Is God Calling Me, Too?

d5.15Happy Friday friends!  If you’re visiting my blog today from the Proverbs 31 devotion, then welcome! I’d love to stay connected with you and hope you’ll consider subscribing to my blog by clicking here!

In today’s Proverbs 31 devotion, The One Thing We All Have In Common, I shared about the countless emails I’ve received from women around the world over the past couple years, who have seen God take difficult or painful circumstances and turn them around for something good in their own life, and for God’s kingdom.

Each of these stories tugged at my heartstrings, but also served to further prove that when God says He can use all things for good for those called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28), He wasn’t kidding.

But how do we know if we are one of those who are called?

The simple answer is this:  if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been called to use your life to glorify Him.

God calls all of His children for unique and divine purposes. It is our choice whether or not we say yes to that call. (click to tweet)

So that leads us to another question … what are we actually called to do?

Although our purposes vary from one individual to the next – we all share one common purpose, and that is to glorify God — by using our spiritual gifts, but also by tapping into the unique ways we have been equipped by God through the experiences of our past.

The first step towards discovering God’s purpose for your life is to believe that He actually has one for your life. (click to tweet) His call is for everyone – not everyone ‘else’. That includes you. 🙂 Once you’ve accepted that as truth, an amazing journey of faith, adventure, fulfillment and purpose can begin.

Below are a few thoughts to help you begin discovering and confirming your divine calling and start seeing with new eyes how God has divinely designed your life for a very special purpose, which will glorify Him and spread His light to a hurting world.

1) Think about what you are passionate about. What do you enjoy? How could do the things you enjoy doing, and the things you are gifted at, to glorify God? Ask for a burning desire to use your gifts for His kingdom.

2) Think about where your passions intersect with ministries already in place, and get involved. Recognize that getting involved might be out of your comfort zone, and that’s exactly where God can do His best work.

3) Look for confirmation of your calling through people and circumstances. When God wants to get a message through to our hearts, and He knows we have open spiritual ears, He will speak loud and clear in a variety of ways. Remember, there’s no such thing as coincidences, only God-incidences.

4) Saturate your life in prayer and spend time in God’s Word. Ask God to confirm through scripture what He is calling you to do, and how He has equipped you to do it. 

5) Take a look back at your life. That’s sometimes hard to do, but God has a divine calling on your life not despite your past, but because of it. Your life has equipped you to serve in a special way that nobody else can do; to comfort others in the way that God has comforted you during times of need. Do an inventory of what you’ve experienced, and how God brought you through that, and pray about how you can use your experiences to help others find hope too.

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 6.03.26 PMAs promised in today’s devotion, I’m giving away two custom mugs with the  Your Life Still Counts logo and theme verse, to put your favorite beverage in to enjoy during your quiet time, but also to serve as a daily reminder that you matter to God. (one mug will have Romans 8:1 from the P31 devotion, and one will have Romans 8:28 from the blog post) 

To enter to win, simply leave a comment sharing one way God has used an experience of your past to draw you closer you to Him, or to equip you to help or comfort others in a unique way that glorifies Him. Winners will be announced and emailed on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2015.

Interested in offering Your Life Still Counts as your next women’s bible study? Click HERE for info.  If you’d like to go through the study yourself online, click here for the Your Life Still Counts online bible study archives.


  1. Aimee Fortney on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:16 am

    Like our Pastor Jamie says, “Embrace your limitations.” Where we are is exactly where God intends for us to be. We just need to dig in, accept where we are, and seek ways to allow our circumstances to glorify Him!

  2. Pam Dow on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:17 am

    I love it when God uses either because of my past or in spite of my past. We all have a story and our testimony may help to free others!

  3. Deb on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:20 am

    There’ve been a lot of deaths – friends, family, who made a significant impact in my life. God used those to comfort me, in turn walking in the truth of II Cor. 1:3-5 … comforting others with the comfort I received.

  4. Kirsti J on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:50 am

    Several years ago I miscarried. The recovery/grieving process was tough. Over the years God has used that time in my life to encourage other women going through the same things to know they are not crazy, they are just grieving the loss of hope.

  5. Hannah on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:58 am

    God has done some purposeful brought some incredibly Godly, encouraging friendships into my life and He uses these daily to encourage me and help me encourage them.

  6. Miranda miller on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:06 am

    Since going through the YLSC study, I’ve learned I’m not the on,y one with a painful past and it’s okay to talk about it. I look for opportunities now to tell my story and to give others hope that they too can change their life.

  7. Stephanie on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:14 am

    I believe that the situation I am going through right now could be used by God to comfort others who are going through something similar. I pray I can be one of those people that shine with the love of God no matter what comes my way and that would bring others encouragement and hope that they can survive/move on too with the help of God

  8. Mary on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:22 am

    I loved the YLSC Bible study. The Lord really spoke to me through the study and helped me to see fully my value and worth in spite of my past. I had still been carrying a lot of shame and guilt around. My desire is to help teenagers see their value and worth and to be able to live from the identity of being a child of the King, not the world’s value system. When we embrace our identity as a child of God it really does change everything. Thank you, Tracie, God bless.

  9. Denise Yates on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:32 am

    Thank you for your word this morning. I truly needed to hear this!

  10. Katie on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:36 am

    After my divorce, I was convinced that my days of God using me were over…I’m still on that journey of healing but have seen how God has used my experience to touch the lives of other women who are going through similar situations. Gods grace and plan is never over!

  11. LRF on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:45 am

    Thanks for devotion and blog. Sometimes, it is so easy to forget God’s promises during the trials, during those “valley” moments/years. God cares, He is working, it’s just His way and time, not mine. Thank you also, for the giveaway. Blessings

  12. Sue on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:47 am

    Thank you for the reminder that this broken jar has a special purpose! I needed it today.

  13. Chelsea on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:49 am

    I’ve struggled with feelings of rejection, abandonment, unworthiness, guilt, and shame more than half my life due to the actions of others as well as my own. My searching for love and value as a young lost girl led me down a path of more self loathing and spiritual destruction into adulthood. However, it was at this point of brokenness that God was able to get my attention and redeem me for my good and His glory and kingdom purpose. I have felt Him calling me to share my passions and messages with others who struggle with the same things, and therefore I started my own website and blog of healthy, wholesome, and balanced living. But as always, when you step out for God, Satan will counter, and he still tries to convince me that my “message” is insignificant and my life still doesn’t matter. That God can’t use me. I have to choose daily to discredit this and trust God at His leading instead.

