SLL Study Week 1 – Wonderful Wednesday

Welcome to our first Wonderful Wednesday!

I hope Monday’s devotion and video sparked some curiosity in your heart, causing you to question whether or not you’ve been seeking stress relief in all the places and if it’s taking more of a toll than you realize. I also hope that the reading you’ve done thus far in the book has opened your eyes to the fact that we are not alone in even our most stressful times, and that being burdened with stress is not how God intended for us to live.

If you haven’t done the Stress Self Assessment exercise yet in the book, I want to encourage you to do that this week. Then keep it close by, so as God brings things to mind, you can add it to your chart and prayers.

This week’s readings talk about how important it is to take care of God’s temple – our bodies, where He lives within us. Many of you mentioned on the Facebook page that weight issues and stress-eating were something you struggled with, so I wanted to address those concerns today. My Facebook Bible Study Group Co-Leader Diana Rockwell was sweet enough to post a special post for you today on her blog, since overcoming her weight issues is her powerful testimony. So please  CLICK HERE TO VISIT DIANA’S BLOG for a special word of encouragement from her today.

Now let’s start connecting with a discussion about this topic of stress by answering one of the questions below in the comments section of my blog (please no email replies). I can’t wait to see our online community begin bonding and encouraging one another!  I pray you’ll get involved with commenting here on the blog, and/or also on the Facebook page where we’ll pose some different thoughts to discuss and do some fun things.

Just knowing how other people experience and deal with stressful circumstances, and supporting one another in our journey, can be so helpful and encouraging! Don’t cha think?



(please leave your comments regarding the questions in the comment section, no email replies please)

What changes could you begin to implement in your life to begin taking better care of yourself – God’s temple? 

What can you do to prepare in advance to better manage life’s stressors going forward? 

Is it possible your stress has been causing a barrier between you and your relationship with God, and if so, how does it make you feel to know that you can remove that barrier today and start connecting with Him and hearing His voice more clearly? 

We’re kicking off our Wonderful Wednesday with a DOUBLE BOOK GIVEAWAY!

Answer one of the above questions in the comment section and be entered to win a combo pack of A COPY OF STRESSED LESS LIVING & A COPY OF YOUR LIFE STILL COUNTS! 



I am praying that many of you will be excited about being involved with the Friday Blog Hops throughout the study, by sharing your thoughts, insight and spiritual encouragement on your blogs about this important topic of managing our stress with Christ and in Christ.

This is a great opportunity to bring traffic to your site, but most importantly, an opportunity to encourage and support other women in our journey to fully experience God’s peace in our hearts.

I’m also hoping that many of our She Speaks graduates will want to get on board with this study and blog hops, because I know God has been working on their hearts and exciting them about His plans for their lives!

To participate in the first Blog Hop happening this Friday, September 16th, please do the following:

1. Select the verse or quote in one of the graphics below and write a blog post about it (or you can link to one of your past blog posts that is relative to today’s prompts (verses or book quotes) in the graphics).

2. Schedule your post to go live on your blog on Friday by 7:00 AM EST.

3. Come to my blog on Friday and enter your post URL in the linkup, and you’ll be all set!

4. I’d love for you to consider posting my website’s page link to your linked up post as well. 🙂

** PLEASE USE THE HASTAG #stressless in your linked posts and all online sharing

If you’re not a blogger, don’t think this isn’t for you! In fact, it’s FOR you!  

I want to encourage you to visit the linked up blogs so you can be encouraged and inspired by all the Godly women whom God has called to inspire others through their gifts of writing and blogging. I know you’ll be blessed, which will lead to less stress!




TO EVERYONE: Please share any or all of the below graphics on your own social media pages!

TO BLOGGERS: Select one theme, quote or verse from the graphics below to blog about for this week’s blog hop. Then come back here Friday and upload your blog link to my blog!  Be sure to check here every Wednesday to get the blog hop topics and link up your blog to mine every Friday through October 23rd.

