Hi friend! My Proverbs 31 devotion today, titled Don’t Stay Stuck in a Chapter of Disappointment, is likely one anyone can relate to regardless of circumstances.
Disappointment is defined as “sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations.” Who hasn’t experienced their hopes and dreams not coming true at one point or another? Who hasn’t been let down when their expectations didn’t become a reality? Disappointment is something we all have to deal with from time to time. It’s just a part of life.
In my case, and in the subject of today’s devotion, although I’ve certainly experienced my fair share of disappointments, my biggest disappointment in life was rooted in becoming divorced several years ago. I never expected or wanted that for my life or my family, yet, it happened nonetheless. Disappointment and sadness plagued my heart and mind for months, which turned into a couple years, until finally I came to a point where I believed I could trust God, even though His plans did not line up with the expectations I had for my future. The journey is often hard and long though.
Maybe your disappointment comes from a similar situation like mine, or maybe from something entirely different. In fact, maybe this past year alone has brought on more disappointment than you ever thought possible. Due to the pandemic, weddings were cancelled, birthday celebrations avoided, holidays interrupted, memorials services postponed and graduations occurred virtually. Honestly, 2020 can probably be marked up as the “year of disappointments” worldwide.
Regardless of what caused our disappointment, it hurts, unmet expectations bring frustration and resulting sadness can steal our joy. All too often we get so stuck in those feelings, we have a hard time pushing past them and even begin to doubt if God really does know what’s best for our lives. This doubt fueled disappointment opens the door for negativity and bitterness to set in deep and impact our hearts and minds long term.
But if we have to try to look for one good thing from the past year that we’ve possibly learned from all the hardships we’ve endured, it is how to deal with disappointment, emerge from it and build resilience in the wake. Here are a few things I’ve learned which we can do to push past disappointment and cling to joy no matter what we find ourselves facing.
- Let yourself feel. It’s okay to be disappointed, even angry. Do something creative to help you put your feelings on paper, whether through words or scribbled pictures. Feel what you are feeling and know it will eventually pass.
- Talk with others about your feelings to gain perspective. Listen to wise counsel. Sometimes seeing our situations and disappointments through the eyes of someone else helps us look at things differently. Friends can also help you look for that silver lining when your own heart is broken to see it.
- Stay grounded in the promises of God. Don’t forget He has good plans for you … He knows what is best for you and your life … He will never leave you or forsake … He catches every tear … He understands your feelings … And the list goes on. Avoid letting disappointment become a stumbling block in your faith.
Disappointment is never fun, but we all have to deal with it the best we can! Thankfully as believers we have our Savior to help us soothe the pain until He fills us with new hope and peace about what is to come.
As promised in the devotion, enter to win a 3 book bundle of my last three books! To enter to win, leave a comment below sharing a disappointment you recently experienced and how your faith is helping push through to the other side. I’d also love to know which of my last 3 books you’d love to have the most!
Check out these 3 books which are included in the 3 book bundle giveaway! Click on each book for more information.
After being divorced, I decided I was ready to try to date again, looking for a Godly relationship. I prayed about it for months and thought I had started dating a Godly man, but it didn’t work out. I know it’s God’s plan, but it’s tough. Your words and blog posts are so encouraging! Thank you!
Disappointed by family and some friends .. the notion that relationships are reciprocal and others will go to the mat for me has caused me to be disappointed that such unconditional love does really exist , although in my heart and my faith I know it does exist for others
unsinkable faith
Your devotion was quite timely this morning as i work through the disappointment of infertility. I think all 3 books would be helpful to me.
My disappointment is really in myself – my reaction to situations over the last year & a half. Y family has become caregivers to my step mother-in-law, taking her in our home, moving to accommodate her living with us, her smoking in our home for 7 months, and watching her not try to get better. I have reacted poorly. Becoming frustrated and negative is the norm. Yelling to get my boundary across because I waited too long to enforce it has caused much stress. I have become negative. My family has become pessimistic and there is a general heaviness in our home.
“Love Life Again” jumps out at me because I have lost my joy. I feel like I floating from day to day, just surviving. I want to thrive, not just survive.
Your devotional this morning helped me tremendously as I am living with the disappointment of my faith of people I encounter and family. My son had gotten into a bad relationship and started doing drugs with her friends. He had overdosed and thankfully God brought him back through the firefighters works. Once family heard, they blamed me and really put me down. My family has found a way to always put me down and blame me. I also lost my faith in how people care about others. I think all three books would help me.
Your devotional today touched my soul. My mother recently passed away and the pain from that has brought up pain from other things in my life from the past, my divorce, broken family, desire to own my own home. It was such an encouragement to be reminded that God really does care for us and wants the best for our lives. Thank you for sharing your journey, it is a true blessing.
