SLL Study Week 1 – Blog Hop Friday!

I hope this first week of the study has opened your eyes to how toxic stress can be on your life, your body, and your walk with Christ. If you got behind in the reading already – no worries! Just try to get through the first couple chapters this weekend. It might even do you good to set a little time aside to relax and read, and de-stress! Just sayin.

Today is the first Stress Less Blog Hop and I cannot WAIT to read all the words of wisdom of all the amazing bloggers and see how we can take our discussions on stress this week one step further, and dig deeper and wider into God’s Word!

If you have prepared a blog post, please link it up below and make plans to interact with people who visit your blogs! (You have until Sunday evening to link up your blog, so make sure you get your URL linked up by then so we don’t miss the opportunity to be encouraged by the words God has laid on your heart.)

If you’re not a blogger, just click on the individual blog thumbnails under today’s post to read the posts at each site, and be encouraged and inspired to start this journey to less stress off on the right foot!

This week’s topics for blog posts are as follows: 

  • Our hearts are sick when they’re burdened with stress, and Jesus is the eternal healer of hearts.
  • Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. John 14:27 
  • For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. 1 Corinthians 3:17b


** The winner of Wednesday’s Double Book Giveaway is Becky, who posted at 10:24pm 9/16/15


  1. Rachelle Craig on Friday, September 18, 2015 at 8:43 am

    Hi Tracie:

    I just want to say thank you for this book! I knew I would be in for a great experience when you announced this study, but I did not know how perfect the timing would be. Let me just say, this study has come just in time to prepare me on how to deal with what could have been the most stressful time of my life, but with this study going on, I have been able to find peace every day. God is so amazing with His perfect timing. I know this study was no accident. 🙂 So again, thank you! <3

    Rachelle Craig

    • Tracie on Friday, September 18, 2015 at 11:43 am

      Thank you Rachelle! Its such a blessing to see God using the study in people’s lives, especially at just the right time they needed it. Thanks and God bless!

  2. denise on Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    can I join the blog hop if I am not doing the study?

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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