Bloggers: right click on the image you plan to write your blog post about, and “save image as” to save to your computer,  then share in your blog post and on your social media. 

Everyone: From the blog home page, there are 3 ways to share the graphics:  1-Right click to save to your computer and then share  2-‘Share Image’ by scrolling over the bottom right corner of the image   3-‘Pin’ to Pinterest by scrolling over the upper left corner of the image.





  1. Kyndra on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 8:23 am

    I need to start walking more again. I noticed tremendous improvement in my stress level when I made walking more a priority in my life. Not only did it get me moving, but I tended to notice the small blessings that God gives me–like the birds singing, the clouds floating carelessly in the sky, felt God caressing my face through the wind. Overall it was a spiritually enhancing activity that I need to make a priority in my life again!

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:15 am

      Thats such a great point Kyndra! Any exercise is not only good for the body but good for the soul.

  2. Nicole Davis on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 8:42 am

    I need to start getting to be at a decent hour! This will allow me to get good restful sleep, and allow me to wake up earlier, more refreshed. With more time in the morning, I can spend time with the Lord, and have time to exercise before heading to work. I also need to listen for the quiet voice of the Lord and his prompting me of when it’s time to eat. Instead of eating by the clock, I need to wait until my body is truly calling for food. Instead of food being my idol and my place of comfort and stress release, it needs to be used only as fuel for my body. I’ve followed this concept before and was a healthy weight, but I let food take over again. Above all, I need to renew my mind continuosly and take all my thoughts captive to God, allowing Him to heal me, provide for me, comfort me, and be my All. Thank you so much for hosting this awesome online study. I have hope and confidence that life isn’t as bad as I have been seeing it as.

    • Sandra on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 10:13 am

      I totally get the need to get to bed at a decent hour. Not sure how sometimes 🙂 .
      I pray the Lord gently leads us both in a direction where we can get restful sleep earlier! Amen!

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:17 am

      Sleep is definitely a must Nicole! Sometimes we just dont realize how much our bodies need to rest. A lack of sleep can cause a host of problems with our health and our brain function, and even with weight. Praying God fills you motivation and willpower to get to bed and eat healthy! He will be with you every step of the way. 🙂

  3. Melissa Ann on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:08 am

    I often think when I’m tired or stressed out that I need to sleep more. I also tend to snack more and it’s rarely healthy! My prayer is to 1.) recognize if it’s true hunger, stress or boredom 2.) make wise food choices/walk away from temptation 3.) get back into the routine of exercising! I need God to take control in this area of my life! =) Loving this study and plan to share it with my friends who are going through some big changes in their lives! Thank you!

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:18 am

      3 steps we can all considering doing for better physical and mental health – thanks Melissa! Thanks for your sweet words and for sharing about the study!

  4. Jada Huff on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:23 am

    I need to make prayer time in the morning and evening a PRIORITY!! I think when my spiritual house is in order, other order will follow. I also need to walk more!

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:19 am

      Love that analogy of taking of our spiritual house so that everything else will be in order as well. 🙂

  5. Stacey on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:27 am

    I think at times I make more stress. I ruminate & ruminate over non-issues (I’ll probably ruminate over this comment!) I continue to struggle to let go & let God…so, I continue to seek my devoted time to HIM, and to seek the best of every single situation. Every single time I do an online study, I am reassured I am not alone…thank you so very much for this! It is so encouraging and helps me become confident in the Lord & knowing that in our greatest weaknesses the true strength of the Lord shines through!

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:20 am

      Your comment made me chuckle Stacey – praying for God to help you break the habit of ruminating! But it is good to know we are not alone in our struggles and that even though everyone looks like they have it together, we’re all struggling! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  6. Janet on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:29 am

    Sadly when I stressed I smoke , most people don’t even know I smoke only my close friends. When I’m stressed I run for a cigarette . So I’m a closet smoker . This is one thing I know I need to give up because it usually causes me more stress because than I worry about what it’s doing to my health.

