Stop Asking “if” and “how” … Trust In The “when”

You might remember Job in the Bible. The man I mentioned today in my Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today devotion titled, God Can Restore What’s Been Lost and Broken.

Job had literally lost every thing and everyone he held dear. He went from rich to poor, from having a houseful of children to having none at all, from being respected and honored to judged and criticized. He went from living a joy filled life where everything seemed to be going great, to a life filled with heartache and devastation where nothing was remotely great. He went from being a man of hope and joy to a man consumed with hopelessness and joylessness. He went from being perfectly healthy to skin covered with boils and disease. He went from having a strong marriage to one where his wife questioned his sanity. All in a very short period of time.

He was so distraught, he even cursed the day he was born, asking God why he would let him live instead of letting him die in the womb, especially when God knew what pain would happen in this life. (Job 3:1) I haven’t experienced anywhere near the hardships Job had to endure, but I have certainly experienced the devastation of life draining hopelessness and sadness. Maybe you have too.

As we continue to read through the book of Job, we read about him fretting, stressing, complaining, wailing, and despairing. All understandably so. Been there done that too. But God rebukes Job’s questioning of His ways and eventually Job realizes how his losses have affected his heart. He boldly repents and surrenders to God’s will. Then finally, in Job 42, we see the miracle take place. Job 42:10b says “the Lord restored his fortunes. In fact, the Lord gave him twice as much as before!” Job focused on praising God even in the midst of his pain, repented of his doubts and questioning of God’s ways, surrendered to God’s ways, and over time, everything he had lost was restored to more than he had in the first place.

It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen. This story has been a lifeline for me the last few years. Believing restoration can happen in my own life is what has kept my faith strong, especially on those days when doubts of God’s goodness threatened to overshadow my hope. But once I chose to trust God and stop doubting His ways, I began to see His restoration happening.

All that was lost or broken in my life has not been completely restored yet, but you know what? God has restored what matters most  — my hope in His promise that He will always faithfully provide and protect without fail. I’ve learned to stop wondering if God will provide, heal and restore, or even concern myself with how He might do so, and instead intentionally keep my focus on when.  If and how thoughts open a crack for the enemy to fill us with doubts and worry, while when thoughts fill us with unwavering hope that healing and restoration will happen in His perfect timing and in His perfect ways.

I can’t even begin to list the countless ways God has provided for me and my kids. From opening an incredible door to work at a job I love even after many years as a stay at home mom, to amazing ways of providing for our financial needs and basic necessities – all of which were nothing short of supernatural miracles that cannot be logically explained – God has proven Himself faithful in every single way!  Much like Job, it took me months of suffering to truly begin to see God in the midst of it all. Not because He wasn’t there all along, but simply because my heart needed to reach the point where I started trusting in the when and surrendering my doubts and fears, and stop obsessing over if or how He would.

In my Proverbs 31 devotion today, I shared about an unforgettable dream I had one night which changed the trajectory of my life. It was a dream with a divine message from my heavenly Father. One that helped me see how obsessed I had been with expecting God to explain the if’s and how’s and trying to carry all of my problems, rather than surrendering them to Him fully and trusting in His when’s for handling them.

This dream helped me remember God was absolutely capable of restoring what had been lost and broken in my life, but I had to do a few things to open the door for that to begin happen. I want to share those 3 things with you today, in the hopes that you too can starting expectantly awaiting when God will heal and restore – not if or how He will.

  1. Stop asking if God will or can restore what’s been lost and broken. And stop fretting over how. Instead,  devote your energies into expectantly and excitedly waiting for when God will come through for you too.
  2. Let your desperation for restoration fuel your faith, not your doubts. Whatever you feed what will grow. Surrender what weighs on your heart most and open the door for God’s mending to begin.
  3. Trust God’s promises for restoration and healing are true – not just for Job and everyone else – but for you. Believe He always keeps His promises.

Restoration – no matter what it is that needs restoring – whether it is a broken life, a broken relationship, a broken body or a broken heart – is a process which does not happen immediately or instantaneously, and usually not as quickly as we might like. But remembering these three tips above can help us endure our hardships with unshakable joy while trusting not only God’s ability to restore, but His desire to do so in the lives of those whom He loves.

What is it you are waiting for God to restore today? How can claiming these 3 tips every day help you hang onto hope and joy while waiting for God to mend your brokenness? Leave a comment here.


