Book Proposal Coaching Package

Trying to write a book proposal can feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re trying to figure it out on your own and wondering how in the world you can craft a book proposal that will stand out to a publisher. Having a coach to guide and encourage you can be the difference between getting a book contract or having your proposal sit in a pile on a desk.

A Laptop a Notebook and a coffee

During the six weeks coaching period, I will work closely with you to help you learn how to shape your idea into the most sellable concept for your book. I want to help you understand the book proposal template and all the required elements of a solid book proposal. I’ll also help make sure your book’s concept and outline are sound and ensure the proposal is written in such a way that an agent or publisher can immediately understand your intended audience and why your book is needed in today’s literary market.

My goal is to help you gain confidence in what you’re doing and provide the motivation and accountability to stick to a schedule and finish your proposal by the end of our six weeks together. Having worked in the publishing industry for over seventeen years, and as a result of serving as Director of COMPEL Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries, I have worked with nearly every agent and mainstream publishing house in the industry. I have the contacts to help open doors for your book proposal to be seen and reviewed by prospective agents and acquisition editors.

I’m thrilled to share that I've had multiple first time authors receive book contracts after working with me as their coach for writing their book proposals and chapters, and you can read a few of their testimonials on this site.

If you are passionate about changing people’s lives with your story and you feel called to write a book and get your message out into the world,  if you have a book proposal already written but you don’t feel it’s as good as it could be, or if you’ve received rejections and you want to learn how to make it a stellar proposal to resubmit, book proposal coaching could be exactly what you need to take your writing dreams to the next level.

Laptop on the floor with bible and coffee

This package includes:

  • Initial one hour Breakthrough Session via ZOOM call to discuss your project
  • Three bi-weekly 90-minute ZOOM coaching calls 
  • Book proposal template and additional helpful resources
  • Guidance on completing all the required elements of a solid, impressive book proposal
  • Assistance with finding comparable books to include in your proposal 
  • Homework assignments to complete before each ZOOM call
  • 3 rounds of valuable written feedback for book proposal and 3 sample chapters
  • One final ZOOM call to answer any last minute questions and receive parting guidance and suggested next steps
  • GUARANTEED to have your book proposal submitted to an agent(s) or publisher(s) for review
  • OPTIONAL: Sign with Tracie for Literary Agent Representation. More information can be requested.

Book Proposal Coaching Package

$1749 Book Proposal Coaching Package