Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t be happy right now because of the season of life I’m in… because my life feels so different … because of my circumstances … until I’m less busy ..,. less distracted … less discouraged …
I get it. It’s easy to be so focused on the place in life that we wish we weren’t in and assume that our life is stalled until things change.
But God calls us to invest in the life He has given us, even if it’s not the life we imagined or the way we want our life to look right now. Change is hard, whether it’s good or bad. But the fact is that the times of life that feel the hardest, especially seasons of hardship, change or transition, can be the exact times when God is building our story, showing His works in our life, teaching us lessons and growing our faith. We can be happy today, even if today doesn’t look like we want it too.
Today I have a devotion published through Proverbs 31 Ministries which can give you more encouragement if you’re feeling stuck, stalled, unsure of your next steps, what the future holds, or how to be happy in the season of life you’re in. It’s titled, “But God, I don’t Want To Plant a Garden Here,” and you CLICK HERE to read it!
I also have a podcast episode that aired today on the Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast and I’d love for you to HOP OVER AND TUNE IN! I’m sharing from the passage of Jeremiah 29 and expounding on this subject, as well as providing tips on how to make the best of the season you’re in.
I pray God encourages you through the words He laid on my heart!