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Celebration of Marriage
Yesterday was a wonderful day. My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage. I am sure that makes me officially old, even though I do not feel old. I guess the fact that my oldest daughter is 14 years old, could attribute to my oldness, but I still feel about 25! We had a…
A Habit Of Rudeness
I am frustrated. It seems that everywhere I turn, someone is rude. In fact, I think I must have a sign around my neck that is invisible to me, but visible by everyone else, that says “Be As Rude To Me As You Possibly Can”. Let me give you a prime example of what I…
The Scary Truth About Kids Internet Games
My kids have branded with me the title, “strictest mom on earth”. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the words, “but everyone else gets to do it!”, or “my friend’s mom’s don’t care!”, I would be a rich woman. I admit, that Michael and I are more restrictive about what our…
Keeping Up With The Jones
Well, I have always heard that we should not try to keep up with the Jones’s, but in this case, I have given in! Blogging seems to be the way to go these days, so here I am! I am looking forward to sharing my life with my friends and family and all those who…