    • Megan Paat on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:00 am

      Just wanted you to know I admire you & I’m praying right now for your protection from satan’s lies. Keep blogging, keep encouraging, keep reminding yourself of His truths. What a warrior you are!!! Love and hugs from a sister!

  14. Jennifer on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:54 am

    I have been chronically ill for over 14 years. It has been a long journey with many ups and downs along the wah, but God has allowed me to use it to shine His light amidst suffering and comfort others going through the same thing. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  15. Sophia Coleman on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:58 am

    Romans 8:28 has always stood out to me for its meaning and purpose God has for our lives. With whatever I am facing that comes to mind and helps me understand to just wait for God and be patient because the end result is worth waiting for!

  16. Peggy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:01 am

    Being diagnosed with Colo rectal cancer helped to increase my faith as I trusted and believed God for complete healing.( prior to the diagnosis I was the world’s biggest hypochondriac) I know that drawing closer to Him changes to things. Wonderful message this morning.Thank you!!!

  17. Agnes on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:07 am

    I have a few instances in my past that have proved that God has a divine plan for my life. First, at 2 yrs old, I had spinal meningitis that almost took my life away from my family of 6 siblings of which I am the 7th and had my parents, siblings, the church, our neighbors, friends and family praying for a miracle, which God performed and I am here today at a healthy 53 yrs old! I also was saved by my sister from getting hit by a semi-truck on a busy road when I was a toddler. Then at 12 yrs old, I was sexually abused, but have been healed and forgave my abuser, a family member.

    I believe God wanted me to come through those experiences to encourage others that miracles do happen! He’s still working on me, however, and currently bringing me through challenges in my marriage……….

    Thank you for your gift of inspiring us through your wisdom and beauty 🙂

  18. Ronnie Gustafson on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:08 am

    After my husband left me I drew closer to God. Since then my husband and I divorced. God has taken me places literally and figuratively that I never would have been to as a married person.

  19. Jackie Smith on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:09 am

    I needed this today! Am subscribing to your blog! I read this scripture daily..and each time I learn more about it! I would love to have a mug like this!
    Years ago I was called to be a Church Admin….there were some areas I did not feel “equipped”, but I saw (daily) how God supplied someone to help me. I loved it for 31 yrs… older now and have health issues so need to practice what other commenters have said!

  20. Lindsey V. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:16 am

    I have been praying about my “calling” for a while now. I feel led to start a Women’s Bible Study at my church, since there is not one. I’m not very involved with church due to my incredibly busy schedule (working mom of two under the age of 7). I had been asked to serve on teams for retreats before, but it always seemed as though the meetings or retreats were during times I had other obligations (games or work). On Wednesday, I received a message asking me to be on the Fall retreat team. I said a prayer that the meeting schedule would work with mine. It did! I will be serving on team this Fall. In the post above, you said to get involved in ministries that intersect with your passion. This retreat is geared toward women in our church! God is opening doors all the time. His will be done! Thank you for the wonderful post and the devotion. Both have touched me dearly!

  21. Donna on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:17 am

    I have struggled in my past so much with finances. I had come to the realization that its ALL Gods and if I don’t give back to him what he asks the rest of the money won’t matter. This was a huge struggle but God called me closer to him to see his purpose and in return I am freed from the stress of money and thoroughly enjoy giving even more of it away for His glory. He can use all things for our good.

  22. Kathy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:20 am

    I Started reading your book in January and it brought up some issues that I needed to address. I’m In transition from my profession which I knew was a calling from God and where He wants me now. But I feel lost. I Can’t see where He’s calling me to. I Believe my gifts are compassion and encouragement. I’m Hoping to find some answers through your bible study. I would love one of your mugs to remind me that He does have a purpose for me. I Drink coffee during my time with God plus I love and collect mugs. Looking forward to your study!!

  23. Laurie on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:29 am

    Out of a situation of injustice – God drew me in, showing me that I can trust Him for the outcome of any situation – that there WILL be good that comes from hard, painful times. Nothing surprises Him, He is in control, and I can rest knowing that He will never leave me!

  24. A Wynn on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:32 am

    After only 3 years of marriage my husband was diagnosed with a mental illness, an issue which never surfaced before. We were stationed overseas at the time, with no family support. It took a huge toll on our family and caused me to seek God like never before. I believe God used this situation not to harm me, but as a way to deepen my trust and dependence on Him. Although some days are harder than others, God still assures me He is still in control. All things will work out for my good!

  25. Dede on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:32 am

    This is something we all continually need to hear. Thank you.

  26. Rae on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:33 am

    Sexually abused as a child; watching my own mom be physically abused countless times; choosing the comfort of men over using my brain; choosing to end the life growing inside of me not just once but twice; continuing on a downward spiral until I was 22, God reached into my heart and took hold of me. He has given me the privilege of mentoring other young women in similar circumstances, and though my past is not optimal or something that I’m proud of, it doesn’t define me. God does. And what men meant for evil, He meant for good.

    • Sandy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:05 pm

      Amen Sister!! Keep glorifying your Father!

  27. Debbie Herbst on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Thank you! I believe the Holy Spirit highlighted for me “through Jesus Christ the law of the Spirit who gives live, has set you free from the law of sin and death.” How amazingly personal and profound! I know that I struggle and pray about whether my life is necessarily effective, with comparison and with the climate of the church we attend. We are on a journey of small group that is alongside the church but taking a different path. As I prayed this morning, I feel like this is part of the answer, as well as answer to many patients that Iwork with, as well as family member with ongoing illness. Thank you for blessing me significantly.

  28. Barbara on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:39 am

    When my first husband,(my college sweetheart) died in his 30’s I was like one little lost puppy. Because we were very close and we were best friends.When he died I was devastated. I never blamed God,never got angry at God. I took it as God’s Word says God has a purpose for everything and he makes no mistakes. My Faith in God got way more stronger after my first husband died. My best friend at the time had lost her husband the year before. She was very angry and bitter at God for taking her husband. Then a year later was when my husband died. She said you lost your husband and your not angry or bitter. I told her no because God makes no mistakes he has a purpose in everything that he does. I told her I was so thankful for the years that he was in my life. I would see him again someday. There have been many times in some situations that were life threatening for me, but God always brought me through them. I told her God has a purpose for me and I am going to live and see and do what God has planned for me to do in my life. I am still praying for God’s purpose and plan for my life after all of these years. One thing I do know is that God Is Good……..He blessed me with another wonderful Christian Husband and I am so thankful for him.