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:21 am

      Janet, praying God gives you the willpower and desire to give up the habit of turning to cigarettes as a stress reliever, and instead seek His face when life gets crazy. Your spiritual and physical health will improve! But in the meantime, don’t beat yourself up over it – or stress over it :). Just trust that God will help you overcome the temptation.

  7. Tou on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:58 am

    I need to wake up early in the morning before my whole household gets up to spend time in prayer with the Lord and to write in my prayer journal. I know it makes all the difference in the world.

  8. Sandra on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 10:11 am

    I think busyness and the stress that follows it are definitely a barrier in my relationship with God. My assistant described me as a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. She is right and it is exhausting! Slowing down sounds good but not sure how to get that mode going.
    Grateful for this study (my book is not in yet but hopefully very soon) .
    Blessings to all in our group today . Thank you for your posts in comments it is encouraging to me.

    • Tracie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:23 am

      I’m a busy-ness person as well Sandra, and I too know it can keep us from sitting and resting in God’s presence. You can download the introduction and chapter one of the book on the books website, if you havent done that yet, until your book arrives.

      Here’s the link (download links are at the bottom right hand corner of home page)

  9. Shirley Schuy on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 10:49 am

    I need to curb my stress eating.
    I also need to start with one cupboard at a time instead of looking at the big project of house cleaning all at once.
    Plus I need to buy the office program for my new computer so I can start the writing project. All these things have been put on the I’ll do it later list

  10. Sue G. on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:12 am

    Without a doubt, I know that I need to incorporate more exercise into my daily life, that will definitely help in treating my temple the way it should be treated!!!
    Most of what I have read so far about stress and what it can do to your body and your life, I guess I really already knew. But sometimes you just need that “kick in the head” moment, where you realize just how much it is affecting my walk with my Lord!!! New perspective, new insight, thanks for accepting me into this group, I’m looking forward to positive changes in my life!!!

  11. Cindy on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:12 am

    I need to start walking again. Like others who have posted walking has always helped alleviate my stress. I also need to eat better. I am not a stress eater rather I can’t eat much when I’m stressed. I have taken a new position in a new company starting tomorrow. It is a great opportunity and I know the lord lead me to this change in my life. I am asking for prayers as I have always struggled with change. I know making better food choices and walking will help, but prayers and the lord’s hand on my shoulder will help ease this transition. I can prepare for the day in advance to reduce my stress. I want to have a better relationship with God and knowing that taking it upon myself to reduce my stress to open myself to a stronger relationship brings me great comfort. My prayers are with all of you that you reduce the stress in your lives through this group and the changes you have planned to help in your journey. Wishing all a peaceful day????

  12. Holly on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 11:26 am

    I need to designate tasks to other members of my family without worrying and stressing about if they will do it as good as myself. I need to fully give my stress and anxiety to God for good. He already knows my fears and anxieties. If I do this, then I can focus on better taking care of myself-God’s temple. This designation of tasks will allow me to find the time to exercise.

  13. Yvette on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    There are several things I will need to change. For all of them I will definitely need God’s help. First I need to come to a place of believing that all the difficulties my family and I have been having are still part of God’s plan for us and that He can (and will) bring good out of it. With the onslaught of problems and trials it has been so hard to believe that.
    Secondly, I need an alternative to stress-eating. It has been the easiest thing to do to distract myself from all the heaviness I’ve been feeling.
    Thirdly, I need to make the time to expend some of this anxious energy by walking or exercising. I used to really enjoy it but now I’m so exhausted from the stresses of the day and running around, doing any additional physical activity is out of a question.
    Lastly, I need accountability. I need someone outside myself to help me remember to put myself on my own “to do” list.