After a very difficult divorce a few years ago, I had finally, with the Lord’s help, moved forward. I went back to work after staying home to raise my 3 kids. In the last year and a half I have encountered so many other challenges. A pandemic while being in sales, the Diagnosis of my son having cancer, a concussion, having COVID, my house flooding from the winter storm to the loss of my job last week. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is good and that He has a plan for me. My prayer is that I continue to look to Him for help and guidance. I believe all 3 books would be a blessing.
I’ve been disappointed in myself when I easily become irritable, angry, or yell with my kids. I’m so thankful for the deep, constant, and steadfast love of my Father in heaven. I can only point my kids to Jesus because I’ll fail again and again.
I have had many disappointments and hard battles this past year. Cancer, loss of a loved one, Covid shut down, job insecurity, mental illness of a family member, declining health of my parents. I could keep going. But through it all, God has been faithful. Would love to read these books. ❤️
After a heartbreaking and soul crushing divorce, never ending cycle of abuse and this foggy looped cloud I still feel stuck in, God has been there along. Now, looking back I wouldn’t have known our Lord or have the relationship and ongoing, growth journey with Him, had I not hit absolute rock-bottom. He was my rock at the bottom. My redeemer, my saving-grace and never left me. Even when you can’t see Him or feel Him, I promise you He is there! Without this crushing life changing dissapointment, I wouldn’t have found my strength in Jesus. I wouldn’t be where I am and who I am, growing to be today, just as He always intended. I would be delighted to read and cherish these books ????
My life also fell to divorce after 30 years. Your thoughts were my thoughts too. I have struggled and then lost my son to an accident. I never have thought about that verse in Psalm’s. What comfort it is. Thanks so much for sharing that. I love your devotion.
Oh Rhonda, my heart hears your hurt. My husband of 30 years and I separated in January 2020 after his fourth infidelity. We also lost our only son in an accident four years ago.
I have found comfort from scripture and Tracie’s book Living Unbroken. Lysa Terkeurst’s books are waiting for me to read once I’ve healed more, but her newest book of devotions has been a blessing.
Praying for you today that you know “what love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.” 1 John 3:1.
I have a prodigal daughter that is running away from Jesus and to the world’s culture. Recently she came for a short visit and let’s just say it did not go well. I have experienced so much hurt and rejection over the years, that my heart just felt empty toward her. I pray continually for her to return to her Savior. It was a long week that was true spiritual warfare. I felt weary and depleted. This is not my only battle at home. I am also a mom to two amazing daughters through adoption, but that too had been a long journey as they process the cost of trauma in their lives. Your book Unsinkable Faith world be my favorite. I have actually purchased and read Love Life Again. It was helpful in seasons that I just felt and only saw darkness. It truly encouraged and lifted my eyes.
I have been trying to work on some weaknesses in my life and at times when I feel I may have overcome or grown I slip up and it’s has been a disappointment and frustration.
Thank you for your encouraging and uplifting devotion this morning. I, too,have experienced the sorrow and disappointment of divorce – and the collateral damaged it causes to a family. Through it all, I am thankful for God’s word that serves as a daily reminder that He is a good, good Father who loves us in the valleys and on the mountaintops! I would love to read all three of your books starting with Unsinkable Faith.
I am currently separated from my husband. He just decided he didn’t want to be married to me anymore or have our children as a part of his life. The last couple of months have been hard, but God is slowly revealing his beautiful plan for our lives and giving me a sense of peace and joy in the midst of sorrow and pain. I just recently finished Living Unbroken and Love Life Again is on my list to read next.
Disappointment happens when we least expect it. When things are going well it’s hard to keep the positive attitude because you know it won’t last. Trusting it’s God’s plan and getting over self pity is the only way. I feel the three books would offer lots of encouragement for those days.
My life took an extreme turn when my husband of 22 years decided that he doesn’t want to be married anymore. I am only 6 weeks into this, and honestly I wonder if I am going to make it. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am praying Gods promise over my family that “he will use our pain for good”. Thanks again, Jenny
Dear Tracie~Thank you so much for your sharing your story and God’s beautiful words to help us. My divorce was 13 yrs ago and I can wholeheartedly relate to your thoughts from the past. It has taken me many, many years to fight back all those sad, discouraging, painful memories and a constant push to leave everything in the past and look forward. I am keeping this email close by for quick reference when I have one of those days of spending too much time in the past. Thank you for your encouragement!
These past two weeks have provided a consistent disappointment in my job/skills. Most of my dissatisfaction is in myself. This devotional reminds me there is hope. Darkness in the disappointment is now but it’s only a fleeting moment. Thank you for the encouragement!