  29. Susan Pyles on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:41 am

    Our 19 yr old son took his life 5 years ago. He impacted hundred of lives yet we are left with no answers and by faith,sharing the gospel and to comfort those who have experienced the same. My life was turned upside down yet now seems right side up as everything is now seen in a new light; to worship my Lord Jesus with new eyes. I find so much joy to help others find purpose in the mundane because it’s all extraordinary (as Beth Moore says) when living to glorify God.

  30. Liela LeTourneau on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:48 am

    My only son chose to end his life when he was 21..since then I have been able to comfort and encourage other mothers who have experienced the death of a child. So thankful that God is able to work all things together for good !!!

    • Sandy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:01 pm

      Bless you Leila.

  31. Sarah on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:48 am

    God used my broken marriage to give me the most precious blessing in my life, my daughter! I thank Him again and again, every day!

  32. Lydia on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:50 am

    What a beautiful reminder that God works ALL things for good. I am thankful we have a God who is in the restoration business, not the throwing away business! I have certainly seen Him work in my life. He has been so faithful to me. I have been in a very difficult marriage involving abuse and adultery. Also, our 4 children have been used by their dad as weapons against me. It has been gut wrenching to see what they have gone through. At one point their father even took 2 of them from me and did not allow any contact whatsoever for a period of about 6 months. It was terrible but God has used that experience to help md reach out to moms in a special way. I can feel the pain of women who struggle with infertility, or women who have lost custody of their children or willingly gave their children up for adoption. I am trusting God to finish the work He has begun in my life and eager for opportunities to reach out and minister. I am also trusting that He can use all of this to bring good to my children. I pray they will say yes to God and allow Him to work through them. God is great and He is good!

  33. Heather Bleier on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:51 am

    Hmmm…where do I start? Scratch that, I’ll start with the end. Rather than list my sob stories, I will rejoice in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. I rejoice because I have a golden opportunity to comfort others by offering them Christ Himself.

    Going through trials and the pains of this life just plain stinks, but thanks be to God He offers us Himself as our refuge and strength no matter what may happen (Psalm 46:1-2)!

  34. Mama Dee on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:53 am

    I’ve lived under a bridge, survived domestic violence/divorce, and so much more. Through it all, God has remained with me and brought me to today with a message to encourage and inspire others. At 52, I am graduating Summa Cum Laude in 4 weeks and have shared my story many times on my secular campus in the Public Health and Sociology departments to bring life to the statistics. God is glorified! As I leave this stage, I pray about the next phase of my message and what opportunities He will send my way.

    • Sandy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:00 pm

      That is so awesome! Congratulations!

  35. Shelly Green on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:54 am

    I went through several years in a violent domestic situation; not only was there physical & mental abuse, there were signs of the demon (demonic snarling from the other person during times of prayer & quiet on my part. He didn’t even know he was doing it, but said that other people had told him the same thing). Anyway, I stayed longer than I should have, primarily for the 3 children he had custody of. But there was daily prayer on my part to get out of the situation without worse things happening. And the day came when I was able to walk away; I haven’t looked back or regretted it, and have been able to forgive so that I can heal. I am in a safe, stable relationship now and I feel that God brought me through this so that I can minister to others in similar situations. There are ways out into safety. And a heavenly father who loves them and will not abandon them.

  36. Courtney on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:56 am

    I have seen the Lord use 2 heart breaks for His glory. The pain from a relationship and a friendship ending was real, but it has allowed more time in my schedule to focus on other people and has reminded me that I need to be actively giving over my hearts desires to Jesus in order for Him to bring the fulfillment in my life that I have been searching for.

  37. Pam Vitko on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:58 am

    God used an unfaithful spouse to bring my lukewarm belief closer to Him. I loved God and trusted Him but during my lowest point in life I really felt His covering over me. An acquaintance from church let me move in with her and charged me next to nothing. I was in nursing school and had no job because I quit my job to attend school. My husband and I had agreed on that at the time. It really was the hardest time in my life but I was made stronger thru it and thank God for the trials. He never left me.

  38. Melinda Piper on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:58 am

    I feel God has closed many doors for me that, at the time, I wished had stayed open. He knows what He is doing! All those closed doors led me to right here where I am today. I now can share my past stories, the good and the bad, with my 12 year old daughter who by me sharing those stories may help her from making the same mistakes that I did. She’s eager to listen to the stories of my past that led me to having her and having this life. Thank you Jesus for saving me from what I didn’t know I needed saving from!

  39. Harmony on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:03 am

    I was raised in a Christian home yet I married a non-Christian man. We went through 8 years of very tough times due to this HUGE issue between us. I prayed and prayed and he finally got saved on year 8 of our marriage. Because of this struggle we went through before and after his salvation, I have been able to encourage some women in my Bible study in unequally yoked marriages as well. It is never too late and God is always able to redeem.

  40. Molly Katherine on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:07 am

    When I was 18 I married my wonderful husband who knew there was a very good chance I would never have kids due to endometriosis and ovarian cysts that I had, had surgeries for starting at 15. I desperately longed to be a mother more than anything and deeply struggled with not being able to get pregnant. I felt very much like Hannah and cried and prayed constantly for a year. The Lord heard our prayers and we found out we were expecting after that year. Through a difficult pregnancy I delivered my precious son, Gabriel 2 months early after having my water break 4 months early. Only through God’s Grace I was able to carry him those two extra months for his lungs to finish developing and give him a fighting chance. Gratefully he survived and is a wonderful 12 year old! But God did not stop there he blessed us with another son, Nathan and daughter, Katherine. Through the difficulties of pregnancy and deliveries God has given me a wonderful testimony that I have been able to share and help comfort women in similar situations. You don’t know why you are going through trials sometimes but when you trust in the Lord you are able to be thankful for those trials when the Lord is able to use them to help someone else.

  41. Lisa on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:10 am

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 15 years ago, when most of the medical community did not recognize it as a “real” disease. I have prayed for healing all these years but God has not yet chosen to remove it from my life. However, I believe that He has allowed this in my life because it has opened doors to share my testimony and God’s love with other ladies who have this disease. So even if He never chooses to heal me, I will continue to use it to glorify Him through it and because of it! He truly does use ALL things for good and for His glory!

  42. Heather on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:15 am

    I grew up in a divorced household, I still feel like I am working through some of the baggage but God has really given me insight to see generational patterns of sin behavior. He has also given me the desire to stop the pattern at my generation. With His guidance and help I am walking down a path of trying to leave a better legacy for future generations.