  14. Susie on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    I need to remember that God is always in control. If I take the time to ask for guidance, strength, discernment or whatever else I need before I start any project or task, He will (and does!) answer because I am following His commands and dictates. He keeps His promises when we remember it is all for His honor and glory.

  15. Kristie Speers on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Exercise is a must me for me. I really want the learn how to get my stress relief from God.

  16. Mary Tullila on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    12 years ago …the world stopped spinning. A different lifetime ago it seems. Yet with beauty for ashes… It regained , remained and refilled. Learned how to respin again. From the Grace of His gentle mercy i could live even so. Praise and worship, his mighty reminders through His holy Word, people he sent with prayers and serventhood, and powerful images of nature…. These have become my stress releases.
    Again, one year ago…the world stopped spinning.
    Again… I count the blessings of suicide loss.
    Again….i climb into his arms for release.
    Beauty for ashes.
    I’d rather have Jesus.

  17. Amy on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    my job has become so very stressful that I don’t see a way to rise above it. give it to God is so easily said, but not so easily done. I am completely overwhelmed.

  18. Xiomara on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    I need to do a few things
    1)go to sleep earlier so that I can have better energy the next day, I am affected when I don’t
    2)prioritize prayer and devotion to God before I begin to do anything else
    3) Begin to exercise, get my heart rate up which will boost my energy

    To manage life’s stressors better I think I need to manage my expectations, prioritize and place dates on the week of when I can get it done.

    Yes I think my stress and worries has been a barrier. I need God to help me believe that I can break this barrier through the truth of His word and be able to hear Him and trust that He is in control and I am not. I’ve been discouraged and sometimes have felt the barrier is too big and that I’m the only one struggling in this way.

  19. Tammy Barnard on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 3:46 pm

    I know I take a lot of stress upon myself that I shouldn’t. I’ve always been a “I gotta fix this” kinda gal since I was a kid. I had to be in order to get through some mighty bad times. I suppose that has carried on in my adult life as well. What means will I apply? Just really trying to lay stuff down and let God tell me, show me(see even now I’m thinking I am still the one that has to fix things) . Mercy, I’m a mess and a half! Enjoying the reading, currently have it on my small Kindle device. Would love a hard copy.

  20. Debra S on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    I start my day with a Bible read and RTW video. Then some pray time with God. Physically, I joined the fall swim aerobics classes at the Ymca on M, W, F and T & Th a friend from the swim class and I do a workout circuit in the gym.
    I would love to be in the running for Diane’s Journal as I already own both books. Tracie, your style of writing fits my mind perfectly. I feel right there connecting to your words as if they were my own.

  21. Kathleen on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    I need to keep walking even when our cold Canadian winter hits. I, too, need to go to bed on time and go to sleep rather than reading.

  22. Laura on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 4:53 pm

    What can you do to prepare in advance to better manage life’s stressors going forward?
    Having been diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer, I am trying to work on preparing things to make life easier for my husband. Right now I need to go back and reconcile accounts for the months we spent in a daze getting our arms around the diagnosis. Now it’s time to put things in order. I may still have a few years, but today needs to be taken care of.

  23. Monica Archer on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 6:39 pm

    I need to get more sleep and exercise.

  24. Sharon C. on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 6:49 pm

    I’ve known that

    I’ve known for a long time that Diet drinks were good for you especially if you’ve had a gastric bypass. I tried so many time to stop drinking them. Addictions are so hard to get rid of and I’m full of them. I started this week to get off them. I have had the worse headache these last 3 1/2 days. It will be so worth it when I’m off them and not craving them and no headaches. I read how dangerous they are to a person’s health. I’m on my way with this stress factor after it’s conquered I’ll go to the next one. Thanks Tracie and Diana.

    iet- Pepsi’s

  25. Maureen W on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    I need to spend more time in prayer. I do my Bible study but find praying hard. When I am stressed my body tenses and I end up in pain. I know this isn’t good for me.