This past year I left my husband of 21 years due to mental and emotional as well as borderline physical abuses of both me an my teenage children. The brokenness of my family has also led to my son especially making some very poor choices which breaks my heart even further. Reading your devotionals through Proverbs 31 has been helpful. My faith, as well as Christian friends who encourage me, is what keeps me going. Living Unbroken is the book I would most want to read.
I have not experienced the heartache of a marriage break-up, but there are daily disappointments in life that can weigh a person down if we let it. These daily devotions help me to keep a positive perspective and to remember that God has a plan for my life and those of my family. Thank you! Unsinkable Faith would be the one I think I would benefit from the most.
Thank you for your timely devotional today. As so many of us are dealing with the effects of 2020, on top of our own personal battles, it’s a reminder to keep our focus forward. I’ve recently lost my adult son to leukemia and the heaviness of this grief is still very real. We are a blended family, I was widowed from my first husband, the father of my son. My second husband and I have been married 27 years and raised our seven children, six sons and one daughter, of which three are adopted & one is handicapped. As you might imagine, life has been an uphill battle for so many years. I’m most interested in your book, Unsinkable Faith, because I know, without my faith, there’s no hope. Thank you for your inspiration!
Thank you.
My sister is my best friend, but she has been a challenge for me. She is going through some of the most horrible years of her life right now, brought about because of choices she made. I look at her and see consequences… I don’t want her to realize she is a disappointment- but I know what her life could have been…
God has given me specific verses to pray over her- Jeremiah 29:11, and John 16:3
Thank you so much for your devotion this morning. This has definitely been a tough year for disappointments and this really spoke to my heart this morning.
My daughter is struggling with infertility. As a mom, it is hard to see her struggle and not be able to help. I would love for her to have these books as she navigates through this difficult journey
I feel like the last four years of my life have swallowed me whole. I survived a divorce 10 years ago and was able to raise my children and watch them grow into magnificent young adults. Six years ago, I entered a new relationship and we married four years ago this month. Since that time, we have struggled with job losses which led to us having to move 4 times and a major career change for my husband. Although it feels like we are finally settling into life, it certainly is not the life I expected when we married.
I know God has a plan and I must trust in Him. It has just been such a whirlwind of struggle and disappointment. I am struggling to forgive and look forward.
It has been ten years ago that my 32 year marriage ended in divorce. With one word from the judge a marriage ended that I thought would last a lifetime. God has been my strength and comfort, but it still hurts and broken is a good word for my feelings at times. It helps reading that I am not alone and I would love to read your books, especially Unbroken.
My Mom was diagnosed with moderate phase dementia a month or so ago. I’m heartbroken that I can no longer just be her daughter……. she’s supposed to be the one continuing to teach me.
Thank you for these words of encouragement and reminder! These last few years have been very hard because of learning about family abuse by my father-in-law. It has caused family division and has been very hard on my marriage. I know I am not alone and that God is walking through each day with me. I am trusting that He has a purpose, and that what the enemy meant for evil my God will turn it for my good. I know that He is faithful!
I would love to win your book Love Life Again as I know it would further encourage and help me as I navigate the consequences of the abuse.
This has truly been a roller coaster season for me. Disappointment with a new job I took, my daughter living in rebellion, and my feeling invisible. Through it all God is being the faithful, loving Father I know Him to be, (even through my tantrums)! Like many of us, I’ve been through divorce/abandonment, and felt the shame of being a single mother, but God again showed up and rerouted my journey. As I sometimes sit back and look over my life, I marvel at the ways He has and is ALWAYS present!
Any one of your books will be a help and encouragement to me. Thank you! Thank you for opening up and sharing your story, your vulnerability and your strength!
This post is everything! I haven’t finished reading your living unbroken book yet but I have been divorced with two children. living in the brokenness of split homes and families breaks my heart. I know God has a plan for us and I’m trusting him to guide me to that path. Sometimes the triggers come and I relive the past at times. It is a struggle at times. I am so much stronger than I was 2 years ago but still have those moments. I pray for God to revile his path for our lives and show me the journey he wants me to take. Thank you Tracie – keep up the amazing work.
My husband and I have recently been through a really hard and hurtful situation in the church we attended for 30 years. It is really hard to look at the leadership that has hurt us so bad and not judge. It is hard to trust again. We need to find a place and ways to heal.
I would love to read Love Life Again, I want to focus on the good parts of life and leave the hard parts behind.
This past year saw the loss of two of my closest friends, setback in school, as well as the decline of my physical and mental health to the point that I struggled to get out of bed for most of the year. Through it all the Lord has so gently shown me that the loss of friends opens the doors to deeper fellowship and finding contentment, peace, joy, restoration, and beauty in a relationship with Him alone. He has shown that He truly is the source of my strength and that I can rest completely secure in Him and His love and grace no matter what. Thank you for being so open with your journey and walk with God.