  43. Anne Hale on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Most recently God used me to assist someone out of an abusive marriage. Circumstances of our meeting couldn’t have been attributed to anything but God. She is Jewish married to a Christian. She began working in a church Sunday nursery to help pay for her son’s day care. I began working there to help my son’s college needs. I’d been in an abusive situation when my son was two, and her son is now two. I was able to relate everything she was going through with what I had gone through 16 years prior. I recognized instantly when I met her that I was supposed to help her, even at that point, I did not know why. We are friends now and she is away from her abusive husband, starting a new life with her son.

  44. Lori A. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Through the death of my mom almost 3 years ago I have finally answered God’s call to teach a ladies Bible study for our community.

  45. Yolanda on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:21 am

    My father in law died five years ago. It has been hard and the missing is still often so much but it helped me in not holding on so much to earthly things because we’ll leave it all here one day, my mind is set more to heaven.

  46. Candice Hope on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:29 am

    My story is too long to share in a blog comment but I will say God is using me in my career as a Human Resource Manager to be a light to my coworkers. We all have a past but we do not have to live there, our past makes us who we are today so we can go forward and be better and do better. We can not live in a place of regret but rather use it to help others move beyond their past regrets and reach the potential that God has for our lives. I pray that God will help me to let them see what it is in me that is different. The redemption and peace that only Jesus can give!

  47. Stephanie on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Even when I feel that I’m not worthy of his love…he always makes his presence known to me. He let’s me know that I’m his, and that it’s okay.

  48. Liana on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:36 am

    After sharing my testimony with a women’s bible study, a sweet friend came up, hugged me, and said “I am so glad that you are better, and not bitter because of your past.” I was flattered to say the least, but my being “better” is nothing I can brag on out of my own strength.

    In Ezra 6, the Israelites finally were able to complete the rebuilding of the temple. Verse 16 says that they “celebrated the dedication of the house of God with joy.” Later, after the Jewish exiles were finally able to celebrate Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, they again celebrated with joy, “because the LORD had filled them with joy…” (v.22).

    In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul tells us that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. Over the years, many of us have faced “temple destruction” moments in our own lives. Hardships come, mistakes are made, and our temple is battered and bruised.

    However, when we actively choose to restore our temple and ask God for help- he will give us joy. Joy despite the pain, joy despite the shame. He promises us full restoration if only we will turn to him.

    This restoration process is an ongoing one, a task we must take on everyday. Yet, we can take our stories, our past, our destructive moments, and use them to glorify God by sharing them with others.

    We all have a ministry, unique to our lives and our circumstances. And with God’s help, we can be better and not bitter, and strive to draw others closer to him.

  49. Lorrena on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:36 am

    Thank you for your devotion today. The Lord used it to really speak truth to my heart and reassure me that he has a plan for myself and our family. My husband and I have been intentional and set a priority to have quiet times together every morning with coffee. Your mugs would be great for us to read truth together and straight off our coffe cups! We are memorizing the Armor of God in Ephesians 6 currently. I am so happy now to have a husband walking with the Lord. We are going into our 10th year of marriage and it has been bittersweet. The Lord has done some amazing redeeming and transformational work in both of us during this time. There where times I didn’t think we could make it but I stayed commited to my husband and to the Lord. Like the Great Shepherd he is, He saw us through some good and dark times. There is a lot the Lord has taught me over the years and I biblically share with those around me: encouraging wives during husband alcohol struggles, dealing with anger as a young or older mom, forgiving others and ourselves for our past. These are things I know bring honor to the Lord. very soon I hope to start writing a book of biblical encouragement for wives & mom’s. This is One calling the Lord is bringing into fruition. There is another struggle from my childhood past of harm that even though the Lord forgave me and I forgive my offenders but I still struggle. I know it wasn’t ny fault but the sin cycle and guilt knowing what it lead into sometimes I get overwhelmed with it. I know the Lord would use it mightily but it is still something I can’t talk about publicly. Your devotion encourged me that God uses our past for our good and his Glory! I want nothing more then to praise his Holy name with my life! So if he wants me to me open up and share my story to encourge his other hurting daughters I will! Blessings to you Tracie and thank you again for your devotion. the Lord allowed a flood of revelation your Devo and blog post brought to me was amazing.

  50. Lisa on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Just over a year ago my plan for my life took an unexpected turn. Everything I thought I knew to be true came unexpectedly and suddenly crashing down around me. The hopelessness and pain seemed like it would never end. Through that circumstance God has drawn me back unto Him and is restoring my relationship with him daily. At a time I thought I couldn’t go on He showed me that I couldn’t go on without Him. My Church has become my sanctuary of peace my glimpse into heaven. P31 Ministry, OBS, every leader continues to help me not only heal my wounds but encourages me to grow in grace. Thank you for saying yes to God and being a vessel for Him!

  51. Veronica on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Amazing devotion and reminder! Thank you for sharing. May God continue to work and move in our lives as we trust in Him with all things!

    God bless,
    ~ Veronica

  52. Nancy L S on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:41 am

    My mother died of breast cancer two years before I had children. This past fall, at a women’s retreat with my church, we had some small group time for people to tell their stories, and I learned that I’m not the only one! In our group of 12 moms in their 30s and 40s, there were three of us mothering without having mothers on this Earth. Now the three of us get together fir a monthly brunch just to support one another, and we have become fast friends! I love it when God steps in like that!!!

  53. Julie Sunne on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:49 am

    God has used many of my past experiences, most notably 5 miscarriages and raising my teenager daughter who has significant special needs, to loosen my grasp on controlling on my life and to draw me nearer to Him. I now encourage women to thrive in the mess of life by keeping their focus on Him.

  54. LAB on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:57 am

    I have so many times in my life been through the worst of circumstances only to find that in either my response to the situation or my ability to recognize how hard it was; then be able to experience empathy in the future toward someone, I most likely never would have connected with normally.

    My WORST/BEST: Getting married and deciding to start a family a year later. I had done it all “the right way”. Graduated from college, engaged for a year, married for a year. I found myself pregnant just 3 months later after WE decided, while many of my friends had struggled with fertility.

    I was excited! Only to find my husband had changed his mind…he wasn’t ready. He demanded I get an abortion. It was weeks of torture meanness, abuse and fear.
    He almost broke me!
    I finally agreed he could schedule the appointment. I was broken-hearted, devastated and I never wanted to see him ever again.
    Abortion was not in my belief system, neither was divorce.
    I had do it all “the right way”! WHY!

    I burst into tears every time I saw a couple enjoying their new baby together. I had always wanted to be a mom.

    I remember walking my dog in a field by my home, still pregnant and collapsing to my knees in the snow face-down, sobbing, God please help me!