Today’s Proverbs 31 devotion and blog post are partially excerpted from my new book Love Life Again: Finding Joy When Life Is Hard. (releasing August 1, 2018)

If you’re visiting my blog today and not a regular subscriber, CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES so you can be notified when the book is available to order and not miss out on all the freebies with purchase! This book is packed full of tips for how to push past disappointment and hopelessness and enjoy the one life God has given you to live.


  1. Dawnielle on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:24 am

    This sounds like a wonderful book, about the when and trusting God’s timing. I need to get past my brain focusing on the how and the if; when I view things with my earthly knowledge and experiences and not the Godly knowledge of Who He is.

    • Teresa on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 5:46 am

      Tracie, this is exactly what I needed today. I found out a few days ago that my husband of 14 years has been sleeping with my sister. To say that my heart is shattered in a million pieces is an understatement. I have stayed with this man through some very difficult times. This is a second marriage. I have 6 children who begged me not to marry him. But I felt God clearly telling me to love this man. Everyone deserves a second chance. I sacrificed my relationship with my children and grandchildren for years telling them that he was a good man. He was a Godly man of integrity. I loved him and trusted him. After years my children started to let him in and build a relationship with him. I saw us finally grandparenting together, growing old together. I feel so broken. I am trying to process and understand why God allowed me to give my whole heart to this man when He knew 14 years ago that my husband was going to do this to me… to us. My sister has led a very ungodly, undesirable life of drugs and prostitution and I can’t understand why he chose her over me. I still love him, but I know that I can never trust him with my heart again. I know that I cannot sacrifice my relationship with my children for him again. I want to trust that God knows and He cares, but He feels so far away. I feel so alone. Healing and restoration feel like a dream. I need God more than ever. I am filled with anger and pain. I need desperately to feel God’s arms around me. Your words gave me the slightest bit of hope. For that I thank you.

      • Tracie Miles on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 1:50 pm

        Teresa, oh my goodness my heart is breaking for you. I understand the severity and depth of that pain, but with your sister involved that only compounds the situation. I’m so sorry. :'( God does love you and I believe He does have a better plan for you, but I know it’s so hard to see or feel that in the present moment. You are allowed to be filled with anger and pain as it is justified, but continue to ask God to replace those emotions with peace only He can give. Never doubt that the person with the problem is your husband, not you. Him choosing someone else was not about you at all – it was about him. Don’t let his rejection or betrayal determine your self worth or confidence. You are a beautiful daughter of Christ and He is the One who will get you and your children through this. it won’t be easy, but don’t let go of God. He will not abandon you. I am praying for you and will continue to do so. Many hugs X0X0

  2. Sherri Mansell on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:25 am

    This devotional was so encouraging to me today. I have a son who has broken the relationship with us due to my divorce. He has broken all communication for three years now. Our prayer is that God will humble him and his wife and will find forgiveness just like the Savior has forgiven them. I am so tired of waiting but I know God has a plan. A good plan. A great plan. A better plan than I could ever imagine. Cannot wait till my son and wife come home. Would appreciate prayers for Fletcher & Megan. Thank you again for this devotional. ????

    • Tracie on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:55 am

      Sherri, if divorce isn’t hard enough, I can only imagine how broken your heart is over your son disconnecting. Prayers being lifted up for Fletcher & Megan and for God to pierce their hearts and begin restoring your relationship.

      • Lori on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11:20 am

        Sherri, I will pray for your family. My daughter also broke all communication with me and my family and I don’t see my grandchildren. I know of others that have had this burden on them, too. It has been two years. I finally told God that even if I never see them in this life, I pray that she gets back on the path to Him, so that she will be able to raise her children in Him. That was the hardest prayer ever, but I am convinced it was the right thing to do. I still pray for everything to be alright, but only God knows what His perfect will is.

    • Kathy on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 2:45 pm

      I also have had a sister break all ties from me without a real explanation why. Only that she wants nothing to do with me and to not bother her or her kids. I still send cards and occasionally call and leave messages. I am at peace that I have an open door whenever she wants to come back into my life. I pray she finds the Lord as her peace and strength. She is a believer and needs to hear God’s voice.

      • Candace on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 4:32 pm

        I am going through the same thing also. My older teenage children moved in with my ex (their dad) because I got remarried. Their dad is not a good influence. I rarely see or hear from them and I am so heartbroken. I want so much for our relationship to heal.