FInidng the wedding album…..I can relate to the feeling you get in your gut when your eyes fall upon that. Turning to God’s word is the only thing that has helped me in the last 4 years since my divorce. He has been with me thru the tears and is with me as the Son is shining again on me!!
Waiting for the judge to sign the papers so my unwanted divorce is final. Just moved states on Tuesday to be closer to family, and my kids left this morning for their first 5 day stretch of parenting by Dad. But God has shown up in all of this. Providing a house for me. Giving me peace. He’s shown up through friends being His hands and feet-packing boxes with me, a surprise drop off of ChickFilA catering on move in day, neighbors who mowed my grass, parents who dropped everything to help.
I’d love to read Living Unbroken
I was married a year ago in May, and this first year has been filled with disappointments. Being older than my husband, I feel like I’m raising a child, he is immature spiritually, and emotionally. Only by the grace of God and His word I stand on being His child and the strength He gives me. I am learning that I need to feel my feelings and then surrender them to God. What a journey, that you for your encouragement today ????
I would like to read love life again. After having
Kids and putting my career on hold and stopping my education I feel I could really use this book. I also would like to give the book Living Unbroken to my cousin. Going through a divorce with five kids and having an extremely hard time.
Thank you for being so raw in your devotional this morning. I am recently divorced and never thought I would be where I am today. Honestly, I am still struggling with the reality of it all. I know that God is good and has a plan and trying to embrace that daily. I am so very thankful for people like you that are willing to share your journey and your road to healing.
My husband left me last fall and it has been a very difficult time. I would love to read the book about finding joy again. It is hard to leave the disappointment behind.
I just lost my grandmother on Monday and I have been grieving and reading the devotionals this week and they have helped to change my perspective on her passing. This part of my life was shattered to dust so that God can make something new in my life. The tears have finally slowed, but I can’t help but feel the disappointment but I know that I have to trust in God and allow His plan to follow through, whatever it may be. I do feel joy when I think about the good memories that I have of her and I am focusing on that.
I have a similar road that you have had. My biggest disappointment was 3 years ago when my husband (now ex) decided he was done trying in our marriage and walked away (with someone already in his arms, I should add). After almost 19 years of trying to make it work he quit. Currently my biggest struggle is how he treats our children and what they are going through. Their dad prioritizes her kids over his own and it breaks my heart. I don’t struggle so much with being divorced now ( I often have to remind myself that he cheated about a dozen times that I’m aware of and I should be glad I don’t have to worry about that anymore). God has truly stepped in and given me everything I need to survive and thrive. There are days I do struggle though, when I see him with a new car and I’m driving my 10 year old car with a broken AC. Satan sure knows how to make you feel small. I haven’t read your newest book, Living Unbroken. That is the one I’d like to read or give to my good friend that is going through the same circumstances. I love following you Tracie and am pretty sure if you lived in my little Kansas farming community we’d be pretty good friends.
After getting married late in life and stepping into a blended family, things did not go quite as we planned. Out of respect for my husband I can’t put it into words here but the past three years have been the hardest I have ever experienced and it’s not at all what I thought it would be like. I am trying to remember that God has a plan for us and He is using this to mold us into who he wants use to be but the pain of the situation runs so very deep. I think the most helpful book for me right now would be Unsinkable Faith.
I am currently dealing with rejection from my teenage daughter, whom we adopted when she was 11 months old. This dynamic has reminded me of my own rejection of my Heavenly Father at times. Right now, everything we have tried has been unsuccessful with her. I am very aware that nothing in my power or control can change her heart or our situation. I am reminded that all I truly have (or need) is Jesus as I cling to my faith and push forward through this season. “Love Life Again” is 100% what I need right now, as I struggle to reclaim my joy and happiness.
My most recent disappointment was the end of my 5 year marriage (7 yrs total)!. I didn’t really see it coming and I didn’t want to divorce. However, in hindsight it was all in Gods plan for me because there were several things I have found out later. God is my protector.
I have already read Living Unbroken so would love to read either of the other two below!!
For the last 5 years my husband has suffered with much pain from a Worker’s Comp injury. It’s been a long hard road to say the least. I am believing in a miracle because I know God will do it for him. I try not to show the heartache I go through to him. It hurts me so much that he is in pain every day. Living Unbroken would be the book I would choose.
I would love to share these books with friends who are hurting! Thank you for the new section on the website that will make it easier to find resources when we want to help those around us.
Last weekend my husband dropped a bomb on me and announced that he was filing for divorce. It came out of no where for me. My entire life has flipped upside down this past week, but I’m reminding myself each day that God has great plans for my future. Thank you for sharing the resources you mentioned above. I think Living Unbroken could be especially helpful for me right now. I’m so grateful that I stumbled upon this devotion today.