    After awhile, I felt this deep calm and strength! This booming voice in my head, I can not explain. I stood up calmly and decided I would have my son, no matter what my husband said, did or threatened to do to me.
    I did not get an abortion.

    It was the worst/amazing experience of my life!

    I had my son, I stayed married and I had another son.

    During the beginning process of reconciliation, I found myself at a domestic violence center for counseling. I felt I did not belong here…I had “done everything the right way”. I was educated, my husband was an executive, not at all the woman I imagined would be abused…WHY, was I there?
    A woman sat down beside me and after a long period of silence; she said, “I have been here many times but I never stay, I get scared but you seem nice!” I sat with her watching our children play. The counselor called her name and I never saw that woman again.

    We all find ourselves in places we feel are wrong, shameful, unfair or even unforgivable.

    God’s ability to make the worst circumstances turn out for the best in the future is a promise He does not break!

  55. Jennifer Faith Ward on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:00 am

    My brother’s death was one way God used an experience of my past to draw me closer to Him. My brother’s passing woke me up and made me realize that I needed to pursue my passion and not stagnate in a career that others thought was best for me. Thru this life change I started leaning on God for courage and strength. Working thru the emotions of losing a loved one also equipped me to help and comfort others in a unique way that glorifies Him.

  56. D Garrison (Deen) on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:06 am

    God has used every wrong turn and painful circumstance in my life to transform and equip me to serve Him and minister to others. For years he would place brokenhearted people in my path and use the compassion He had fostered in my heart to comfort and encourage others as they healed. He used my destructive and abusive marriage to teach me endurance and to bring me to the end of myself. But the tool He has used dramatically to transform my life is cancer.

    First through my late husband’s illness and death and then through my own cancer journey, God has molded, stretched, and remade me. He has used these painful circumstances to teach me to trust Him in all things. They say cancer sends a message that changes are needed and should be thought of as a gift. I can certainly say it has changed me for the better.

    Experiencing cancer has given me opportunities to understand both the struggles of cancer patients and those who care for them. It has also made me realize that our lives need to count now, not later. When we draw close to God, find strength and peace in God’s presence, and keep our focus on JESUS, we can be certain God will provide ongoing opportunities to tell others about His amazing love, grace, and goodness. To God be the glory.

    • Christy b on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:34 pm


      Remember the first time I told you a part of my story . And how you’ve made a comment in regards to me trusting you and I knew that that was something that God was trying to teach me was to trust others And then later go I trusted you with my whole story after reading what you just wrote I completely understand why I had that the sense that I could trust you because God gave it to me because of who you are and who he may chew to be for other people.
      And then later go I trusted you with my whole story after reading what you just wrote I completely understand why I had that the sense that I could trust you because God gave it to me because of who you are and who he made you to be there for other people
      I have always believed that God puts things in our path for a reason I have struggled with telling my story I for years always left it to where people felt bad for me or felt angry towards people but they didn’t even know
      I know I have a long way to go to get my story to the point where it’s it’s not like that but it’s just this is my story. I take that back it’s not about me it’s about God and what he has done to help me be able to tell his story . so that I can give comfort to those that need it as well . Something that I’ve always felt that I was good at was being able to give words of affirmation to others to lift up their spirits . In the past it was never to lift their spirits towards God it was just with the spirits but now I have to do it because it’s God who’s done this .
      Thank you your story has made me realize that I need to keep doing it I have to seek the places to do that . There are people out there who want to feel needed and wanted just like me and I need to be that person for them . To show them that God is real and don’t ever give up hope

      • Deanne G on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:42 pm

        Christy b,
        I cannot fully express what an encouragement you have been to me. Thank you so much for sharing your heart today. It is wonderful to see how God is working in your heart, your thoughts, and your life. Keep listening and trusting and He will bless many through your life. Keep your eyes, your heart, and your thoughts focused on Jesus. It is with Him that all things are possible. Love to you.

  57. Susan Fountain on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:18 am

    My weaknesses have brought me closer to God. Without him I can’t do it. His mercy,grace and unconditional love are bringing healing and beauty and light into my dark life. Thank you Lord!

  58. Helen on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:28 am

    I have been through many trials. One of them walking alongside a daughter with an eating disorder. The other suffering from anxiety and depression. Another being unable to work because of several chronic health conditions. But through all that God has been good and faithful in always providing. I have also been able to minister to people who have been through the same things I gave gone, and am still, going through!!

  59. christin on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:31 am

    I came from a toxic home, but God provided me with another family who spiritually adopted me add a child, they have been sources of love and Godly grace and wisdom and I proudly call them my mother and father! Good used my broken past to inspire me to adopt. We just received a referral for two little girls to carve into our hearts and family of 3 and we couldn’t be more thrilled. God can, and does turn or past heartaches into masterpieces!

  60. Sandy on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:49 am

    It’s amazing. I can point to many things God can use and has used. For example, I have never been divorced, but I was the oldest child of my parents who were. I have never been a single parent, but I was the child of one and I have four children and a traveling husband. Both of those things gave me a unique perspective on single parenting. Suddenly I found myself with 3 single women in my circle. Two were single moms. One found out she was pregnant and the father decided he didn’t want to be her husband anymore. He was in the military so he was living in another state. This was a new friendship, but I knew I had to stick by her and be a support. I went to every appointment, and I took her to the hospital when the time came, I even cut the cord when the baby was born. That little baby is my precious god-daughter and I am so thankful for her. What a blessing she is to all of us!
    This friendship that has now become stronger, turned around when my youngest daughter, whom we adopted as a preteen, began having serious issues resulting from abuse in her past. It was a very rough time of hurt and frustration, trying to know what the right thing was to do for our daughter. My friend was able to relate and understand because she had been there too. She was a tremendous support to me and to my daughter during the hardest and most difficult times. She, because of her unique perspective has been able to minister to me and my family during this turbulent time. Wow! Only He could orchestrate that!
    God does not waste pain! We just have to allow Him to take it and use it to fulfill the purposes He has for us, to give us that abundant life He promised. He is faithful and He will complete the work He has begun, we just have to cooperate.

    • Deanne G on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:36 pm

      What beautiful examples of God at work. How fortunate that young woman was to have you walk through that pregnancy with her and build that special friendship. Only God could go on to orchestrate that divine reversal and have this young woman minister to you, your daughter, and your family. I was truly blessed by reading your account and seeing the amazing hand of God at work in it all. Thank you for sharing.

