Join me today in a live chat about managing the stress of motherhood!

I am so excited to get to spend the day today with the Moms Together Facebook community, hosted by my sweet friend Suzie Eller and her awesome team of mom mentors – and I hope you’ll join us!

Moms Together is for moms of faith who are single, married, stay at home moms, working moms, military moms, moms with toddler, tweens, multiples, teens, college students and young adults, special needs moms, or moms who just discovered they are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, grandmas (still a mom!), and mother-in-laws.

This Facebook community was created to come alongside moms with real-life help, experts, and community to support, encourage, and pray for each other in motherhood – and enjoy doing lots of fun giveaways!

Today, Wednesday August 21st, we’re going to be talking about managing the stress that accompanies the call of motherhood from 9am ET to 4PM ET.  Below are a few of the areas we will be discussing, but you will also have an opportunity to pose questions of your own and receive answers from fellow faith filled moms.

** How to react when other parents don’t share my parenting views about discipline, rules, curfews, etc.

** Dealing with the stress of parenting when we are overwhelmed and busy / stretched thin /

** How working moms can manage the guilt they may feel about being at work

** Avoiding the comparison game and worrying about whether or not we are a good enough mom

** Helping kids of any age understand the value of taking care of themselves and treating their bodies as God’s temple

** Handling the “everybody else does it” syndrome and avoiding becoming a hands-off parent

** How to persevere when parenting gets tough and the benefits of standing firm in your beliefs

** Tips on what to do when you’re ready for a mommy meltdown

** Standing firm in your Christian beliefs against a culture that tolerates everything that goes against Gods ways

** How to tell if your child is feelings stressed (symptoms & red flags) & how to help them manage it

** When the stress of raising kids interferes with your marriage relationship

For several free resources from me to use as tools in your faith journey, including back-to-school tips for kids of all ages, click here.





  1. BethA on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 9:56 am

    I’m not on Facebook, but this sounds great. Wish I could participate.

    • tmiles on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 10:21 am

      Hi Beth – if you want to participate, you could quickly create an account and just like that page. This community of women has great content every week so it might be worth your while to do so! Just a thought.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books