My husband and I have been separated for almost ten months and the marriage will be over by the end of the year. Although this is a hard time for myself and my children, God has always provided for and taken care of me. Living Unbroken seems to be written for this time in my life.
I have been in a season of disappointment for several months. My best friend passed away in September after receiving a heart transplant. The day he was to be released to come home he suddenly developed complications and passed away. I had to close my business at the end of the year due to the financial challenges presented by Covid. I was diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis in March and both of my parents are dealing with cancer and my father will pass away within a year. I know Father God has a plan but sometimes it just feels like too much. I’d love to read all of these books to help set my mind on things above.
As a 72 year old widow, I thought I had found Gods ideal man for me, and thought he felt the same way about me. But it was not to be, and my heart was broken ! Your devotional today couldn’t have been more perfect for me as I am grieving this loss! I know I have to move past this disappointment and know that God has a plan for me. “Love Life Again” sounds like a book that would help me through this difficult time.
The devotion & this blog post this morning spoke to my soul! It is so hard to not sink into doubt & depression over things I cannot control in my life. Areas that I had previously envisioned flowing towards a more desirable outcome.
I am learning to channel those failures into focusing on the wellness my body deserves like jumping into exercising & meditating for self care. And of course benefiting greatly from diving into fabulous devotionals that help heal the mind and bring Unsinkable Faith (checking out the free challenge next!).
Thank you Tracie for offering words or kindness & faith filled guidance for those of us who may still be wading in the trenches, searching for the light beyond the disappointment!
My small disappointment lately is getting my first speeding ticket. It overwhelmed me for the past month and after reading these devotions from you and proverbs31.org, I felt like it put me at peace with my disappointing regret I had happen. Now, I look at this regret as a way God was stopping me on the road before something bad happened and to become more aware of my speed when passing someone next time. I believe He redirected my faith back to Him through prayer, these devotions, and even speaking with my counselor.
I’m brand new to Proverbs 31 ministry and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m currently working through a separation after a 34 year marriage. This disappointment hurts worse than anything I’ve experienced, and that’s saying something! Since I started following Proverbs 31 ministry, I feel like I can come up for air, for reassurance and focus on the One who has been there all along. I don’t know how my journey ends with my marriage, but I have a pretty good idea, unfortunately. Handing it over to the Master Planner has helped immensely. This book bundle would be a wonderful addition to God’s word that I’m already clinging to. Sincerely thankful for your words this morning, and to the Proverbs 31 ministry. ♥️
Last year was the best and the worst year of my life. COVID aside. I had a life altering surgery in which I was completely dependent on others. A month later I finalized a long and painful divorce after 16 years of marriage. It was not what I wanted but I had to follow through to save my life. I was left relying on friends since the family I had completely cut me off. I was healing from a surgery and grieving the loss of the life I had worked so hard to cultivate. I felt like a failure and was contemplating suicide. During this time I was in the depths of my alcoholism trying to drown my devastation. I felt so alone. A month later I had the worst day of my life (it was bad and I’ll spare you the details). In the midst of the isolation of COVID I sought the help of others who had suffered through this disease of alcoholism. I went to my first AA meeting and started attending church. I knew I wasn’t alone. God was with me the whole time and helped me find a group of women who would love me until I loved myself. Today I am 14 months sober, got baptized to publicize my love for Jesus, and have forgiven myself for all I was holding onto. It’s not easy looking hard within ourselves but my savior Jesus Christ is a loving, gracious, patient, everlasting father. He never left me, I just needed to outstretch my hand to his capable arms to allow him to carry the burden. Thank you Lord for I am redeemed. Praise Him in all you do.
Reading through these is a great reminder that when in community, we suffer when another suffers ♥️
Experiencing disappointment in life not looking how I wanted or expected, divorce, childless, far from family, etc. But, have also had to lean on God more in that.
My husband was unfaithful 3 years ago, when our son was only 7 months old. The nature of the infidelity and the lies surrounding it really broke me. God has done a great work on him and he is fully repentant; and we continue to work on our marriage which is a miracle, but I really struggle deep down: it has broken my self esteem and sense of self, I have no self worth, and I am so sad about this being my ‘story’. Disappointment and unmet expectations are hindering me from living the life God has for me. I want to surrender this hurt to God and move on with my life. Your books all look amazing, particularly love life again and unsinkable faith, both relevant to my life right now. I feel like I haven’t really lived in a long time, and I want to for the sake of my son. But my heart hurts so bad. Thanks for the ministry you have, God bless xx
This would not be for me but a friend/family member- she lost her father last week. During this difficult time she found out her husband (my cousin) has been sexting her daughter. This comes after 10 years of her supporting her husband through alcohol and drug abuse (many treatment centers have been involved.) We always knew he would suffer with the alcohol and drug abuse but the current news is a lot. I pray daily for her and know her life has been flipped upside down. She has no one left in her family to help her so I am doing my best. She needs to grieve the loss of her father, her marriage and the many years of deception.