  61. Christy b on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:50 am

    I just finished with the study and I absolutely loved it
    I have truly come to realize that I am a person that has the desire to feel needed or wanted . Most of my life I’ve had felt rejected and I think that’s why the need to so strong with that myself . Recently my family has made me feel that way my children and it’s been very difficult . I know that God has many plans for me I have been appling myself to what I believe I am hearing and I keep getting rejected. I am not giving up Hope, it just means I have not found the right one right? I have to stay focused and also always remember that I am needed and I am wanted is God has a purpose for me . I’m doing the study again with Diane and I am just so grateful that she’s willing to do that and I get to have an opportunity to go through it all over again and re-find out more things about me and what God has in store . Thank you Traci for sharing everything you sure about your life god bless you and amen

  62. Stephanie G. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    Thank you for sharing! God has been dealing with me about this very thing. God has brought me out of depression and I know I’ve been called to be a vessel God will use in that area. To Him be the glory!! 🙂

  63. Halona Luna on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:24 pm

    God allowed me to heal and grow closer to him several years ago from a divorce. Many of my life events although believed to to be my choice, I know was part of His plan.

  64. T on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Where do I start? Like so many, in college I began drifting away from the Lord. I got married, I had a child, got my dream job. Everything seemed great on the outside but simultaneously, I was falling into a depression and began abusing alcohol to cope with the inexplicable negative feelings I couldn’t shake off. After nearly three years of placing undue stress on my marriage, my child, my family relationships, and my own body, you would think I’d had enough.

    But no, the bitterness and resentment toward myself and everyone around me continued to grow. I wanted to blame everyone but myself for the miserable position I had gotten myself into. On top of hating everyone around me, I hated myself!

    After completely breaking and hitting rock bottom, I sat and cried out to God, the God I had been ignoring all of these years. My self-worth was gone. I felt useless. I felt like such a failure. I didn’t really even want to live anymore. As I prayed, comfort rushed over me like a sweet hug from the most caring and understanding friend. We’ve started attending church again, I’m ensuring my child knows Jesus, my marriage is healing, and I feel happy again. At one of my first services back at church, my pastor said this:

    “Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul. He breaks our heart to make us whole. He allow pain so we can grow stronger, He sends us failure to make us humble. He takes it all away, so we can learn the value of everything he gave us.”

    God did break my spirit to save my soul. And I am so thankful for that experience. We can all be whole again! I am living, breathing proof of that.

    • Deanne G on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:29 pm

      What a beautiful testimony, T. God is clearly working mightily in your life and family. Thanks for the very encouraging journey you shared with us. I feel certain God has plans to use your past to craft His purpose for your life. What wonderful healing has already been accomplished.

  65. Carol on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    I have had a rough week and this post today was exactly what I needed. I needed the reminder that God is working through me. That I have a purpose and that when I glorify Him even a bad week is a good week. The reminder that we don’t always know or recognize the purpose, but by staying faithful and closer to God, it becomes more apparent and evident in the world around us. Thank you!

  66. Leslie on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    Thank you for sharing this! I was sexually abused as a child & it caused a tremendous amount of destruction in my life & strained my relationship with my mother. Although I’d like to say I’m completely free of the negative feelings toward my mom, they still creep up from time to time.

  67. Kim Mora on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:50 pm

    God has used my past to help other’s – I was co-dependent, in love with a IV drug user, and didn’t believe in my self at all. Now when young girls are in the same situation- I can relate to them and help them understand that God has a plan for their lives and they are righteous by Christ.

  68. Amber on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:54 pm

    Happy Friday! What a BEAUTIFUL post! Romans 8:28 is my life verse. That and 1Thes. 5:18 , use them (my Sword) on a daily basis to attack the enemy, and keeps me positive and filled with joy. Glory to God for the power of His Word! My past insecurity about body image and lies of lust that brought me to the lowest, darkest times in my life, and disobeyed the Lord and got breast implants. Removed them 1.5 years later, after coming back to Christ and desiring His Word and Him alone. He set me so free from the lies, it’s like night and day~ my testimony. I have cried out to Him with all my heart and asked very detailed questions, and WOW He answers and sets us free from all the lies, ALL the shame. A lot of it for me was learning about purity, and learning that godly men are not attracted to lustfully dressed women, many are repulsed and see the lies as Satan. (all temptation is Satan lying to us). The Lord said I would detract my future husband, not attract. About 9 years ago, I met my husband soon after I began to take every thought captive, no lustful thoughts and dressing modest as God’s Word says to. God blesses obedience to Him. Last fall, I shared this story for the first time in a larger group setting of women and was SO amazed at how God used it to help many women in the group. Ladies, He can really use the darkest times of our past (when we are healed) to redeem many people and lead them to Truth. Praise God for His Glory and Truth!

  69. Cj on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    This post really helped me today as I have been wondering if I do really matter to God. Since going through a rough patch over the last few months which included being rejected by someone I was dating because I am a Christian, increasing stress of being a single mother, and feeling unappreciated at work and needing to find a better job, my world has been overwhelmingly stressful. But while going through this I have been seeking to build a better relationship with God. Depression is weighing heavily on me but I am determined not to allow it to win with God’s help and I know that I was meant to see this post today.

  70. Jayne K. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 1:38 pm

    After having experienced failed marriages and hurt, God has called me into the ministry. My life has turned around and become so much more than I could ever have expected. The journey with God has been enriching and fulfilling. No longer do I need to look for others for acceptance; my God is right there for me and cheering me on. All I have to do is turn to Him and trust in Him. He wants only what is best for me. This same holds true for others too. Are you ready to trust in God? I hope so! God is so amazing and what He is able to do.

  71. Melanie A. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    He is still working. My husband got laid off almost 9 months ago. It has not been an easy journey and certainly not one I would have picked, but in this time it has taught me so much. I am strengthening my relationship with God and my husband. I am remembering this passage as I know this journey will take us somewhere great even if we can’t see it right now. God also held my family together on two different occasions that my father battled cancer. We do not always see the big picture. When our faith starts to falter this passage and just remembering that He loves us is a great comfort. Great devotion today and I love the mugs!

  72. Kim Leech on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    My past is filled with shameful, painful stories. From abortion, bulimia, infertility, divorce and domestic abuse, I have felt abandonded by God in the past. I have started healing and realized I have survived because God did not leave me. He gave me strenght to stand and remain strong. My mother is currently battling breast cancer and she is where I learned to have faith and strength. I am still praying for God to lead me to my purpose in life. I know my stories will one day impact one woman who is suffering. I have faith, hope and love.

    Jeremiah 29:11New International Version (NIV)

    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  73. Meriah on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    I’m actually still going through the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to face. I was sexually assaulted 6 months ago, and still working through the feelings of worthlessness, shame, and depression. My faith has grown so much in these last 3 months, I can’t help but reach out to Him. I’m still a work in process for sure, but I’m hoping one day I can share my testimony with others, and show how great God is!

