We’re Now The Away Team, So It’s Time To Play Harder

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 9.11.02 PMThere are times when finding the right words are difficult.

Such as times when your mind is filled with a myriad of competing thoughts and feelings. Times when your eyes are filled with tears due to seeing great division and hatred course through the veins of our country. Times when your heart feels heavy from the burden of people making decisions that could not only negatively affect their lives, our lives, and countless others, but the lives of many generations to come. Times when your spirit is crushed with the reality of how many people desperately need the love and grace of Jesus, but are living so unaware.

For me, it’s times like now, when it has become undeniably obvious that not only has America become a nation which has silenced the voice of the majority, but a nation where God’s people are no longer the home team.

In the last 50 years, America has gone from being a nation whose values were based on right and wrong and was proud to call herself one nation under God, to a nation that passes and enforces laws which go completely against His Word and the basic values and morals this country was built on … all under the guise of fairness, tolerance, permissiveness,  deserved freedoms and the ‘anything goes if someone loud enough wants it to’ mentality.

So many decisions made by the Supreme Court and state/local governments in recent years have literally left my head spinning in disbelief. Not just one particular decision, but the overall wave of change that has occurred in many areas, from the sanctity of life, to the definition of marriage, to the legalization of harmful drugs, to blurring the lines on religious liberties, to removing faith from schools, colleges and workplaces. And more. With each new ‘landmark ruling’, not only is God put further on the back burner, but the citizens of one beautiful, blessed nation become further and further divided.

The most heartbreaking fact of all is that God’s Word is being drug through the mud like a worthless deflated ball, spit upon, called irrelevant, and laughed at, and the Christian faith no longer seems to have the home court advantage in America.

But the truth is, Jesus never had the home court advantage either.

He was always considered the outcast, with the exception of His beloved followers. He was always opposed to laws or governing that went against what was right in His Father’s eyes.  He was always scoffed at for not accepting sin and immorality as acceptable, and surely considered intolerant. He was always considered a threat to the ever changing social norms. He was always persecuted for standing up for God’s truths and for preaching righteousness. He was always trying to be silenced by the voices that seemed louder and more powerful than His own, from an earthly perspective.

Yet when the game got harder, He stepped up His game. He stood strong in the face of persecution. He persevered. He boldly stood up for the Truth without hesitation. He maintained Godly character, thoughts and behaviors. He portrayed peace and love despite His sufferings. He died for His people. He rose again. He lives and is still sitting at the right hand of God the Father even now.

Jesus is in Heaven and still controlling this game of life, but we are here on earth playing in an enemy territory that is growing more and more dangerous, sinful and heartbreaking. There’s no doubt about it. God’s team of earthly believers is now officially the away team.

Christians – it’s time to start thinking like the away team. We may feel like the underdog, but we can embrace a mindset of victory. (click to tweet) The crowds may not be cheering for us, and our fans may seem far fewer in the stands. The ‘plays’ that used to work to help people come to Jesus, don’t seem to be gaining the same amount of yardage.  The “playbook” known as the gospel has not changed, and never will, but the playing field is certainly different. In fact, at times it feels volatile and scary. Opponents seem bigger and more powerful, and Christians are reeling in the shadow of the team who appears to be getting farther and farther ahead in the game.

But we, as a devoted team of believers,  have the best Coach there is, and we know that in the end, He wins. He was, is and always will be the Victor. But even knowing that truth, living in a broken world, which constantly pulls farther and farther away from morals, values and righteousness, is hard. And sad. And can sometimes make us team members feel hopeless.

But the key word there – is TEAM. Every believer in Christ is on the same team, although opinions and beliefs on policies and laws and biblical interpretations may vary from time to time. Rather than let our challenges discourage our hearts, or cause us to act or react in ways that don’t bring glory to our Coach, we can take the Coach’s biblical advice to persevere and stand up for our beliefs in ways that show love and peace. Not because our minds always want to act in love and peace, but because our hearts are grounded in what we know to be right.  Most of all, we can commit to trust that God will use all things for good to glorify Him, including these tumultuous times in which we live.

Regardless of how we differ in opinions and beliefs, we can always choose to give our very best effort and attitude to our team and our team members. Rather than get angry, judge others, or even give up, might we as Christians develop a team attitude that glorifies Christ, instead of divides His kingdom? Rather than put our tail in between our legs, forfeit the game, and keep our voices silenced, might we as a team of Christians let the challenge of being the away team motivate us to step up our game for Jesus? No matter how the opinions of believers may differ, the truth is, we’re still all on the same team. And our team’s goal should be to glorify God, spread His Name and make Him famous – not our own agendas. 