    • Rachelle Craig on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 7:15 am

      Oh Sherri, I can totally relate to your broken heart! My son walked out of my life when he was 17 years old. He joined the Coast Guard, got married, had a child, went through a divorce, turned to alcohol to dull his pain, and ended up in jail and rehab before he realized what had hit him. He was away from me for 12 long years. Not a day went by that I didn’t pray for him and long for him to at least acknowledge me in some way. I sent letters, cards, gifts, emails and unreturned phone calls. I got one reply over 12 years that basically said to leave him alone. When he landed in jail and rehab I was the only one there reaching out to him. He ended up coming to live with me for a couple of months, and my granddaughter was 8 years old the very first time I laid eyes on her! Even though 12 years passed, and my son had grown from a boy to a man, our relationship picked up right where we left off. He was always a momma’s boy, and our bond was so strong it was almost as if those 12 years never happened. He is now saved, baptized, and has a close relationship with the Lord! Go is good, and I pray your son comes home soon, but never lose hope! Praying for you and your family! Lori, Kathy, and Candace, you will all be in my prayers as well!

  3. Anna on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:27 am

    Good morning! I needed this reminder. I’m so grateful for folks like you who share their faith across the web and encourage others!
    I’ve been writing inspirational stories and wanting to share them. You give me hope that when the timing is right it will happen.

    • Tracie on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:57 am

      Hi Anna – keep writing and sharing what God lays on your heart. When the time is right, God will most definitely open the door for you to share it in the most perfect of ways! If you’re not a member of COMPEL Training for writers at Proverbs 31, you should check it out.

  4. aracelis Williams on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:31 am

    I want so much to be restored emotionally to my hopeful , energetic self that I was when I graduated HS and had the world before me . Well I didn’t become that successful business woman . Here I am 55 years old trying to find out what God wants me to do . I gave up my job 18 years ago when my only son was born . I don’t regret it one bit but now he is excitedly on to his new adventure this fall and I can’t find a job . No one wants a old womanwhen they can have a bright young one . Even w an advanced degree , it doesn’t matter . I feel discarded , hopeless and well like collateral damage , to be honest . I pray that God will show me where I need to be and to give me an opportunity ! To help restore in me that hopefulness not dread of the future !

    • Tracie on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:59 am

      Aracelis, don’t give up on yourself or God! There is a perfect job out there for you, just keep trusting in His promises and allow yourself to feel excited about the opportunities that are yet to come. The world is still out there ahead of you despite age, so pursue your passions and believe God has a great plan for you in this new phase of life! Stay positive and hopeful!

  5. Amy Morgan on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:44 am

    life has been a roller coaster for me and my children after my second marriage. my first was abusive and I left after 7 years. I was doing well as a single mother and then got remarried. We both needed healing and my husband had some growing up to do. We started out in worship ministry together but marriage troubles and other issues put a big halt to that. The last six months we have temporarily been staying in my dad’s church parsonage and helping with ministry here. It has been a difficult transition for my family and I, but through it all the Lord has done a huge work in myself, my husband and subsequently my marriage. I am so thankful for that. Now it seems as though the Lord is shutting doors to stay and moving us back home. I am excited but nervous. I want my marriage to stay strong and my children to flourish, and I still believe the Lord has work for us to do for the Kingdom together. My prayer is that the Lord keeps our hearts united and works out a few concerns that I have had. This message today encouraged to keep believing that God WILL finish what He has started and that He will keep us in the palm of His hands. Thank You for your ministry!

  6. Faith on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:50 am

    Thanks so much for this encouraging message, Tracie. I’ve struggled with the 3-Ds — doubt, depression, and discouragement — for so long that I’ve started to believe there is no hope for me. I’m a 47-year old divorced woman with no children, working in a job I dislike that I find depleting, and I care for my elderly mom. I feel so isolated, alone and disconnected from others and life in general. I’ve cried out to God in desperation for help and all I hear is silence. Holding myself together gets more difficult every day. My best friend of 20+ years has also walked away from the friendship. The loneliness and aloneness I feel is an aching so deep in my soul that it physically hurts. So many dreams dead. I no longer know what direction to move. I feel totally stuck and God seems distant and silent. I feel like he is punishing me for the mistakes I’ve made. Nothing makes sense anymore. I long to find freedom from the depression, doubt and discouragement. I long for a passion and a purpose. I’ve asked God so many many times to show me my path. But I remain without direction. Like wandering in the wilderness. When will my wilderness season end?

