godly parenting

When Mom Gets Weary

Daughter: “Mom, can I go to my friends house after the game Friday and then spend the night?”Mom:“Is her mom going to be there?”Daughter:“Yes, mother” (with exasperation in voice)Mom:“Okay, since I know her, just have her call me to confirm, and that will be fine.” Daughter:”Oh and mom, can we get something to eat after…

Enjoying All The “Firsts”

Heavy sigh. Today, is the first day of school. For many parents, the beginning of school is a day to rejoice – freedom has returned! Less entertaining and trying to keep the kids occupied all day, and more time to get stuff done. Less sibling rivalry (at least until after 4pm) and more peace and…

Less Worry, More Wonder

This has been a full fledged mommy-emotional-roller-coaster month so far. In fact, I think I may have hit the mother load of parenthood this week. I attended She Speaks last week and was gone from my family for five days. After a few days of recuperating and taking it easy, I sent my daughter off…

Darn That Proverbs 31 Woman

Yesterday I was mom-of-the-year. Yep, unofficially but uneqivocably mom-of-the-year. How did I earn such a prestigious title, you ask? Simple. I made muffins. Not just plain ol’ muffins, mind you. Chocolate chip muffins, and blueberry muffins, in the little-muffin, muffin pan. So cute baby muffins were everywhere, and the two flavors satisfied all the picky…

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books