I recently shared on Facebook something profound my Pastor said, which was this: “Despite all the problems in America today, and the fact that the world seems to be spinning out of control, this is the greatest time in the history of the world to be on mission for Jesus Christ. This is the greatest time! If you had to pick a time in which you wanted to be salt and light and be different, it would be right now.”

This truly is the greatest time of all time to start trusting our heavenly Coach and believing He still has an incredible game plan even though we can’t see it. It is the greatest time ever to let love and peace and righteousness be our loudest voice, and let our passion for Christ motivate our steps, instead of judgment, hatred, and division. A time to acknowledge that we are up against a powerful opponent, an enemy, but not one that is made of flesh and blood. It is an important game, and at times there are some really bad calls made, but we always have the freedom to choose what role we are going to play, how we are going to use our God-given gifts to further our cause, and how we are going to play the game overall.

Just as each team has rules, God’s team does too. We are called to put others first, get rid of self, and let Him transform our hearts and minds to be like His, even when nothing in us feels like doing so. We are called to forgive and love our enemies, not just those who agree with us. We are called to stand strong in the face of opposition and firmly grounded in God’s Word –  yet at the same time – act and react in love, while depending on encouragement and strength from The Coach we trust to help us do so.

But in addition to these guidelines for living, we need to make a commitment to believe in our Coach with all our heart, soul and mind. To stand firm in our faith and trust He is in control even when the odds are against us and even when it appears we are gradually falling too far behind in the game to ever gain the upper hand.  We need to commit to let His voice be louder in our hearts than our opponents, and to NEVER, EVER give in to defeat.

We are all here for a reason in this specific day and age, and every one of us, as believers in Christ, have a unique purpose on this holy team in the world today that only we can fulfill. But it is our choice how we are going to play the game.

It seriously does feel like Christians are the away team now, and slowly losing the battle, and that hurts. But if you ask me, the reality of that can be our biggest motivation to step up our game. (click to tweet)

It serves as tangible proof that there has never been a better time to start using our voices, standing bold and tall, giving our Coach, Jesus Christ, everything we’ve got and start playing harder for His team than ever before.

What might you do for Christ today to step up your game?

Ephesians 6:13 Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting, you’ll still be on your feet. (MSG)


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(Everyone is encouraged and invited to share opinions, thoughts, encouragement and insight on this subject. However, Tracie reserves the right to remove any comments deemed inappropriate, slanderous, blasphemous, or of a conflict provoking nature which would potentially create discord among blog readers and subscribers. Please write all comments with a tone of respect, consideration and love for all concerned.)


  1. Deb on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:37 am

    Thank you so much for this timely reminder! I recently saw a comment ‘prayer, not despair’ – what an encouragement as it reminder me that God IS still in control, none of this came as a surprise to Him, and we are in this world ‘for such a time as this’.

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:47 pm

      Thats a great quick way to remember to pray Deb – prayer, not despair – especially since the world we live in continues to get farther from God and leaves so many countless people with feelings of despair and hopelessness. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Brenda on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:42 am

    Wow, Tracie. I wish this could be posted to everyone I know and then some. This world is so devastating to me sometimes. I say “Okay Lord, now would be a good time for you to come back!!!”. Thank you for giving us this insight and encouragement to start living boldly for Christ.

  3. Gina on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:46 am

    Tracie, I feel this is spot on! I have been so discouraged lately. Thank you for this new perspective as the away team.

  4. lc on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:48 am

    Excellent read, Tracie!
    I think both Christians and unbelievers need to be reminded Who (God) and What (HIS Word) makes the rules = Truth.
    When we quote Scripture we aren’t making up rules mid-game! Scripture is God’s rules, given to the entire world HE created! As we think about the saying, “Don’t shoot the messenger”, maybe that will encourage Christians to not get angry, take offense, judge, etc.
    but instead, speak HIS truth in love. ♡

  5. Kelly on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:56 am

    WOW!! This is what is needed for all Christians to read. It put a new view on what the world has turned to, and we need to be stronger than ever before. We, as Christians, know that we need to be strong, but sometime we need to be told in a different point of view so that we see what needs to take place. I pray that everyone who reads this takes a new look on the things happening around us & decides to take a stand for our Christian values. It’s not about religion, it’s about Christ. Love this message. Keep up the good word.

