voice, which will give you affirmation that He is indeed in control and knows the desires of your heart.

3. Reflect on God’s faithfulness. Look back, and think about all the times when God has been faithful. Consider making a list of answered prayers. Journal about the times when you felt God wasn’t at work but later, when the timing was right, He came through and you could see He had a plan all along. Think about the times when God turned something difficult or painful into something good, bringing beauty from the ashes as only He could do. Remembering how God has provided for you in the past can help you create new thought habits and give you confidence in His provision and plans for the future.

4. Focus on the present. Instead of worrying about what the future holds, focus on the present moment and the tasks at hand. Think about what brings you happiness right now, and make those things a priority. Remember, no matter what happens today, we must never stop believing we will make it through. And tomorrow is another new day in which we can start fresh with a positive perspective.

5. Believe in yourself. If you don’t think you can do it (whatever it is), you certainly won’t be able to. Our thoughts drive our emotions, which drive our actions. If we think negatively, we’ll act negatively and reap the repercussions of our negative mindset. Our actions are what determine our destinies. Nothing will change until our mindset changes.

Remember, it’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.

No matter where you are today, Gods got you, and whatever you’re facing, you’ve got this because you’re in good hands.

God’s Got You: Embracing New Beginnings with Courage and Confidence



(The above is an excerpt from Chapter 8 of my new book, God’s Got You, and there are so many more tips, encouragement, strategies and tools in the book to help you break free from the past and start embracing the future God has in store for you. Click on one of the links below to get your copy today!



If part of your ‘beginning again’ includes taking a leap of faith and following God’s call to write and share your story through words, I’d love to help you get off on the blank page and get started!

Click here for more info! 





  1. KT on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    Seriously God’s timing is always perfect. I am ending a position tomorrow and starting a new one next week. While I was so excited at first, I’m starting to get the “what ifs” now that change is on the horizon. Knowing that He’s already gone before and has so much more instore if we just step out in faith is exactly what I needed to be reminded about this morning. Tracie thank you for the words, “it’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.” as too often I struggle with battling these lies in my head. To me this serves as the greatest reminder that I am His and that is enough.

  2. Jeana on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 7:34 am

    This devotion and encouragement came on time. I just started a new job and out if my comfort zone but God gave me this job!!!!!! zno doubt!!! I cried with joy and thankful heart when I received the call 2 weeks ago. God knows what we need and when we need it. In my new learning experience I am so very excited and blessed and look forward sering what and where all that Gid leads. Trusting him in ALL things can be hard at time But I must keep my eyes on him when my way gets hard and it may feel like I’m drowning in my boat. God Bless you and your ministry!!!!!! Jeana beckner

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author of books, a Christian Literary Agent and the Director of COMPEL Pro Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books