  26. Becky on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    Stress has definitely caused a barrier between my relationship with God. I am a single mom and have to put in a lot of extra hours with work and home. Unfortunately I haven’t managed my time with God very well. Im working on rectifying that by doing some online Bible studies. I do find reading God’s word brings a sense of peace to my life…a peace that has definitely been missing.

  27. Maya on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 12:26 am

    I need to get up early on a regular basis, when everyone else is asleep, so I can engage in my spiritual program of prayer, song, and scripture reading. To be able to do that makes all the difference for my mental, physical, and emotional well being. I need to go to bed earlier in order to rise early, so I need to wind down in the evening which I can do by reading scripture before bed time. During the day, I need to remember that every action I do is an act of loving service to the Lord; not forgetting that. My stress is in forgetting that first most priority; to love the Lord with all my heart, my mind, and my very self. I need to give up wanting to be in control; not being impatient or angry when things don’t go as I’d like, but rather to remember that everything is God’s blessing. I pray to take care of this temple, remembering the Lord within.

  28. Cyndi Upshaw on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 8:18 am

    #stressless I don’t sleep. So the first thing I need to do to help relieve stress in my life is to sleep. I don’t even know why I don’t sleep. Sometimes it’s just too hard to move from the sofa to the bedroom. I need to move. I spend 60 – 80% of my day sitting in the big comfy chair … I use the excuse that I’m working or doing Bible study … but I need to move …

  29. Chelsea on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 10:15 am

    One thing I’ve recently learned is the power of prayer over stressful/anxious situations. I try to start my day with a prayer, praying for God’s peace for the day and that I would remember His presence and remember that He is my rest, refuge, rock, safe place, etc. It really makes a difference in how I feel that day, and keeps me aware. 🙂

  30. Natalie Tull on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 7:40 pm

    1)What changes could you begin to implement in your life to begin taking better care of yourself – God’s temple?
    -This part in Chapter 2 hit HARD, I mean my toes were STEPPED ALL OVER!!!! For the past few months my mom has been getting on me to really start eating better and start exercising because as I am getting older my habits from my younger years are catching up with me. I cant eat all the junk food I did when I was a teenager and not gain weight anymore. Im also not as active. I always reply to my mom by saying, “Yeah mom, I know I do!” Then as I read Chapter 2 God spoke me through 1 Corinthians 3:16- 17! Particularly the part that says, “If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy him; For Gods temple is sacred, and you are that temple.” Its time to stop “talking about” it and DO IT! Even if it means I need to go see a nutritionist or a trainer. I want to please God by taking care of His temple. I want to be obedient. Exercise is a MUST as I start this next week off and I need to start planning meals ahead of time so that I dont just grab whatever is quick and easy! Tracie, thank you for including this scripture, God Seriously used it to speak volumes to me!

    2)What can you do to prepare in advance to better manage life’s stressors going forward?
    -The thing I can do to prepare better is to first of all, STOP PROCRASTINATING! I am learning all about that in another study but, that is one of the big things that I do that causes stress that could be avoided! As I answered in the first question, I need to start planning meals ahead of time, I need to start scheduling my “chore” list at home at the beginning of the week instead of flying by the seat of my pants, and also scheduling when I am going to exercise during each day so I don’t use the excuse, ” I don’t have any time to do that today.”

    3) Is it possible your stress has been causing a barrier between you and your relationship with God, and if so, how does it make you feel to know that you can remove that barrier today and
    -I love that we have the choice to remove any barrier we put between God and ourselves so that we can connect more with Him and we can hear his voice more. This is something I have been working really hard on, spending time with God and making sure there is nothing between us, that everything is out in the open. The thing I do need to work on is being still and taking more time to Listen to His voice more clearly!

Headshot Flipped 2

Tracie Miles is a bestselling author and the Director of COMPEL Training with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  She helps women grow stronger in their faith, pursue the life of purpose God designed them for and live a life of peace, joy and happiness despite their circumstances.

Tracie's Books