  6. Maggi Fink on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Loved this blog today! I have been teaching this message to my chi,drawn through out their high school years. Now with both on college I express more than ever that they need to be the salt and the light. Jesus is expecting them to do so and although it will be. “Narrow path” I pray everyday for them to have the wisdom, strength and the Holy Spirit to continue doing so.
    Thank you for such beautiful words, after feeling so alone in this belief for so many years, it feels so good to know that there are others on our our team!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. Tammy Barnard on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:08 am

    Good Morning Tracie,
    What a great message this morning! Our world certainly spins in one direction, while our own life’s spin in the opposite. I choose to remain focused on the true compus- my true North~ Jesus.
    Very trying times indeed. #Jesustakethewheel

  8. Melissa on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:11 am

    I want to continue to pray for our country and the whole world. Prayer is vital and God is listening. 🙂

  9. Brenda on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:19 am

    Thank you for sharing. I fully agree with your comments. We are needed more, now than ever, to share the love of God with everyone in these difficult days.

  10. Cheryl on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Thank you for your message. I agree and pray that I can be an “instrument of his peace” everyday in some way to show love and caring, kindness and hope to someone who is less fortunate or who needs help, I pray thanks for his Love and grace. Despite all of my personal worries with my daughters and the health of those family members, I try to put these worries in his hands and trust he will handle it in his way. GOD Bless

  11. Lynn on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:39 am

    Thank you Tracie,
    Now is not the time to give up, but to pray all the more for blind eyes to see, for deaf ears to hear and for confused minds to be made clear in the light of the love of Christ. The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous. Proverbs 15:29

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:45 pm

      I love that verse Lynn! Thanks for sharing it! It is a great reminder that God hears the prayers of the millions of people who do love Him, and we can take great comfort in that. He is the God that sees all and knows all.

  12. Jan on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:13 am

    Thank you! Your words put a voice to my thoughts.

  13. Barbara Ford on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:20 am

    Your words are so true and an expression of everything that has been running through my mind recently. Thank you. I wish everyone could read this.

  14. Jessie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:24 am

    Thank you for sharing Tracie! Very timely and much needed.

  15. Lyndsay on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:26 am

    Thank you for writing. I love Jesus and I believe we are members of the right team. I pray for the strength we are all going to need in the days ahead. I’m placing on the “full armor of God”. Count me in Lord…. Go “team”!!!! In the name above all names Jesus Christ ….

  16. Wendi on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 10:27 am

    Today’s post could not have been more timely or perfectly worded as I too have felt the burden of recent court decisions upon our country. What I have been struggling with is why God did not thwart the enemy in the recent same sex marriage ruling? Why is He allowing the church to become whisy-washy? Does He not listen to His Remnant people? Why don’t you do something God?

    Then I remembered that Godlisness has been going on since the beginning with people whom God created, worshiping other god’s, scoffing at His Word and living hedonistically. This is nothing new to Him. His response is that “He has overcome the world.”

    I don’t want to be one of those “Who am I to judge” sort of Christians. That’s an easy way out to hide behind. Unfortunately, I can have a pretty sharp tongue so when I try and express my thoughts they can come out harsh hence I don’t say anything-I hate that too.

    I want to share the joy and TRUTH about God’s love when I am confronted with liberal opposition.

    So, Traci, thank you for the inspiring words today. It has encouraged to me to know that there are other women and men out there who feel and think the same as I do.

    If I may ask, I would like prayer that I would be open and that my sharp tongue and feisty attitude could be softened to be more like Jesus.


    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:44 pm

      Wendi – I think every Christian is wondering why God isn’t doing something, but we just have to remind ourselves that He is! We just cant see it yet. It is not sinful or judgmental to acknowledge great sin when it is occurring, especially when it affects us personally, and we are called to love the sinner but not the sin. Praying God will fill your heart and mouth with boldness, but to speak gently in the power of His grace and love!

  17. debra on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11:14 am

    truth, truth, & more truth! thank you Jesus for helping these words to be put here. God rarely speaks to me & when He does it is powerful & always comes to pass. while praying on 11/6/14, as plain as day God said “tell them all, tell them all to tighten up, down-size. live as cheaply as possible, save food & cash, get out of debt, things are going to get a lot worse.” today’s devotional ties in with what He said to me. Praise the Lord the end is near!

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:41 pm

      Those are certainly tips we can all take to heart Debra. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Jennifer on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11:27 am

    Great message, thank you! I have been so troubled by where this country and people are moving further away from God. Your have inspired me to live by faith and love others even when we do not agree with them.

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:40 pm

      Thanks Jennifer – so many people are trouble, and it is hard to comprehend all that is happening and so heartbreaking. All we can do is trust God and live by faith!