A first time mother of 8 weeks is grieving over the recent death (6 weeks ago) by suicide of her husband who was also a believer in Jesus Christ. She feels “really beat up” and questions whether God can possibly understand what she is going through. I would like the books for her.
This devotion is a timely reminder/confirmation to leave the past behind and move forward in God’s power.
I have 5 grown boys. All married. All but 1 living away from me. My desire as a mother is to have lots of memory making times with my children and grandchildren. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened. Even on holidays. Tradition has it that holidays are spent with the wife’s family. And as the grandchildren grow and get married the dream of “family” time for me is even further away. I have tried celebrating on the weekend before or after but it is always too much to get everyone together. So I just give up. My health has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer host a large group. I have tried going to each son’s home for a holiday but it just doesn’t seem to work out. Everyone is so busy with their own plans that I feel like I’m intruding. I am certain there is no intention of that or of leaving me out. It is just the way it is. I am learning to enjoy the moments I do get and just rejoice in the Lord, but it is not easy. As to which book I’s like to have the most, I think it would be “Unsinkable Faith” because that is what I desire to have. I love the acrostic Faith – fun adventure in trusting Him.
My husband of almost 38 years recently told me he has “written me off”. That is what he does to anyone that does not agree with him or has slighted him or he just decides he does not like or care for. He did not come straight out and tell me – he slipped it into a conversation we were having about our youngest (emergency discussion) I did not realize what he had said until later, weeks later when things had calmed down about our son. I am trying to figure out how to handle all that has come to light. He does not want a divorce but he is not interested in doing anything with me or even spending time with me. He won’t go to counseling or talk to anyone. We spend days passing each other except dinner time when the entire family sits down to eat. I work out of the home, so I do get a break from the sadness. I don’t have to do anything at this time. Just don’t have anything to look forward to in our lives untogether but tied together. Praying he comes to know God, even if he does not love or care about me. Just needed to put it in writing where no one would judge me.
I would love to have Love Life Again. I’m in a very difficult season currently. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 12/16. Chemo treatments began 1/7 and ended 5/20. 16 treatments total only to find out while my tumor responded great initially, it was now growing back. Now I’m waiting for double mastectomy surgery on 6/18. I have so many fears, doubts, questions, but through it all, I’ve grown so much closer to God. The devil has worked on me hard throughout, but it just makes me cling to Him that much harder. I can pout or praise and I choose praise!!!
I have depression and anxiety. It’s hard not to be disappointed in myself and in how life has turned out since I had to drop out of college due to illness. Love life again sounds great.
I find disappointment in the relationships with my inloves. I have faith that one day things will be different.
Disappointment for me, had been with myself and the things I have yet to accomplish. I’m turning 40 next moth and had hoped I’d be married with at least 1 child and qualified as a social worker, as these things are the desires of my heart. However, I have experienced one disappointment after another, which led me into depression and anxiety which often cripples me and prevents me from, seeing God. The mistakes which I sometimes repeat or choices that o have made or were made for me, the abuse I have experienced, the abortion are all regrets, shame, guilt and disappointment which I hold. But God is bigger than my fears, mistakes and disappointments and even on the dark days I can hold on to his promises such as Jeremiah 29:11 or Exodus 33:14, we can try to remember some of these and hold them tight
Thank you for sharing with us and the book I like is: Love Life Again. My 2021 verse is: Romans 15:13 – Hope! God’s got this!
Disappointment for me has been grief over the loss of one of our sons, COVID-19, and all the restriction that have happened to our community and our home church. Isolation and the mask wearing has affected lots of our friends and family.
Although God restored my marriage 2 years ago, I’m now watching my daughter go through a divorce because of domestic violence. She’s now a single mom with a 7 month old daughter. I know she’s struggling with her whole life being turned upside down and what the future holds. And as her mom, I just want yo fix it for her. But I can’t. I know God has had his hand on my daughter and granddaughter through it all, and I know He has good plans for her life. I would love for my daughter to read Living Unbroken in hopes that she wouldn’t feel alone; that someone one else can relate to what she’s going through.
My last few years have been one disappointment after another. I am currently 63 years old. In 2017, my then 68 year old brother passed unexpectedly. In 2019, my 93 year old mom passed, she was ready to meet Jesus, I just wasn’t ready to let her go. Then the pandemic, in October, 2020 my 68 year old sister passed, after being a breast cancer survivor, she got covid and in 2 weeks was on a ventilator and 2 weeks later passed. (My dad had passed at 71 years in 1991). My entire childhood family, were now all in Heaven and I am here. No in person therapy available, and once things open, so many people need therapy there are no openings. It has effected my family, I have a husband, 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren.