    • Sheree on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 9:57 pm


      I truly am sorry and I know what you are going through. I was sexually assaulted by gunpoint in December 1996. I too went through the shame, depression, worthlessness, guilt and kept asking myself over and over again what I could have done to prevent this from happening.

      I want you to know that no amount of questions you ask yourself will help, they will only cause you to go deeper into despair. I also want you to know that this was NOT your fault. Even if you were standing nude, no one ever has the right to violate you. I never thought that I would come out of the fog, but I eventually did. When I look back, I knew it was all God who helped me.

      Because you are in such a vulnerable state right now, I want you to find a woman of God you can confide in or a counselor to talk to about all of what you are going through. Be raw and open and honest about your feelings. Every feeling. It is important to talk about it, do not bottle it. If you are mad at God, let Him know too, He can handle it. Please, just don’t bottle your pain as it will start to affect other areas of your life.

      Although, I got saved a couple of months after I was assaulted, I took a destructive route because I let it sit in my spirit for a couple of years. I felt ashamed to talk to anyone and I felt that I could not trust anyone not even women. I also felt that I would be judged. These I realized later were all lies from the enemy. I never really got healing and never shared with anyone. They say that people go 2 ways from sexual assault. They either go into complete seclusion and have nothing to do with sex, or they become promiscuous. I went the route of promiscuity because I felt like I was of no value, no worth and why would any one want to be serious with someone that was tainted. I went into major depression years later and it finally took me talking about it to finally see that me being raped, was not a reflection on me. It took years of Jesus pouring into me and me allowing Jesus to heal me for me to finally start seeing my worth and my value.

      Please allow God to really heal your pain. Really talk to him and talk about it. It will help. Also, this is very important. Ask the Lord to help you to forgive the person who did this to you. More importantly, I also want you to forgive yourself for the thoughts that you have been having.

      I will pray for your complete healing and for God to use this for His glory and your good. I pray that this will help you in some way.

      You are in my heart and in my prayers. You are of value and you are worth so much to our God.


  74. Erin on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    I think we can all draw on our our past, whether it be full of joy or full of pain, to offer encouragement and empathy toward others. Our past helps us relate to others on a deeper level. We can share what worked for us and what didn’t work for us. We can offer a listening ear. And most of all we can model Jesus’ example of loving others through whatever they are going through!!

  75. Susan R on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 3:28 pm

    Through your recent bible study and a group at my church I finally feel forgiven and set free for making a horrible choice 28 years ago. It was HARD work going through it but the healing and the light I now feel can’t compare. God is so good and I am so grateful for the love of Jesus and his forgiveness!

    I feel ready to tell my story. In front of a celebrate recovery group. And I feel God telling me I’m equipped to co-lead a ladies group bible study like I went through. If one woman heals from the burden I was under I would be pleased. God can heal us. And he has healed me!!

  76. April Wells on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 3:46 pm

    Thank you Tracie for your blog post today. It was definitely something I needed to read & I know it will be a big help. I was drawn closer to God when I had two people I love out of my life. First was my baby due to an ectopic pregnany & then a breakup. The devil probably smiled at my depression and thought I’d fall out of faith but I found Jesus & knew Him like never before. Now I’m planted (& still planting!) in an amazing church & growing in Christ.

  77. Nadine Holmes on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    In 2008, I had broken my left ankle, and God spoke to me and told me I needed total rest. He also said to me I am here for you. At that time, I completely trusted Him. I was out of work for five weeks. It was hard, but my family and I made it through.
    I am in kind of the same predicament at this moment. I have injured my right knee and have an MRI coming up on Monday, 18. I have already been out of work for one week. But this time, my husband has no income. He has been out of work for almost four years. Please try to keep my family and me in your prayers. Thank you.

  78. Bree on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 4:48 pm

    An awesome and inspiring post, thank you!

    God has used my unemployment to draw me closer to Him.

  79. debra on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    God drew me close to Him while I was undergoing chemo therapy. It was such a cloudy time for me because of all the drugs in my body but I held onto His Truth & Promises. I know some day He will use that experience to help others. This study sounds really amazing. I look forward to this study.


  80. Janel Halstead on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 8:25 pm

    I think God has given me disabilities to encourage others to see those in people(invisable disabilities). I also think I had these to show others to not give up giving they have disabilities and to be encouraging and empathetic to other people suffering or have even worse disabilities or health issues. I think of
    It as a gift rather than suffering through it every day.

  81. Chelsea on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:49 pm

    God has taken this time to use my experience with death to actually speak to me in regards to my calling in life. He has taken my time of unrest to tell me what it is I really should be doing. Though it is hard to make a career change, it is also exciting.

  82. Chelsea on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 1:23 am

    I was just 14 when I felt God’s call on my life. But I He was asking me to do something that terrified me. I couldn’t imagine it.
    “God,” I said, “I love You dearly, and I’ll serve You till the day I die. But I can’t do what You’re asking me. I’m sorry.”
    It took five long years for God to get me to the place where I would say “okay”. And a lonely miserable place it was. But I thank God for bringing me to my knees, because that’s what it took to make me move forward.
    I’ve been enjoying my calling for three years now, and I’ve never been so blessed.

  83. Laurie on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 2:54 am

    I am encouraged by your posts. Thank you for sharing your love for God. Twenty-seven years ago my mom died of a sudden heart attack, shaking my world. But, through her passing, I have come to know God in a closer way, and I do my best to help others to know Him, too. We need people in our lives who point us to Christ. Thank you for being one of those people for me, today.

  84. Dawn on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 10:58 am

    I lost my dad at a young age to cancer, than my mom to alcohol abuse as she became paralyzed from a drunken accident. I was only 19. I was scared, embarrassed, alone and felt no one could possibly understand my life. I felt horas and alone. It was hard to be accepted by my peers. I started to drink and do things a young girl should not do. Than one day I ran a card over with Serenity Prayer on it. I picked it up and said it over and over. I seemed God a little more and found what he wanted from me. I’m now a nurse, mother wife and follower of Jesus Christ. I’m so grateful for who I am and my past. God works in all of us. Amen.

  85. Kelly on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 11:05 am

    I believe that God has asked me to continue my fathers family business… It’s sometimes harder than hard because my husband also works with me & my father is a type A personality despite his continued claims he’s retired! Whether it’s because this how we can connect together(hubby & me) or its best schedule for our family I don’t know but I pray daily & ask if I am where God wants me…hoping/praying I’m where I am suppose to be.