  19. Delinda Cardwell on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11:28 am


    I have felt for a long time like I don’t belong anywhere in the church I attended, no friends, cannot find my gifts, my purpose. But this message brought home that it is not about how I feel, I am on Team JESUS, and I need to think beyond myself and what I can do for the team. I don’t want to be lukewarm anymore, I want to be used however, I can be the light in the world. What a great word from GOD through you!!!!!!! This is the best time to be a warrior for GOD, and to be the salt and the light.

    Thank you for the motivation!!


    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:39 pm

      Delinda – thank you for sharing so openly! I love your words and pray they are great encouragement who has struggled with similar feelings. We are on TEAM JESUS and can all be salt and light in this world, no matter where we are!

  20. Darlene on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11:38 am

    Beautifully written. Truly inspiring and the knowing that we were made for such a time as this. Thank you so much for the challenge to get back in the game. We are the winners in the end.

  21. Kerry on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    I love this analogy. Thank you for such a positive and hopeful message.

  22. Connie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    Thank you, and bless you Tracie for writing this to encourage our hearts, and also having the courage to do so. Your pastor is right! Now is the time to share Jesus’ love – just like He did when He was on this earth.

  23. Tracy on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    Tracie, thank you so very much for your encoraging message. I feel like you got in my head of jumbled thoughts and displayed them beautifully. My husband doesn’t know Jesus but grew up with God, hell and brimstone from his parents church and I’ve been praying how to speak clearly my truths of God’s Word. I can now talk with him more, especially, on my fibromyalgia fog days. Praise God!

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:37 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement Tracy! Praying God uses every method possible to reach your husbands heart and pull him back into His Presence.

  24. Trish on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    Thank you for such a thoughtful, thought-provoking message. It reminds us that we are “aliens and strangers” in this world, that this is not our ultimate Home but we are citizens of Heaven. Not that we should detach ourselves and do nothing for the Lord here on Earth, but the constant evil around us reminds me that we are to be in the world but not of it. It is so hard not to want to cry, scream, just beat the ground, frankly. But I need to pull myself together and will myself NOT to curse the darkness but to be salt and light. SO HARD!!!!

    • Tracie on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 4:32 pm

      Amen Trisha!!! 🙂

  25. Carol on Friday, July 3, 2015 at 9:27 am

    Thank you Tracie! What a great reminder!

  26. Leah DiPascal on Friday, July 3, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    Tracie, I’m so glad we’re on the same team with Jesus. I totally agree … God is the Greatest Coach this world has and will ever see! Besides, we already know the final score. We win!!!

  27. Justine on Friday, July 3, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    One thing God had been speaking to my heart is Never Give Up! Sometimes things do not look the way we would like in the natural, but God always wins in the end! I was reminded of that in a book I’m reading. One thing I heard from a speaker at church recently too which was a good reminder and a thing I hadn’t thought of is: sinners sin, why would we expect otherwise? I’m stepping up my love walk. Being judgemental of people is not going to draw them to God. I’m also working on myself so that I am a qualified recruiter for our team. Great article!

  28. Jill Beran on Friday, July 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    Tracie, thank you for this!! As a sports fan, former athlete and coach the away team illustration really made sense to me. I feel it as well – the pain, sadness and lack of understanding. I think the hardest thing for me is thinking about the world my 5 kids will grow up in and the temptation and persecution they will face…ugh. Just Sunday though during the children’s sermon our pastor prayed for all the kids and encouraged us to do the same, but then preached his message. Which was pulling apart Phil. 4:19 word by word – God can and will provide all we need and future generations need too. Thank you for this post and for your willingness to put yourself out there…and encouraging me to do the same. Blessings to you!

  29. Shannon @ Distracted by Prayer on Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 10:57 am


    Very helpful and balanced words today. Thanks for reminding us that we are not the “home team” while we are here in this world. We don’t have the luxury of using disappointment with public decisions as an excuse to retreat and become bitter.

    God always calls us to love. And this country is more in need of His kind of love than it has been for a long, long time.

  30. Alice on Sunday, July 5, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Tracie, what an encouraging post for us believers. God did not fall off the throne because, of the Supreme Courts decision or any other choices that have been made against God, none of this is a surprise to Him. I believe the Body of Christ is being stirred to be who she is a church without spot or wrinkle and we will rise and make our Heavenly Father very proud of His kids. Thank you for revealing your heart for our nation (she hasn’t completed her destiny and she will).

  31. Amy on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 7:21 am

    This really hit home in more ways than one. My own daughter, Abby, has joined the “home” team and the sorrow I feel is insurmountable. She is so angry at God for the death of her grandmom and she has embraced so many lies this world is putting forth as truths. We both need prayer. That she (and her sister, Brynn ) will come back to the truth and give over her anger. And that God will give me the words to say or not to say to her.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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