Don’t Think God Doesn’t Have a Calendar Learn how to join Tracie in a live ZOOM call, plus claim your free Life Timeline Template!

**Read to the bottom to download your free Life Timeline Template and find out how to be on two live calls with Tracie to help you make this your most successful year yet!**


Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—” (NLV)

Nothing happens in our lives by coincidence. 

This is a truth I’ve learned the hard way, but it is, indeed, a truth. The truth. God is in control.

Years ago as a young college student, after going through a traumatic, heartbreaking and life altering experience, I thought God was probably done with me. And I certainly never thought that He could turn things around and use that experience for something good. Yet He did exactly that. Because that is what He does as the Sovereign God of the universe.

Each experience and event in our life, whether good or bad, significant or otherwise, is a stepping stone leading us to the next milestone in our life where we will need to rely on what we learned, skills we developed, strength we acquired, and more, as a result of going through those times.

I didn’t realize this until I was writing my very first book about seventeen years ago, and felt prompted to do some research about a relevant subject to the topic of my book and my own life story. I stumbled across some information on a website that made my stomach flip and chill bumps covered my body. 

I immediately broke out into tears, and my children who had been sitting beside me on the couch watching television, all turned to look at me in utter confusion. They had no idea the voice of God had just been so loud in our living room I was surprised they hadn’t heard it. I sat there wide eyed with tears streaming down my face, as the Holy Spirit had filled my heart with confirmation that God sees, He knows, and He has a plan. Always. And I’ll never forget it.

You see, the information I was researching helped me find specific dates about what happened when. The most important date turned out to be the exact date of the anniversary of the tragic experience I went through.

The other “coincidence” was that I was in the middle of a bible study which had been talking about the value in creating timelines of our life. Had I not been in that bible study, I may have overlooked the significance of coinciding dates. Ever since then, I never chalk anything up as something “just happened” or a hard situation I had to endure because “life is hard for everyone.”  I intentionally look at every little detail of my life as a precursor to what is yet to come and that God is preparing me for not only what the unknown future holds, but a purpose beyond what I can envision. I’ve grown to believe with my whole heart that one day God will use that experience … that pain … that heartbreak … that triumph … that overcoming… that part of my journey … to equip me for what is to come. 

In my Proverbs 31 devotion today, I share about an entirely different story which happened just last year, where I was struck with awe again of how God’s timing is always perfect. With eyes wide open, I again witnessed how He had divinely orchestrated the last several years of my life to prepare me for a new specific moment in time right now. Bringing to life a new purpose which I never imagined could happen, in His divine timing. 

I have seven published books and love writing words that help women find healing and happiness through the sharing of my own stories and words. But a passion had been bubbling deep down in my heart of launching an Author Coaching Business and I felt called to pursue this new purpose. Yet like many of us, fear and intimidation of trying something new had kept me stuck for way too long.

I love working with aspiring authors, helping them build their writing skills and pursue getting published so their words can impact the lives of countless others. That’s one reason I love my role so much at Proverbs 31 Ministries where I've spent over six years as the Director of COMPEL Writers Training membership site where we train thousands of excited writers with dreams in their heart about all things writing and publishing. 

But I knew my passion was also to work one on one with aspiring authors, face to face, help fuel their dreams and be a personal mentor and coach for those wishing they had someone to hold their hand as they take their own leaps of faith to become a writer. I know I wanted that back in the day, and I wanted to serve others that want the same thing now. So I worked on it for over a year, and selected a day to send that first email and kick off this new venture. 

And the minute I did (as I mentioned in my devotion), God said, “Tracie. What is today’s date?”  When I glanced at the calendar, I realized for the first time that this 'randomly selected kickoff date' was the 7 year anniversary date of the experience I thought would end my ministry and writing all together - when my marriage abruptly ended and my life was turned upside down. Instead, as God had always done, He had had a plan all along, yet only revealed it to me when the timing was right.

God has a holy calendar for each of our lives. And it is perfect and good. When our eyes finally witness a glimpse of His planning that go beyond the remote possibility of just happenstance or coincidence, our hearts will never be the same. 


As promised in today’s devotion, I want to give you the gift of seeing how God's holy calendar for your life has played out. Download my free Life Timeline Template below to help you begin mapping out your own life’s sequence of events.


Tracie Miles - Author Coaching Services

Are you an aspiring author with words and stories about God’s power, timing, healing and overcoming that you are passionate about writing? Do you have a dream God placed in your heart to positively impact the lives of others and help others find hope, healing and happiness, but you’re not sure where to start or how to move forward? 


Click on the image to check out my Author Coaching Services for aspiring and seasoned writers! 

LIMITED SPACE OPPORTUNITY!  If you are hungry for inspiration, motivation and guidance in setting solid goals and strategies for a plan for success to help you actually get closer to achieving your dreams this year, join my upcoming Fuel Your Writing Dreams Group Coaching mini-series happening in March 2023! Spaces are limited so click below for all the details and consider signing up today before official promotions begin next week and the group fills up! 



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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author of books, a Christian Literary Agent and the Director of COMPEL Pro Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books