
Swimsuits Are For The Fishes

We have all heard the phrase that things are “for the birds” (for example, dieting is for the birds). But I’ve coined a new phrase of my own – swimsuits are for the fishes! I mean really, the swimsuits that are in stores today are not made for real people. If you want to get…

Celebration of Marriage

Yesterday was a wonderful day. My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage. I am sure that makes me officially old, even though I do not feel old. I guess the fact that my oldest daughter is 14 years old, could attribute to my oldness, but I still feel about 25! We had a…

A Habit Of Rudeness

I am frustrated. It seems that everywhere I turn, someone is rude. In fact, I think I must have a sign around my neck that is invisible to me, but visible by everyone else, that says “Be As Rude To Me As You Possibly Can”. Let me give you a prime example of what I…

The Scary Truth About Kids Internet Games

My kids have branded with me the title, “strictest mom on earth”. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the words, “but everyone else gets to do it!”, or “my friend’s mom’s don’t care!”, I would be a rich woman. I admit, that Michael and I are more restrictive about what our…

It’s Never Too Late to Stop Dreaming and Start Doing Find out below how to claim 3 free awesome gifts from me to you!

If there is one thing that never changes in life, it’s that changes will always happen. Whether it’s an overnight change we didn’t expect, or something we knew would happen one day but left us in a season of feeling displaced and confused, change is hard. In today’s Proverbs 31 Devotion, When It’s Time to…

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Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books