    Thanks for listening and writing to try and encourage those like me.

    • William Pippen on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 12:47 pm

      Life can be so hard. I fell your pain, and know what your going through. Loneliness if a terrible thing. And loosing your friend is a tough one.
      I would like to pray for you. Ok? And I`m going to trust God will come and touch your heart. Jesus said it best ” My peace I give to you. Not like the world gives, but like I give. Don`t let your heart be troubled, and don`t let it be afraid” May the God of creation sing His beautiful love songs to you. May your heart be healed. I`m praying now.

  7. William Pippen on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:51 am

    Bless you/God for this message!
    I`m having hope again that He will bring the ones I love back into my life. I miss them so much. The lines of communication have been opened back up again. Only a little. But still open!
    I don`t believe it`s by accident, but a God thing. You said ” once I started trusting & not doubting His ways, you started seeing restoration. I`m starting to see that. My heart now has hope.
    Thank you Jesus for the message today!

  8. Melissa Henderson on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:59 am

    Beautiful message. I look forward to reading this new book. I am so proud of you Tracie. 🙂 Hugs!

  9. Jeff on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 10:20 am

    Your story of restoration and belief is running parallel to a similar story in my life. What is interesting is that our Father has revealed many of the truths that you have spoken of in your writing to me, also. His miracles are amazing!

  10. Margaret Porth on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 10:44 am

    Over the last 8 years I have been through so much change. Probably not unusual, but it is still a lot. One of the major events is my mom suffered a stroke in 2011. This began a 7 1/2 year journey of traveling back and forth (4 hours) many times a month. She required much care and had wonderful caregivers in her adult foster home. Last August she passed away. It seemed like a complete cut off of some relationships and of course her absence. My grief is not so much all the “firsts” after a death, since we had to go through those beginning after her stroke, but just the emptiness of life w/o her wonderful caregivers and their children and also seeing friends from my childhood. Also……the belongings etc. BUT God………I know I have grown in my relationship with Him and I am so thankful. But I am in a time of sadness. Just plain sadness. Also dealing with other’s expectations of how I should “feel” now (my husband is great……’s other people and my church family). So……..I am clinging and grateful for the reminder to trust. To just trust.

  11. Mary on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 10:52 am

    I loved your message both on Proverbs 31 and the blog! It is hard to see beyond the brokenness and think you are worthy of the “when”. I know that life’s trials help to make us stronger and my my goal is to not focus on the if/how/can but the when today. Thank you for guiding me in the right direction 🙂

  12. Natalie McVay on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11:09 am

    I am so thankful for you and your willingness to share God’s love through your words. Your books and messages minister right to my soul. Thanking God my path has crossed yours. ????My storm is nothing like yours but God is restoring it in His own beautiful way! #when

  13. Laurie on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11:17 am

    I needed this today. I have been struggling so much with fully and completely surrendering my troubles to God. My husband became completely disabled 4 years ago and we lost his income and took on a mountain of medical bills. God has provided in many ways, we still have a roof over our head. In the last 3 years, our youngest son, now 16 has had one illness after another plus 4 surgeries, which have piled on more medical debt. I get one paid off and here comes another. On Jan 8th of this year, my brother died suddenly of a brain tumor, no idea that he was even sick. My stress levels have been so high, I have begun having anxiety, which is a tool of the devil to knock me down even further. I see God’s hand, I know he keeps our heads above water, but I so hope for more than just survival. I am ready for restoration on some level that I don’t worry every second about money or if I will ever be able to retire. I am tired and worn out. Some days, I just don’t know if I really know what full surrender looks like. I was saved many years ago, I surrendered my heart to Jesus at 16, but getting hit over and over with hard stuff keeps me wondering if God will ever allow me to come out of this pit. I pray constantly for God’s help and guidance, but my faith and my patience are weak many days. I know God has used my suffering for His glory and good, and maybe that is what I have to focus on and not my relief that I am so desperate for.

    • Tracie Miles on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 1:56 pm

      Laurie, my heart goes out to you for all you’ve been through and I’m sorry about the loss of your mom and all the other losses you’ve experienced. God does see and He does care, but continued waves of trouble do make us doubt that at times. And that’s okay. But don’t lose hope, He wants you to be happy and enjoy your life and be free from worry. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even when we can’t see it. I have to keep my eye on that tiny light in the distance most days as well. Keep praying and telling God the desires of your heart and try to live with an expectant heart that He will answer them in amazing ways. Prayers for you, friend.

