godly parenting

When Mom Gets Weary

My devotion running over at Proverbs 31 today is called Getting Through Another One Of Those Days.  Unfortunately, it seems I have been having a lot of “those days” recently, because living in a house filled with two teenage daughters and a pre-teen son means there is never a dull moment around here! In fact some times I find…

Swimming Against The Current

There are days when I am just tired of “stuff”. Especially the kind of parenting “stuff” that my Proverbs 31 devotion refers to today. What is “stuff”, you ask? Here are just a few examples of the minor things that fall into this category of “stuff” in our house: – time consuming homework, resulting in…

Worth The Wait

I have been married for over twenty one years, and a mommy for over seventeen of those years. In the beginning when my babies were young, my prayers were few and far between, because of my own baby faith. But when God grabbed hold of my heart and my life around eleven years ago, my…

The Sweetest Fruit I Have Ever Tasted

When my son was little, he would barely eat enough food to keep a bird alive. His little taste buds possessed a lot of picky-ness, which left him few foods to choose from. But when it came to fruit – he was like a bunny in a carrot patch – nibbling on every type of…

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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