  86. Debbie Lutz on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 11:10 am

    God has created me to be very sensitive, some would say over sensitive. I have a great burden to minister to hurting people, especially those who have lost loved ones. A very close friend lost her husband very suddenly to brain cancer three months ago. They just had moved into an apartment. She found out through an error she will not receive his pension and will have very little money to live on. She also has to have shoulder replacement surgery in two weeks. She is struggling with fear. I want to win the mug for her to encourage her that there is still a plan and purpose for her life and there is hope!

  87. Joy on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    God has asked me to post my poetry from my 25 bout with sleep paralysis incident and how HE has changed my mind set towards Him. Leaning on God is not a crutch it is a privilege and also, it is showing LOVE toward our Saviour and Lord.

  88. Melissa Stokes on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 12:03 am

    When I was in second grade my mom had a baby that was still born. I remember pastors coming to our house and praying with us. I returned to school in a small town where there was no school counselor and I struggled through my grief. I remember failing a math worsheet and my teacher and other students shaming me. All I could think about was my baby sister in heaven. I prayed every night with my mom and asked her what the tingling sensation in my body was and she told me it was the Lord working on me. It was at that point that I knew I wanted to be a counselor. I continued to struggle with depression most of my teen and early 20’s until I was blessed with my son. I ended up a single mother and I asked God to lead me where he needed me. I got my Master’s degree in Counseling, became a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and worked for 10 years with children with serious emotional disturbances. I am now a clinical supervisor and I pray God uses me to help my team serve children. It’s my dream to become a faith based counselor and I pray God leads me where he needs me.

  89. Patricia on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:33 am

    I am praying against bitterness. I know I am wonderfully blessed but I have things in my life I don’t understand. I want to be joyful and know that all things work together. I am praying for content with now circumstances and hope for answered prayer in my future

  90. Debbie on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:49 am

    How can I purchase a mug or two?

  91. Ashley M on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 10:31 am

    Great devotion! I read it on Proverbs 31 website. God has shown me his steadfast love throughout an unplanned pregnancy, and adjusting to life as a single mom. I continue to see His provisions and plan and purpose for my life through this.

  92. Laura Carter on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    I was bullied very badly as a child and I feel God calling me to help others with my testimony. I have no idea how I will use it but I am praying that He shows me soon what my purpose is.

  93. Rita on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    God is using my circumstances right now to draw me closer to Him. My husband lost his job almost 10 months ago. It has been very hard but God has been faithful! I’ve struggled through this & still do at times but I know that even in this He is working for our good & His glory!

  94. Jeanne on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    I loved reading your devotion today. It speaks exactly to what I am trying to do right now…follow God’s calling on my life to use my past to show His glory. Thank you for this encouraging post on how to get started!

  95. Lori P on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    There are so many things that I’ve gone through in my life that God uses for His glory. When I’m in the middle of them I might not see that or appreciate it, but He never let’s me down with His steadfast love and faithfulness.

  96. Ginger M. on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 7:01 am

    I was lost, but I have found what I was missing. I just hope that I can help my children not make the same mistakes that I have made.

  97. Karol on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 10:37 am

    One of my most memorable experiences was when God healed my shattered heart (when it felt like it crushed into a million pieces and there was no way to glue it all together). It took months but He did it- I could not believe the end-result 🙂 esp since my expectations were low and there was no motivation because I understood, if God does not do it- nothing and/or no one will be able to put it [the heart] back into one piece….Eventually it was also interesting but a colleague from work was going thru the same situation- and I was able to use my experience as an inspirational example for her- that even though it may seem and feel dark and hopeless at the moment- God will heal her heart and she’ll be able to feel alive again.

  98. Jamey Holmes on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 12:43 pm

    God has delivered me out of an abusive marriage for 18 years; He used this situation to literally lift me up and get me out. At that time, I was the lowest I could possibly have been and did not see a way out. My ex-husband had me arrested and I went to jail for 24 hours all over a lie that he had the law believing. Kicked to the curb with less than $3.00 to my name and no where to go, He put people in my pathway that were used of Him. He provided me a place to live in less than a week – had my own private bedroom/bathroom in a very luxurious home of one of my co-workers. She literally provided everything for me through God. She was and still is my angel 🙂 She let me live there totally rent free for 4 months until I was able to get back on my feet again. God provided me a 1-bedroom apartment and everything to go with it even down to a teaspoon. I also discovered through all of this pain, that Jesus cared for me and loved me so much. I literally fell in love with Jesus. I was able to obtain a part-time job on the side doing medical transcription at home. I then got my son back home with me – for his dad, my ex, had overdosed on drugs and my son came and lived with me.

    I indeed was still longing for a companionship and I fell to my knees and asked God to send me a husband that would love me and my son and take care of us. Less than two weeks after I had prayed that prayer, I got a call from an old girlfriend from 20 years ago asking to go to lunch. Well, the first question she asked was if I were dating anyone. She told me she loved me to pieces and would not introduce me to a loser and she had a friend of the family that she had known for 30 years and he had never been married, no children, traveled a lot with his business and was ready to settle down. So she gave him my number and he called. We talked for a few weeks and then he traveled 1-1/2 hours to meet me and take me to dinner. There was something really very special about this gentleman (yes GENTLEMAN who literally treated me like a queen). We just clicked and an attraction began. Our third date he already had my ring tone on his phone set to “God Gave Me You”. This was in April 2012 when we had our first date. We were engaged August 2012 and married in December 2012. I still feel like Cinderella to this very day. Not only is he the love of my life, but an awesome mentor to my son. He is a fabulous protector, provider and sweet as he can be. We were able to purchase a brand new constructed home, with new appliances, new furniture and a whole new life. We went on a cruise to the Caribbean for our honeymoon and have cruised for the 1st and 2nd anniversaries and planning yet the 3rd year anniversary cruise. God has literally changed my whole life by bringing me my prince charming who is the most caring and loving individual ever. To God be the Glory – for GREAT things HE has done!!!

  99. Cheryl on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    I love reading everyone’s inspirational stories. I myself am going through a difficult time and have been for the past year. My husband of 23 years decided that he needed to be on his own to find himself. He has made some terrible choices and has lost his soul along with those choIces. I have two teenage children and he has not been very present in their lives during this past year. I feel I have remained strong through this time alone and it has definitely drawn me closer to the Lord. I have struggled with blaming myself and feeling as if I must not have been good enough. I do not blame God for my circumstances and truly believe that all things happen for a reason . I continue to pray for my husband and that he would have a heart change.

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books