This is my life as I walk through day to day trying to take each moment by moment. God IS my Refuge and Strength and VERY Present Help in Need.
After losing my twin sister to cancer and my mom becoming an alcoholic I am constantly struggling to heal and realign my thoughts to see gods plans and be thankful. This was a great reminder- I think your books would continue the process!
It breaks my heart to read these comments and hear the pain they are filled with. It also helps me though to realize that I am not alone in my personal pain because it often feels that way. This pain feels so great at times that I often feel so isolated wondering how anyone else could possibly understand. My husband of 17 years (20 together), unexpectedly walked out on me and our 3 children in November. Like so many others, I didn’t see this coming…life certainly wasn’t perfect (very far from it), but I thought we we’re committed to our marriage. There had been years of pain as we endured the damage done to our relationship and our family as a result of his issues—mental illness, addiction, physical pain, and the heartache and stress of a chronically ill daughter. I have uncovered many lies throughout the years and have continued to since he left. Even through all of the struggles, I thought he loved me and wouldn’t hurt me in this way. I just want the pain to end. My children are struggling and I need God so desperately to help me navigate the ups and downs that I know will continue to come as a result of his selfish decisions. I’m having to start over in my career after raising my children all these years and I feel lost, insecure, and unqualified. I often get stuck in despair and need to realize that God does have great plans for me and my children as He is rewriting our script. I desperately need Him to help me with my negative thinking and tendency to fixate on all that was lost. I don’t even remember what it’s like to feel joyful. God please help me (and all of those struggling here) to fix our eyes forward and on You for the beautiful future You have in store for us. In Jesus Name, Amen. I just started Living Unbroken and I’d love Love Life Again. ♥️
Than you for today’s devotion. I, too, am navigating life with children after a tragic divorce. It’s messy. And hard. And so heart shattering. The worst is seeing the pain through my children. Through tons of prayer support, God has allowed us to experience happiness. See hope. And look forward to a future albeit different than any of us would have imagined. He has provided in ways only He can and that has been a huge strength given to me. Unsinkable Faith speaks most to me at this point. I don’t want to become complacent or take His gifts for granted, but rather live a life of faith that is an example to others in pointing them to Him. Thanks again for today’s devo!
My disappointment is with myself more than with anyone one else or any one circumstance. I have spent my life quitting when things get difficult and only the last few years realizing how fully I have screwed my own life up. College, 2 attempts at vocational courses, 2 marriages….those are the highlights. I’m currently caregiver for my Mom. She has difficulty getting out and about so I dont leave the house much except to purchase groceries and supplies as needed. Needless to say, I have plenty of time to ruminate on my faults, lol. And though I know I am forgiven and I have relationship with God, I have difficulty at times getting past my faults in order to look to the future. I think Love Life Again or Unsinkable Faith would be good for me but I look forward to reading all 3.
I was divorced last year and I feel like I’m doing better one day and a basket case the next. I feel like I should be farther along in my journey. I’ve read Living Unbroken twice and am ready to start it again. It has been so helpful for me.
Divorce, after over 20 years of marriage – when you find out you meant the “till death do us part” but they didn’t. It’s taken 5 years to sort out the garbage and start to believe that I, as a child of God, am worthy of love and respect. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m finally on my way. Living Unbroken would be my first choice to read.
Unbroken would be my first choice to read.
Married nearly 35 years to a man who cheated multiple times. He cheated during my cancer journey a little over 10 years ago and just a few years ago had yet another. Sadly we are certain there were many others and my forgiving heart tried to look for good and honor our vows before God. Many prayers were sent up, we tried to do whatever we could to get him to see road he was on, but to no avail His choices put us on the path to head on collision with the dreaded “D” word. It’s hard knowing vows said and sworn before God broken. Doesn’t matter if had no part of that, all choices were made for me and my family by his wants. Scripture’s didn’t help him at all, he’d take every word of God and place a grace card over it.
I was an military officers wife for nearly 35 years and everything I’d ever known was gone thrown into a new life, alone and trying to navigate through the mine field that accompanies divorce and loss.
Recently I knew the Lord told me to sell my home so I could move closer to my children and grandchildren and help with financial issues. God brought me perfect buyer for my home and I thought he brought me to the perfect house to buy, but sadly my offer was not accepted as others can offer more than I but know when it’s right God will make it happen!
I continue to learn that no’s will come and that’s ok, my eyes stay fixed on him and will stay there knowing he eorr r is all things out for those who love him ????????❤️
Read Live Life Again and was awesome. I would t have enough room to talk about all the disappointment of the last 5 years of my life. Dealing with mama having massive stroke, a divorce after 23 years, both kids graduating and the teenage difficulties, I had Septic Shock and almost died, job working in law enforcement with sexual conduct cases is constantly overwhelming. Yet through all this I am so proud to say I have kept my faith (the only thing that got me through some days)!! Gods plans are always better than ours even when we do not understand. We too often ask why me when we should more often ask why not me. Would love to have some free books!!