  14. Gina on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11:20 am

    I absolutely needed this today. My marriage is at a place where I’m not sure what is going to happen, I have been so distraught and scared, worried, anxious, sad, hopeless. But He is opening my eyes to so many things. But not only that He is drawing me closer to Him and I am finding Him on a deeper level than I ever have in my life. He is becoming “real” to me. So many years I’ve been a Christian, but I’ve never had this relationship with Him like now. Total surrender and trust has been so hard, but oh the peace that comes along with it. We do have two boys and that has been the hardest part for me is knowing they are confused and sad. But I know God has them under His wing. I just pray for total healing and restoration, however God Wills it to be.

    • Tracie Miles on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 2:00 pm

      Gina, I can relate to the overwhelming fear of the unknown. But all we can do is to live in faith each day and trust God will take care of us. Your emotions are valid, but are one thing we can try to surrender to God. Emotions are powerful, try to be in control of them instead of letting them control you. Stand firm and believe in yourself and who you are to God. He is still on the throne, He knows and sees and cares. Sometimes restoration looks different than we wanted, but it comes nonetheless. I pray He pours healing salve into the hearts of you and your boys and continues to pull you close as you walk this hard path.

  15. Chera on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11:36 am

    I really needed this reminder today. I’ve been fighting doubts and fears, even when there are little signs of goodness. I know I will see the promises He has spoken over my life in good measure. I am truly so very thankful for God working through you to give me this well needed nudge this morning.

  16. Shelly on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    Thank you so much for this! I just went through a divorce after 25 years of marriage. I too felt like I had it all, 3 beautiful kids, a grand baby on the way, and a ministry that was growing. My husband was the pastor of our church. It all changed in an instant just like Job after seeing a text from another woman one Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church. My life change completely that day. However, just like Job, I know that better things will come ! I know my God has better things in store for me if I just be patient . He hasn’t forsaken me through the hardest time of my life and will continue to be by my side!

  17. Allison on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 4:21 am

    Tracie, Thank you SO much for your words! My Husband is having his 2nd surgery to remove a brain tumour this month & he won’t be able to continue working. He will require my full time care, along with our 2 young daughters. I cannot tell you how much sleep I’ve lost over the “if”s & “how”s, just being reminded to focus on the “when” has eased the burden on my heart. Thank you! I need to redirect my fear into my faith and remember God will provide! Bless you!

  18. Geralyn Miller on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 9:29 am

    God is so Good. Waiting for when my son is restored to me and for when God is gonna heal my body.

  19. Denise Pass on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 10:40 am

    Love this post. Thank you. God is enough and He has restored me, as well. He is always faithful, even when our circumstances don’t seem to indicate it. His goodness could never be based on what this crazy life delivers, and His promises were and are my very life. Funny enough, the book of Job has been a great comfort to me during difficult seasons. Our sovereign God uses everything for our good and His glory. 🙂

  20. Toni on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    This post really hit home for me, Tracie, as I’ve been struggling with a recent diagnosis of Hashimoto’s, and autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid. It has wreaked havoc in my life, right at a time when my husband and I are supposed to be enjoying his retirement. I’ve struggled as you described, and at times I feel so guilty for it. I know the Lord distinctly told me to not just pray to be healed, but to be restored. I know He wouldn’t instruct me to pray that way if He did not have a plan to do it. I’m going to pray for strength to focus on the “when” and not the ‘if’ or ‘how’, as I’ve been doing. Thank you! xo

  21. Kenda on Friday, March 23, 2018 at 8:27 am

    Wow, this is so timely in my life and in my week. 2 1/2 months ago my husband of almost 20 years told me he wanted a divorce. He is tired of working through our issues and problems and he needs to focus on him. To say that I am devastated is an understatement. I am hopeful that there will be restoration in our relationship. We are both believers and neither one of us agree with divorce but yet he is making the choice to follow this path. It breaks my heart to see our two daughters, both teenagers, struggle with this new reality. I have been getting caught up in the if God can restore and how God will restore. This makes my mind just race with scenarios and turns to lack of trust. I am going to rest in the ‘when’ God will restore. Thank you for the reminder of seeing what He has already restored! He has restored my desire to surrender completely to Him and to look to Him for peace, acceptance and value. Thank you for the reminder that He always keeps his promises. I am looking forward to your book. I believe it will be an amazing tool for me.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

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