Your Life Still Counts
Are you ready to be inspired and motivated to discover your purpose, and see how God can turn your past into His purpose for your life? Are you a small group leader or church bible study leader and feel this would be a great topic to help women discover their value in Christ and be inspired to step out in faith and serve God’s kingdom?
BookCover_YLSCGod can use You, Not Just in Spite of Your Past, But Because of Your Past.
Many women carry around a deep, hidden, and unspoken sense of insignificance, regardless of how confident they appear on the outside. Regret and shame over failure, sin, and shortcomings weigh them down and make them feel unworthy to be loved, much less used, by a holy God.
Tracie Miles helps women not only recognize that God has a purpose for them, but that He has equipped and prepared them for their divine purpose based specifically on the experiences of their past.
Through her own story and stories from other women who have discovered great purpose because of adverse experiences, she helps women embrace a new perspective and discover the courage to step out of their comfort zones and see how God wants them to use them for great things and has plans to use all things for good. Readers will find forgiveness and healing for the mistakes of their past, and inspiration to step into the purpose God has for them.

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About the Author
TRACIE MILES is the author of five best-selling books and the Director of COMPEL Writers Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Tracie is also releasing a Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Program in March 2022, which is a seven-week study including a Leaders Guide, Participants Guide, and video. She is a monthly contributor for Proverbs 31’s Encouragement for Today daily devotions which reach over one million people per day around the globe, as well as a contributing author to the popular Zondervan NIV Women’s Devotional Bible. Tracie has three grown children and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can connect with Tracie on all social media platforms.