My husband decided he didn’t love me after 36 years of marriage. I just finished reading Living Life Unbroken for the second time and it has been the most helpful book I’ve read . I would love to read the other 2 as well.
I went through a very hard divorce 8 years ago and some days it still feels unreal. I did remarry, but I will it was way to soon. I miss my previous life so bad some days but God has worked on me so much. I reviewed your book and read it before it was put out for people to order and it’s amazing. I could see my life through those pages. I only wish I had this was in such a battle.
Great blog! I really needed this today. I feel like I keep loosing and everything keeps going wrong. I’ve struggled with self pity and depression my whole life. The most recent disappointment I’m trying to work through actually happened at church. A pastor said some horrible things about women. I was shocked and hurt. I’m trying to see it as you said a nudge from God that I’m supposed to be at a different church but if I’m honest it’s shaken my faith and created distrust of church. I want to find a new church community but I’m scared and hurt. Church should be our safe haven. Thank you for sharing your faith. I hope to read your books. Unsinkable faith or love life again sound amazing.
Trusting God’s timing is tough. I’ve been through a divorce and have been in a relationship for two years that I’m questioning because my child still hasnt settled into and one I question at times as well. I thought that this was a God send when we met but nothing has been easy. But are things always easy when they are right (God’s plan) or will difficulty be experienced as a learning tool to mold us into God’s plan? I haven’t read any of the books but looking forward to doing so.
I am newly divorced – less than 2 months. My ex has addictions (and has had them for most of his life) that he refuses to face and is already in a very serious relationship. I have felt far away from God as I have navigated this last year and I am ready to make Him the most important part of my life. I want to work past the pain and the hurt and the absolute devastation that I am experiencing and I know I can’t do that without turning to God. Living Unbroken is on my list to buy as is Unsinkable Faith. Thank you Tracie for speaking your truth to help those that come after you!
I’ve had disappointment related to family members walking away from their faith which has been devastating. As a result, I am looking to further my own faith and pray differently for those I love. I would love to read Unsinkable Faith.
I am a new Christian but have known about Jesus my whole life. Before coming to Christ, it was the disappointments in my life that had me walking farther and farther way from him. Looking for love and pleasures in the world to fulfill me but to only be shredding my life into pieces bit by bit. The little girl dreams and expectations were no longer there because of the hurt and pain that over time made me numb to my feelings. How can I be loved by God when I’ve failed him and my family and I was so ashamed and broken. The moment when I came to the end of myself and was surrounded by complete and utter darkness, I found THE LIGHT! ???? ✝️ JESUS brought me out of my pit of disappointments and sorrow. He forgave me and cleaned me up! Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed I try to think back to that moment that my saviour rescued me and remember that he is always with me to carry me when I can’t carry myself. Being a single mother to 3 children I have been trying to learn as much as I can about the Bible and how to pray and serve the Lord so I can be the example for my children. I pray they never go down that dark road I did, but to know who Jesus is and to walk with him. I haven’t read alot of books and didn’t even finish high school but I would like to listen to an audio book if it’s available it helps me to better understand. I just happened to stumble upon your devotional page this evening and it was only God that brought me to it because it was just what I needed tonight as I laid here in my bed. The scripture you posted was right on time.
Psalms 30:5b
Weeping may last through the night,
but joy comes with the morning.
Thank you and God bless
It is hard to explain my disappointment. I am a part of a ministry for women. In the fall of 2019 I was called to head something very important. Of course, I didn’t feel competent. I knew God was preparing me though. I had felt it in the weeks before (they were rough). I knew it was His will so I said yes despite my fear. Preparations went into action. Things started flowing. Then, it stopped. What I was preparing for got postponed because of the pandemic. My heart was broken! Fear and insecurity crept in again, telling me it was because of me. I had no business being in that place of honor. I couldn’t do it (and so on). I cried out to God asking why and apologizing for ruining this for others. I had reverted back to my old, self-conscious self, a place I had no business being. God had called me to be a Gideon, to rise up above my fears. He reminded me that it wasn’t about me, only about Him. I studied and spent more time with Him. So when this weekend got postponed again and again I was more ready to stand beside God when He defended me against those lies. I wish I could say those lies don’t rear their ugly heads, but I can say I am more armored up and ready. God sent confirmations from every direction (from His word, sporadic encouragement from people in my life, or random strangers reminded me) over and over. He is so faithful! We are back to preparing for this weekend. I am confident it will happen because it is time. God taught me a lot about Him and myself in this time of waiting.